Go And Do Your Duty- Hive Backed Dollar Needs Your Votes

in #hive5 years ago (edited)

Hello Dear Hive Community

Bildschirmfoto 20200409 um 14.38.32.png

Hive On Crpotofolio

Cryptofolio and now Hive Backed Dollar needs that you take action.
Only 352 Hiveians have voted for Hive Backed Dollar.
I am sure that we can do a lot better. You can vote every hour ;-)
I just come back fron @ew-and-patterns blog and found out that Hive has been listed on https://cryptofolio.info/welcome/vote

Follow @lichtblick


You can vote for it every HOUR! Not just one vote per person.

Ah that is good to know. Voted again and edited this post ;-)
Thank you.

Yes, we have to together help the hive community.

OK, mein Vote ist durch.


Danke schön. Ich habe gerade erfahren dass man da stündlich ein Vote setzen kann und werde das wohl immer mal wieder wiederholen wenn ich dran denke :-)

I voted on HBD just now. I was 355 voter.
Thanks for notifying us.

Thank you. I have heard that vote can be done every hour.

Yeah.. I'll vote until my sleep.

I'm on it!

That vote can be done hourly.
Thank you very much.

You are welcome