Okay perhaps the gains of Hive are here to stay. I couldn't really explain a $0.60 price point. However now I can. This kind of publicity is certainly going to put a big pump into the price and it is only at the point where people start buying it because the price is pumping that we will get into the situation where there's this temporary rise that will crash down suddenly and so there's this organic part which you know who knows what that is perhaps it's 50 cents where you know you don't care about the price you just want to buy your account get in start using the platform and you're not there to sell later in the next month but as a result of many people thinking that way the price will pump and because the price of pump Speculator to see it's going up and then decide to buy and they will the buy pressure will raise the price further until the Speculator see that it's not increasing by 75% they're following year 2025 and they get disappointed and then they leave and then we have a a drop and it may drop to save 45 cents and stay around there if you know we have millions of Indian suddenly blogging on hive and buying a pipe power for influence to make their votes matter and things it could be it could be a kind of a permanent price change due to a change in the demand side of this cryptocurrency
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