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RE: For Hive to succeed, stakeholders need to not be completely delusional cultists

in #hive4 years ago

"With only 25-30 witnesses on Hive actually breaking even"

I'm rank #47 and make a $20 monthly profit so I think your calculations are a bit off.

"No one, NO ONE, or at least no one with any common sense, will use Hive when actual Layer 2 solutions are available on ethereum."

I mean, if you're inclined to pay inflated operations / transaction fees that are considerably slower with ETH over HIVE don't let me convince you otherwise. Go spend what is considered a decent sum of money in some places per action.

"Anyone who thinks they can "kill" ethereum or bitcoin is out of their mind."

Arguably ETH died as an actually immutable and worth while blockchain after they forked off to cover their asses after the DAO "hack". BTC won't be killed, I agree with you there.. but it will certainly be left to fade into obscurity as far greater technology is released as POW is not only wasteful but favours corporate takeover of chain security.

"Even if one did like DPoS for some insane reason"

lol, yeah DPOS has proven itself to be a hell of an experiment if one glosses over the obvious shortcomings of the system.. DPOS systems could certainly use some more thought and governance sharing going forward.

"Steem network represents the greatest consensus failure in crypto history."

It wasn't a matter of consensus failure so much as the usage of the what some would consider unfairly horded network stake created by steemit inc as a fail safe for them to be able to take over the network if need be. In a DPOS system that had a wide distribution right from the start shit like that wouldn't have been possible.

"Both STEEM and HIVE are a ticket straight down to hell."

Ah shit, now here I thought all the adultery and degenerate life choices were my plane titcket to hell.. Turns out it was my involvement in graphene based blockchain tech that sealed the deal. I'll be sure to send postcards.

"I've been seeing some absolutely delusional comments from Hive stakeholders lately," "So, here are some facts:"

You couldn't even fact check your own facts but to be fair I support your rant and FUD. This whole post made me smile a little bit after seeing how polarized you've become after the post steem/sun yuchen drama. Some of your points or arguments certainly allow for a person to latch onto where your perception of everything sits but at the end of the day the way you've written this post just makes it seem like you're doin' a rage quit pity party while at the same time accepting income from a blockchain you're trying your damndest to turn people away from.
(insert ironic trumpet noise here)

If you're honestly worried about the price trend in HIVE then you're looking at it from the wrong angle. Personally hope the price continues to dump to drive down my overall cost average on HIVE so I can hold a larger chunk of bag ready to catch next years venture capital boom that will come in on the coat tails of upcoming "killer apps" leveraging the zero cost and near instant transaction validation few if any other chains allow. If you lost cash on steem or hive I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but HIVE price ain't one.

All and all good rant though. Shaking out some weak hands in favour of that crypto going to someone else who isn't afraid for a 1-3 year hold until the ecosystem has a chance to build up into something formidable isn't a bad thing.

Anyways, good to see a post from you even if it was filled with whine. :D


Firstly, thanks for reading the post and taking the time to respond. I wasn't expecting a single witness to reply, so that already surpasses my expectations lol.

I'm rank #47 and make a $20 monthly profit so I think your calculations are a bit off.

I stand corrected here. Though if you made 20 last month, pretty sure it'll be less this month. I spoke to a few people, and it seems to vary depending on the setup used. Witnesses that use only one el-cheapo server like on Hetzner or something are still turning a profit, albeit at the cost of huge sync times. While others that run 64 GB servers + one backup + one seed node are likely in the red. Nevertheless, the point stands. The Medalla testnet for Ethereum 2.0 peaked at 100,000 validators. Here, at #47 you're barely turning a profit, and I know people above you who are not.

I mean, if you're inclined to pay inflated operations / transaction fees that are considerably slower with ETH over HIVE don't let me convince you otherwise. Go spend what is considered a decent sum of money in some places per action.

See, this is what I mean. You witnesses are so wrapped up in your own cult you haven't even kept up with the innovations in the crypto space. Ethereum Layer 2 solutions have been here for months and they are amazing. Try Loopring Pay or zk Rollup for yourself, for example. 0.3 second finality, <$0.01 tx fees. But most importantly, 100% backed by the massive decentralization and security of ethereum. Granted, not every smart contract has made the transition to these technologies, but every slowly but surely is. Besides, I'd pay $100 to make a transaction any day, than use a broken, insecure network with a history of critical consensus failure like Hive. About bitcoin, I have similar concerns about PoW, however it's still far more resilient than DPoS. All that said, the bigger issue, again, is the complete ignorance of Hive cultists. It's like the Japanese soldiers that kept fighting into the 1960s.

Arguably ETH died as an actually immutable and worth while blockchain after they forked off to cover their asses after the DAO "hack". BTC won't be killed, I agree with you there.. but it will certainly be left to fade into obscurity as far greater technology is released as POW is not only wasteful but favours corporate takeover of chain security.

The same happened with BTC in 2010 - there were at least two reorgs. Not to mention the multiple times Steem chain stopped. Heck, even Hive had forks on the last HF. Those accepting tx on the "wrong" fork had to roll back. Or the 2016 hack when Steemit Inc took control temporarily etc. etc. The DAO was a one-time event in an early stage that all miners agreed to support. The few that didn't splintered off to ETC. It hasn't happened since, and will never happen again. And to say "Eth died" is absolutely delusional and devoid of reality. It's the most used blockchain in terms of economic activity. Only bitcoin even comes close. Bitcoin is, of course, far ahead of maturity and confidence, and overall active users.

If you're honestly worried about the price trend in HIVE then you're looking at it from the wrong angle. Personally hope the price continues to dump to drive down my overall cost average on HIVE so I can hold a larger chunk of bag ready to catch next years venture capital boom that will come in on the coat tails of upcoming "killer apps" leveraging the zero cost and near instant transaction validation few if any other chains allow. If you lost cash on steem or hive I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but HIVE price ain't one.

I'm sorry, but this is totally delusional. You are sipping on some high-grade hopium without offering a single "killer app" anyone is building on Hive. Can you name a single upcoming one? Can you name a single investor interested in Hive? Can you name a single reason at all why anyone would build on Hive? EOS offers zero cost transactions and 0.5 second block times. No one cares to use EOS, why on earth would anyone use Hive which is basically just a far worse and more insecure EOS? I wish you all the best, and hope your fantasies are realized. Meanwhile, I'll prefer to live in reality, support projects that are actually building awesome products that are generating value instead of destroying it like Hive does.

You couldn't even fact check your own facts but to be fair I support your rant and FUD. This whole post made me smile a little bit after seeing how polarized you've become after the post steem/sun yuchen drama. Some of your points or arguments certainly allow for a person to latch onto where your perception of everything sits but at the end of the day the way you've written this post just makes it seem like you're doin' a rage quit pity party while at the same time accepting income from a blockchain you're trying your damndest to turn people away from.

Do you see the irony here? I'm trying my damndest to wake you the hell up and do something about it before it's too late. You have to accept that Hive is an abysmal solution, the ethereum ecosystem is light years ahead, never mind EOS etc. There's a reason Reddit chose ethereum and not Hive. They are not idiots. People and developers don't use Hive because it's bad. Unfortunately, you choose to live in your delusional bubble cult and continue to believe Hive is better and the unicorns and fairies will come. They will not until you completely overhaul and improve the platform.

I have done my best. If you continue to be a cultist, I'm afraid my efforts have been in vain, again. As it has been for the last 4 years.


A lot of it boils down to cost of development for me personally..

It may take me 100 attempts to get a new deposit daemon to work properly.. On HIVE it costs me $0 to do this aspect of testing where as on etherium I'd be paying well over $100 to do similar testing.. That in itself is the biggest appeal to me. The barrier of cost of entry is low and allows those without the financial means to foot development costs on other chains to still build the foundation of their application architecture on a crypto network without having to give up eating to cover GAS fees. :/


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