
Can't even watch a livestream these days without seeing money pour in from consumers. Imagine all that getting pumped into Hive, daily.

Then I see the traditional oldschool approach being applauded. Consumer money pouring in ETH so artists can get paid top dollar NFT style. Here's the kicker though. With no consumer incentives to hold, all that is is money in the door, in order to pay someone, which means that money goes right back out the door. So they basically break even. That model does not create steady consumer driven demand for the token.

yeah, no shit eh? Never thought about it that way.

HIVE might have it's day in the limelight.. It may not. Love the community here but I think the lack of leadership and having a figurehead of sorts is a detriment to the project as a whole.. We've got blocktrades I guess as sort of the lead guy of things but he's not really the public type figure.

lack of leadership and having a figurehead of sorts is a detriment to the project as a whole.

And you're probably right about that. Even sitting here presenting some ideas, as I did in the post, I just end up feeling like I'm talking to a wall. Nobody wants to come work out a plan, set a direction, make it clear. I don't have any way of connecting to folks who could help. It's been a frustrating ride. I don't like feeling small and I fucking hate stagnation. I didn't write this for goddamn rewards...

The thing is any attempt to become a figure head or the face of hive is met with wild opposition with those pressing that saying "It's run by the community" which is true.. However the community seems to run around like a chicken with it's head cut off.. there is development happening behind the scene.. Sure! But lets be honest.. Most users do not give a flying fuck about API nodes as long as they work.

The current plan is optimizing the back end stuff so it's easier for developers to build on it looks like.. However the end user really receives no benefit to this and it certainly isn't going to get people through the door and spending money. Even when apps are developed on the platform it will be hit or miss if it does anything to bring in capital.

I get it, of course. The vehicle needs a tuned and well maintained engine. When it comes to buying and traveling though, most folks are more worried about the paintjob. But at least you can see which direction the car is going. For most folks here I assume it must feel like driving around in the dark with no headlights.

Good analogy.

And yeah.. I'm in an interesting position to see things as a developer.. Most end users don't really see fuck all being done aside from whatever updates their preferred apps are pushing.

The first thing I saw when I arrived, years ago, from the artist/writer/entertainer perspective (someone who knows the business), was a future.

Now it's like building a puzzle but all the pieces are turned over. The picture will be a surprise I guess. I just hope it's not a dick going up the ass.

Never thought about it that way.

And now you see.