This is my first proposal, and I would just like to say – I have no idea what I am doing. But due to feedback and conversations I have had with the community, I am going to give my best effort to describe my role in the Hive Launch and ask for compensation for those contributions through the DHF, rather than see my posts be over rewarded on Hive.
This is a new frontier we are in and trying to find a balance for rewarding valuable contributions to the ecosystem through both the rewards pool and DHF will be important going forward. We have many individuals contributing to the ecosystem, and we should reward that.. but I also see the value in having other ways to do so that does not rely on content. This is my attempt to take a step in that direction.
Proof of Work
Due to this being a unique proposal, not having to do with code or development, I felt the only way to show my work as well as full transparency was to detail my contributions in each aspect, I was a part of. It is a bit long, but felt it was important to include.
A short time after the purchase of Steemit by Justin Sun was announced, I was brought into a group to discuss options and possible future plans. I immediately took on the role of a “Head of Communications” of sorts and started building a cohesive way to tell the Community’s story. I then used my personal contacts to ensure this story was heard. This resulted in the initial coverage in Coindesk as well as additional articles after.
Detailed Work:
When SF 22.2 launched, I worked personally with CoinDesk and helped to write the initial article that was posted about the situation. Including getting them up to date on the basics of the chain and what was happening, as well as helping to ensure they told the community’s story truthfully.
When 22.5 Hardfork happened, which became the Steem Hostile takeover and overthrew the governance by using exchange funds, I immediately went to work with CoinDesk again to ensure the story was covered. As well as reaching out to many New orgs - setting up interview for witnesses, stake holders and dApp owners to ensure our story was everywhere. I hit social media and every personal contact in the space I had to ensure it did not get buried, like past Tron questionable actions.
I started the Hiveblocks twitter, manned the official email (getting information to relevant parties) plus started running other forms of communication in Telegram and elsewhere, carrying out the goals of the group building Hive.
This resulted in many articles covering the situation, including the announcement of the upcoming Hive chain, the community and it’s story took over from there.
When Hive was announced I worked with CoinDesk again, as well as other influencers and journalists I knew in the space to set up interviews and news articles.
I believed that ensuring we told our powerful story and established hype around it would be vital for initial success of the project, as well as Exchange listings of HIVE. I believe we achieved this, without question.
- Started and ran social media account communications.
- Responsible for, or contributed to, over 20 articles covering all aspects of the Steem Takeover to the Hive Launch which formed our powerful story and ensured it was heard.
- Managing multiple Hive Telegram groups.
- Being main point of contact through email and other communication platforms.
CMC listing
I contacted CMC and filled out the application for listing HIVE and HBD. This included gathering legal, technical, and relevant information. I then worked with the team to formulate a description for the project as well as helped the CMC team correct errors, answer questions, etc through back and forth communication for the weeks following.
Exchange Work
Exchange listings were an interesting aspect of launching Hive, as we are a decentralized community and therefore have no legal entity or company - which most exchanges “require.” In fact, we were told early on that it would be impossible to do anything without such an entity. We even had an individual who had done the work before state repeatedly that without a legal entity and paying for listings, we would not see HIVE on any exchanges. But with some ingenuity from the group as well as showcasing the power of the community and our story, we were able to satisfy legal requirements as well as show why no centralized company was needed.
I am also glad to report that we did not pay for a single listing, even though some started out asking for 150K plus, which the above-mentioned individual advised us to pay, as this was the “norm.”
I learned a lot during this time period and really tried to stick to my guns on not accepting any deal I did not feel was best for the community. Rather, we used the story we had built, the hype we had created and the active community to constantly put pressure on them with the demand ... and hold our line on what we would and would not do, even when some advised me not to.
We had a small group working on different aspects of the exchange listings. Some doing technical support or guidance etc. I would say I played the role of “point of contact” for lack of a better word and will try to put in as much detail my part of the exchange work below for each listing.
The Bittrex listing was fully due to the work done and relationship built by Gandalf previously. He, in my opinion, was the only reason Bittrex took the chance on us so quickly and really helped us be seen as a legitimate project right out of the gate. My part in this one was simply helping with communication of the “how”, gathering needed documentation or information, answering questions and coordinating marketing etc. After listing I also worked to help add the additional USD/USDT pairing.
• Helped with comms, gathered relevant documentation, organizing marketing etc.
• Additional USD pairs assistance
Conversations with Huobi started shortly after Hive announcement in March. We had a group telegram chat set up after the story broke on twitter and secured they would participate in the airdrop. I then went through the application process and gathered technical and legal information needed.
There were a few issues that occurred with the line of communication, and it was very hard to get all on the same page. We were requested to pay a large fee (over 100k) and when we said no to that then it was requested, we do a large deposit to list (80k), among other things. We made it known we would not be going along with these ideas and would not be paying for listings.
Finally, we removed our initial “point of contact” who seemed to not be working to carry out the goals of the group or what would benefit the community. We reorganized and after doing so things started to flow better. The head of their listing department was brought into the group and the process began to take shape. This took many weeks of work, and endless back and forth conversations, but we finally came to a listing agreement and began to plan the AMA.
• Completed listing application and compiled legal documentation
• Was main point of contact 24/7 for over 3 weeks
• Negotiated the fee from 150k to a free listing
• Helped plan and run the AMA
• Handled joint communication and marketing
My work with Binance started on March 6th 2020. I had a former contact at Binance reach out for guidance about their role in the Steem Hostile Takeover. After the story broke and they were mentioned in many articles as well as on twitter, they wanted help to move forward as they seemed to have no idea what they had done. There was some heated discussion, some explanation and essentially them realizing the gravity of the situation. We advised them to immediately remove their votes in governance (which was currently voting for Justin’s sock puppet witnesses) and start a power down immediately. It became clear very quickly they were not familiar with the blockchain and required a bit of help with every step.
We then set up a chat with them and a few devs to help them with any technical assistance needed and started to work towards trying to repair the relationship between the community and Binance.
When Hive was announced, they committed to the airdrop and we started working towards a possible listing. We were advised we would have to go through the same process as all other coins and sometimes that took months. I filled out the complex application, trying to somehow gather legal information as well as have them excluded requirements for a legal entity etc. The process took quite some time.
After that there was constant communication about when their withdrawals would be open, as well as some unfortunate communication from their support team which included incorrect information. I worked alongside them to correct this along the way.
Then there was a discussion of security deposits, listing fees as well as decentralized bug bounties. I worked to negotiate this down, and eventually they waived those aspects and listed HIVE on Binance with no fee.
• Initial contact to stop voting in governance on Steem and power down.
• Set up communication with Devs for technical assistance
• Completed listing application and compiled legal documentation
• Was main point of contact from March to current
• Handled communication aspects and joint marketing
• Negotiated a free listing
ProBit, MXC, WazirX, & HotBit
Helped with communication, listing and legal documentation as well as AMA planning and execution.
Upbit and BitHumb
While no listing has been announced for these at this time, I have worked with them to fill out applications and gathered legal documentation as well as handled communication to work towards possible future listings. I will continue working towards listing HIVE.
Kraken, Shapeshift & Coinbase
These exchanges are considered some of the harder ones to be listed on, especially as STEEM had not even been listed previously, but we have done many things already that STEEM could not, so why stop now.
I have used some of my contacts in the space to get initial conversations going. Only initial contacts have been made for these, but hopefully it plants a seed for possible future listings. I will continue to work on these in the coming months.
Continued Work
My plan is to continue helping with these aspects of Hive until we have the proper structure to hand them off to the community. I am already working with some individuals to start turning over some aspects, as the tasks being taken on by many would be better in the future imo.
Main focuses will be listings on the major exchanges listed above and helping with communication, until I am no longer needed.
I then will be contributing to a project focused on solving the content discovery issue and other aspects of the platform I feel need to be improved to ensure long term success.
About Me
I joined Steem in January of 2017 and helped to establish the now Hive Blockchain. I have been involved with establishing or working on many projects and communities over my time here including: C-squared, Helpie, Curie, as well as the founding chair and project manager behind the initial Steem Alliance Foundation. My main role has been behind the scenes helping where needed and have been involved with countless projects just as an advisory role as well. My focus has always been on finding a way to empower the community and help it to see its full potential.
I am asking for 500 HBD a day for 60 days, as this is for work already completed as well as that which will be ongoing. So the proposal is covering 4 months worth of work, both past and future. I calculated the price based on time spent so far (30-40hrs/week since March) and amount saved in getting free exchange listings, versus the suggested 150k-300k that would have been spent from either stake holders, or the DHF (which is what our previous exchange rep had suggested would be the only way to accomplish listings).
I know this proposal is unique, as it is not for development aspects as well as for work already completed. But I believe what was accomplished speaks for itself, as we were able to achieve more in a short time frame than anyone thought was possible. I believe the above detailed proof of work description outlines my contributions in making that happen.
You can vote for my proposal here: Hive Signer
Final Thoughts
In the past we have always depended on Steemit Inc to handle all aspects covered in this proposal. With this now decentralized chain of ours, we will have to figure out how to do this as a community. Having the Decentralized Hive Fund gives us the ability to fund many different aspects of the work done to further the Hive ecosystem as well as empower our community.
This aspect is all very new to me, please feel free to ask questions or for more clarification. Much of my work can be vouched for those individuals involved in the core aspects of the Hive launch, as I have no code to show in that regard. So, I welcome all feedback and questions.
Thank you,
Due to some questions about the breakdown of “hourly” wage as well as committed work, I wanted to copy and paste a comment I made to answer that elsewhere.
Funding Breakdown
original comment
“This, imo, is more of a contract style job proposal and not a hired hourly worker but will break it down the best I can:
I started full time work on the things described in my proposal on February 20th. I was actively working on the aspects listed in my proposal everyday since that time, every single day including nights and weekends. Some days may have been 4hrs.. others were 10+. I did this everyday. So let’s just go with 8hrs a day on average to get a baseline.
Past work completed
Feb 20th through now = 74 days x 8, 592 hours.
Committed Future work
Now until July 8th = 63 days x 8, 504 hours.
Total = 1096 hours total / 30,000 HBD (if fully funded and IF hbd holds its peg) = $27.37/hour.
Now for the sake of fairness I originally just estimated the work put in at 40hrs a week even though it has been more up until this point and I assume will continue to be. But If we just go with 40hrs a week instead to get a baseline for the whole time period worked and that which will be (through at least July 8th):
19 weeks x 40hrs a week = 760 hrs/30000 HBD = $39.47/hr
This of course only is factual if the whole proposal is funded and never falls out of consensus and of course the “hourly rate” depends on HBD staying pegged at $1, as we know is not guaranteed.
At anytime (if it’s approved) it can fall back out of approval and perhaps just be partially funded. This is an option if stakeholders feel that perhaps they do not agree with the full amount asked for.
Is it a decent amount of money? Absolutely. It’s also a skilled job that involved high level negotiations with large corporations as well as many other aspects. I do feel this hourly wage is inline with the work being done.
I do not feel entitled, but I feel it’s an overall fair assessment considering the community funds saved due to the work put in. I do think there should be a better way to track such hours and work and am working on a way to do that.
Hopefully that helps answer your questions.“
Additional Questions, clarifications, and conversation concerning this proposal:
*All rewards are being sent to the DHF.
Image Source
I am excited to see this particular proposal. @justineh has kicked ass when it comes to getting Hive listed on exchanges. The massive amount of listings speaks for itself.
This is such a weird job for her because Hive is a truly decentralized community and that is very new for businesses to deal with. Hive is actually kind of laying the necessary groundwork for decentralized blockchains to coexist with the traditional world.
I hope anyone that saw the recent Hive price pump and the massive amounts of media awareness will vote for this proposal because that is an excellent way to say thank you for you work @justineh.
I look forward to seeing Hive integrated with the likes of Coinbase in the future!
Edit: and on top of everything, seems you opted to set the DHF as a 100% beneficiary on this post. Thankfully peakd has a tipping feature!
Thank you so much for this endorsement and all your hardwork. I know we butt heads a lot (I think we just keep each other in line) but it’s been a pretty great experience working alongside you and the others through this all.
Thanks so much for the support ❤️
Just realized you said butthead
Seemed fitting
Jump in there Heimin. Dont let Justine grab all his attention. 😂
That would be amazing. I (and many other people) could buy and sell Hive without exchanging it to any other cryptocurrency. As I know, currently Coinbase is the only exchange, which supports Hungarian Forint (HUF), the local currency in my country (Hungary).
Justine has been putting in a lot of work and is good at what she does. I'll be voting this prop. Cheers Justine, keep up the good work!
Thanks, I appreciate that Dan 🙏
I think you should reconsider given the amount relative to what the core devs receive and the "past work" aspect. I do not think anyone that makes a contribution should be allow to post hoc ask for payment. This is goina cause stir in the community and is discouraging to anyone that visit the proposals page and sees the proposal price tag relative to the core devs.
Holgern's beem package is PHD level shit and he hasnt asked for funding. If justineh, disappeared then hive would be fine, If a good dev like holgern left, hive would be wading in some high water. Idk of many people that could take over beem but justineh's role is close to this.
I am down to support Justineh being funded for ongoing help, but there is too many legit concerns with her proposal as is now and her lack of willingness to work with the upset part of the community because she knows the whales like you are voting her proposal.
Of course this proposal gets my vote. It does seem odd to use the author reward pool to fund things like development and infrastructure when there's a large pool of funds just asking to be used responsibly, sitting there, waiting to be used.
Thank you for all your hard work.
I do not think anyone that makes a contribution should be allow to post hoc ask for payment.
I only supported this because I knew about some of what was happening. Even suggested the work she was doing would most likely get support if there was a proposal. I'll bet others suggested the same. I assume there would have been community backlash had this proposal been made sooner, I believe there's still more work to do as well. I assume people would disagree had this proposal been put in place before the work started. These things will always lead to disagreements, which is a normal reaction, and I hope they don't cause division. I don't think any less of you for sharing your stance with me. It's appreciated.
its already cause division. I reached out to her on her latest posts to explain the negative emotional response I have seen in the community. I want to support her getting funding, but her response to me was "people will chose to support it or not". That is not very respectful to the community she wants to pay her for past work.
She could easily rewrite such that I and other Hivers would have no problem supporting it. Check her lastest post on this for more of my thoguhts instead of retyping them here. Her simps are already starting downvoting campaigns against those that do not support the proposal in the community.
I want to see this resolved civically, but if she just ignores the part of the community that has legit concerns about this then it will just be bad for hive.
I'm getting bullied with downvotes as well. Because of that I've not been paying much attention to the politics around here lately. If some folks want to tarnish Hive's reputation, what can we do? I didn't know things were getting out of hand. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
I, personally, just didnt vote the proposal and moved on. BUT of course once it crosses certain lines, then you are in it if you want stand behind your principals.
This absolutely does not have to turn into thing and I DO NOT WANT IT TO! but justineh is the one writing the proposal so at the end of the day its on her to resolve since its her proposal. If she cared about the community that much then she would take the proper measures to amicably resolve it, as compared to "people can chose to support it or not"
You've put me in a difficult position. Since I had made my decision long before there was an uproar and what some consider to be irrational behavior while going on defense (something I've yet to look into due to time constraints), my decision stands but does not need to be considered permanent. I truly felt like I was doing the right thing at the time of decision making.
Due to the fact people are getting pushed around when they do things like offer constructive criticism or point out possible flaws and potential bad actors, I've decided I'll no longer take part in voting for any proposals in the future and until things change; I see more professionalism.
The community needs leaders, not rulers. Unfortunately, some folks don't know the difference.
holy f dude, likwid is hitting you with -$25 downvotes?!?
Every post, automatically. Simply because I pointed out what I thought were irresponsible downvotes, and bullying. I barely even feel welcome here at this point. Don't even know why I bother.
I'm aware of this post and the fact many people are becoming concerned with what they see.
Having been part of the core hive group since the very beginning we confirm the validity of the proof of work stated above. All step, successive contributions, chronology and invested effort by @justineh have truly contributed to the success in the several listings, which is key for the valuation of HIVE and invaluable for hive as community. Therefore we fully support this proposal as we understand this is, together with other technical proposals, exactly for what the HFD was created and founded.
Thank you guys, that really means a lot. 🙏
I do not think anyone that makes a contribution should be allow to post hoc ask for payment.
I've been wondering who's really behind the funding of all these giant steps that hive has been making and I'm really glad my question is getting answered. You have worked really hard and deserved to get paid. My question is, does this proposal covers everyone that worked or is working with you or this is unique to you only? If this is only for you, does it means we will see a similar proposal from others that worked with you? What is going to happen if this proposal doesn't make it?
Note: I'm supporting the proposal right away and I hope others will do the same.
Great questions, thank you.
The launch of Hive involved many many people and this proposal is simply for my role in it. I think it was important for us all to ensure this was a decentralized community project and therefore individual contributions weren’t really highlighted. But as we move on to compensation, those things need to be described for transparency sake.
We have already see a couple from those doing the important core development work on Hive and I believe we will see more in the future as well. You can see the proposals from Howo and netuoso for some info on the ongoing development work.
I think most of us agreed we should put much of the work in first, before asking for contributions.. that way the community has something to go off of.
And if the proposal doesn’t get funded, I just don’t receive any contributions for work done. That’s it 🙂
Thanks for the support!
I do not think anyone that makes a contribution should be allow to post hoc ask for payment.
So youre asking for 30k USD? lol
I thought Netuoso asking for 150 HBD a day was excessive and potentially wasteful, but this... a retroactive proposal for being part of a team of people that helped push this forward is beyond excessive. (To put it nicely)
50 HBD a day, sure. 500? No, HELL no.
If this passes i really fear how the fund will be spent in the future.
I had almost 500k impressions on twitter during the takeover. I contacted directly a few big crypto youtubers ("contacts") that picked up my tweets and story.
How much do you think i should ask for?
Guys... @theycallmedan, @blocktrades... should i get 10 HBD a day for my work? I think thats fair, 15 HBD maybe, 150 HBD?
How bout the 100 others that did the same thing? How bout all the witnesses, community members that spread the word?
Should we just spread the fund equally among the community?
The point is... Not a single thing, not a single listing, would be possible, no matter the "contacts" (youre not a crypto veteran) or emails anyone sent if the community didnt step up.
For that reason, singling yourself out as someone deserving 30k USD is just wow. Sry.
You’re not asking many questions so I not sure where to start, but this proposal is not about twitter, it’s about major news coverage and exchange listings. This involves dealing with corporate and legal matters, not just tweeting about a story already being covered in major news orgs.
Also, do you know who was on this team that pushed things forward? Do you know which people played what roles?
The amount is based on standards in the space, I wasn’t sure how to come up with it tbh. But this proposal reflects about 400hrs of work as well as 2mths going forward (so roughly about 700hrs total) and includes major listings- free listings, with more to come, which would have cost at least $150k from the DHF. The “team” working on this will gladly tell you my role in that (some already did here). I think the “team” is quite smaller than people imagine, and I’m simply stating my part in it.
As far as the amounts of proposals for core blockchain development, you clearly don’t actually understand the level of skill and work. Do you know how many C++ devs are even in the crypto space? Do you know how much Steemit inc was paying its team members? Do you have absolutely anything to compare the amounts to other than to say you just think it’s too high?
I appreciate the feedback and yes this is a short term proposal with a high daily, the amount is simply based off of hours worked and going rate in the space for the work I did. As well as the amount saved for stakeholders. It was a difficult number to come up with and I will completely understand if it’s not carried out.
Either way, I won’t be accepting rewards on Hive anymore and will finish what I started, and have committed to the next 2mths of working towards the goals mentioned. Thanks.
I think ill write a quick post on this. This is starting to get out of hand.
Your proposal is insanity. Im sorry.
It will probably pass because youre popular but god help us all if this becomes the standard.
Your hourly estimates dont mean nothing, first of all because i do not trust them, secondly youre asking for 30k USD for work done by thousands of people.
Singling yourself out as a defining factor in the success of HIVE is extremely self centered.
Secondly pandering towards devs is cheap. I know a few devs in the crypto space and i know a few that worked in the crypto space. Usually its people tryign to build up portfolios like the folks i know did with Peercoin and early Ethereum.
I actually talked to one of my guys and these rates are insanely high. Id get him to work on HIVE if there was a sliver of a chance i thought he could get funding.
You went for 30k. You could have gone for 50k, even 100k and you would have the same chance of getting it.
There is no voice of reason here anymore ever since the community stood together for the takeover. How much should Dan get for the AMAs? The interviews? All the shit he did.
If his investment going up should be good enough for him for helping us all out then so should yours be for you.
Who set up the AMAs and the interviews? What were those based on?
And I’m sorry, I can agree with you that the amount seems high and understand your conclusion of that, but not on me trying to take credit for things thousands of things or you trying to make it personal.
My work is my work, and what I described in the post was my work.
As far as dev work, there is a difference between a “dev” and a C++ dev. It sounds like you’re not very familiar with that aspect, or again, what Steemit paid individuals to do the work.. and not have the same results.
I just feel like you’re making a lot of general assumptions without actually knowing the facts, so I’m not sure how to help further a discussion or take the feedback.
I will say that thinking people should work their ass of for the community for the same return (price go up) as those who don’t contribute in the slightest is naive and short sighted. Why would anyone contribute if they can just... not.. and simply post daily and take from the rewards pool? Who will code the core aspects? Who will do the work needed that got us here in the first place?
So please criticize my proposal here all you want, that’s absolutely fair, but “You guys should just help us out for free” is not really a logical stance for the amount of work a few contributed. Sure making some tweets or doing one interview can be rewarded through a post about it etc, but the work we are discussing is a bit different than that. Especially the core coding, I think you really need to reconsider your stance on that aspect tbh.
Youre asking for 30k based on a result that you did not achieve.
You were a small part in a big story and youre throwing out insane numbers at the community.
Then tell me who did what and who was responsible for what results.
Again, you are making assumptions. I understand the concern of the number, but I don’t appreciate you implying I’m taking advantage.
The proposal reflects a wage of about $40/hr
(Including past and future work). This work involves one on one conversations and negotiations with major corporations as well as dealing with legal matters. This requires vast knowledge of the platform, it’s background and understanding of the exchange and the crypto space. I’m just saying it’s a skilled job and therefore is reflected in the rate. This takes a skill I was able to provide, that others were failing at.
If you feel this all could have been done by simply tweeting when JS took over, fair enough. I personally disagree and think many who saw the work put in can attest to that.
There are others who worked their ass of too, absolutely.. but I am not claiming any of their contributions in this post. The above are my contributions, what I did. If you don’t agree with it, absolutely understandable. But if you think this could have been accomplished by just a few people tweeting, you are vastly unaware of this space or the events that occurred over the last few months.
I look forward to your post, I’m just it will be clear and cohesive without any vast general statements, accusations, or personal attacks.. as usual.
I completely agree to this. An effective PR is just as important as developing stuff. Thanks for your work, lele. <3
In which part did she say that? She is repeatedly saying that rate is for HER contributions in the past 60 days and what she would be doing in the next 2 months as well. That is fair in my opinion.
Then maybe tell him to propose?
It's true that there were many others who contributed by Tweeting, spreading the word, etc as well and I am really grateful that the community rallied. But let's be honest here, without her contributions, it will take us a long time to move forward. Like I said below, an effective PR is just as important as developing something.
Look around you, the community has seen what she has done. She's not saying it was because of her that Hive is where it is now. Everyone did their part, and this is hers. If you think you need to be compensated, feel free to propose.
To compromise, I would support this proposal if you adjust the back payment for previous work to a lower level en set up some goals, planning and/or measurable indicators for your future work. Perhaps you can split your projected compensation into a fixed part and a variable part based on your achievements.
This way the community has some framework for judging your efforts, as I hope you will continue your work for more than those 60 days!Hello @justineh! I am greatly appreciating your efforts, but I do not agree with they way of compensation. Where I am from it is pretty much unheard of to do work without any form of contract and ask for payment later. The problem for me is that there can be no form of control of the work process. I understand however, there was not much time to make up something during the takeover situation and you just stepped up. I do want you to receive a fair compensation, but I do not think it's a good idea for the proposal system to be used to reward work of the past. This will create a tough precedent that can lead us back to 2016.
I have to agree with this.
Without the massive community involvement and every single effort, all these listings and coindesk/cointelegraph articles might not be there, or at least might not be this effective.
The amount asked in this proposal is not in proportion imo.
The first CoinDesk article happened after the initial soft fork, before any "massive community tweeting" took place. So I understand your concern and am not taking away from community involvement, but what I am discussing is much different than that. Perhaps look at articles and timelines, as I don't think many are remembering the timeline of events very well. The initial CoinDesk article broke the story to the space, there was no story before and there was no attention on "tweets". Getting the story covered was important for the community effort to have any effect, which was the point.
So while I again am not trying to downplay the community's role on getting the word out, I'm somewhat confused by this constant comparison... the actions are very different.
Only the article appearance is also not a big deal if the community wouldn't comment, re-tweet and share with lots and lots of people.
You are missing the whole point here. Nobody is trying to downplay you, but lots of people have spent days & nights to spread the word. The whole thing was a community effort.
Of course if you played a critical role with the articles, listings etc. you have the right to ask for a compensation. But the amount you are asking here is huge and out of proportion. At least, that's what I think.
Also the way you build up your story with...
Actually I think what we are discussing is not much different. We are talking about the same thing.
Again, of course you're free to create a proposal to cover your hours. But if the asked amount was reasonable, I would also support this.
I'm sorry, but asking this huge amount afterwards also doesn't feel right to me. At some point, you could create a post or a proposal for future work. Now it feels like it is going to be "pushed" instead of "asking". Considering your connections, you probably will get this through though.
Actually I’m not missing the point, I am showcasing why what many are discussing about the community spreading the word and the work I did are very different. I’m not downplaying the community’s role, I’m simply explaining the differences in them.
As far as the rest, thanks for the feedback. My contributions are clear and were a large part in why our market cap increased significantly. If you don’t see the value in that or feel it should have been done differently, fair enough. I actually would prefer to “ask” for compensation after I have proven to be capable to achieve the goals both past and present, rather than some empty promises of what may or may not happen.
My proposal is me asking, consensus then decides. There is no “push” happening. Thanks.
Your contribution to articles and community with each individual effort all combined made this possible.
The comparisons about empty promises versus first delivering results dont make sense to me. I prefer agreements beforehand instead of a 30K bill afterwards.
I value your contribution and things you have done and still are doing. No question about that.
But the valuation of this proposal is not in proportion. There is a significant difference for me between;
“guys I will work fulltime, each day trying to contact exchangess, major news sites to spread the word about hive. Therefore I ask 45 usd/hr for x months.” Where the community knows what it’s up against and what it will cost versus your 30K proposal afterwards which came more or less as a surprise.
Still, thanks for all your efforts.
I do not think anyone that makes a contribution should be allow to post hoc ask for payment.
@xxxxxxxxxx, @netuoso. Please just let the criticism stay up there where it belongs. Only a small group of Hivers understands this proposal. It's not that bad to have a critical discussion about this. Decentralization goes both ways.
I will be beyond disappointed in this community if this proposal is not funded.
Thank you for everything you’ve done. We would not be where we are today without you.
I agree completely. ✅
I do not think anyone that makes a contribution should be allow to post hoc ask for payment.
Good for you. Nobody asked.
then just shit on the community, fucking simp
Awe, look at how cute you are when you're butthurt nobody cares about your opinion!!
can you dev? prob not, so watch out who you shit on
Uh, what little boy?
What does the ability to "dev" have to do with anything? I don't need to be able to "do" anything when I can pay people to do it for me.
It might be unique but is sorely needed. We need to fund all aspect of the communities growth, with development being one piece of the equation.
The services you mentioned are vital going forward. Of course, more is needed hence why the proposal makes sense. No way we can rest on our laurels.
People complained about the lack of outreach by Steemit Inc, well here is the opportunity to change it. We need to properly fund it to get it done.
Thank's a lot for your work!
I just want you to know that the link to proposals leads to steempeak:
Correct would be:
Thank you! I was having trouble with links and then peakd had some node errors 😅 should be updated now.
This one is even better :P
I voted for the proposal, and I encourage everyone else to do the same.
Thanks! 😅🙏
THANK YOU Justine! I am honestly humbled by the amount of press AND generous Exchange listings we've gotten. This is what immediately sets Hive apart from any other Fork that has been done in the past and is going to happen in the future. Great use of our story as it truly makes Hive even more special than it already was - I'm just imagining those Exchanges scratching their heads thinking 'WTF they are not going to pay but DAMN they deserve this listing!'
You taught quite a few people a lesson.
Thanks again <3
I do not think anyone that makes a contribution should be allow to post hoc ask for payment.
I do not think anyone that makes a contribution should be allow to post hoc ask for payment.
Voted for your proposal.
Thanks! I really appreciate that 🙏
I do not think anyone that makes a contribution should be allow to post hoc ask for payment.
now this is a proposal i understand! i mean i know we need to fund the technical ones but this is what the DHF is for, pay for work done in benefit of the chain!
Nice proposal ID squatting.
Voted. A giant thank you for your efforts.
Thanks for all the hard work @justineh :) Got my support.
Very happy to vote for this. It is those in the background beavering away that makes this such an exciting project and I think they should be rewarded. Thank you.
I support this 100% .... I see you day in and day out. Hustling for Hive on Twitter. Upvoted and re hived. I will send you some Bitcoin.
I would have personally liked to have seen several names on this. At least another was included. Even if all they were getting was a very small amount such as 1-5% for their contributions. It is also understandable that you played a major role on the legal side of things for getting stuff done when it was not appropriate to be carried out in public like tweeting. As such this is more of personal involvement than a group effort showcase.
A couple of other people who slept very little with their dealing with AMAs, making contacts, and other dealings I doubt would stand any chance at getting a proposal passed if they went this route. Hopefully, those that did make regular posts regarding their contributions so the community could reward in kind for their efforts if they choose.
A point I would like to add regarding some comments regarding Twitter. Yes, large business deals in other industries do get a start or even go down on Twitter, Instagram, and other places. They often times play quite a critical role in getting the wheels turning at the very least.
It would have also been nice for the community to have had a better understood some of the roles witnesses played in all of this. So that witness support by the community could have been given if individuals feel it was warranted. Unless the lack of other witnesses named in this post is poting out the lack of involvement.
While it’s understandable many are upset and feel this kind of proposal undermines the community effort overall regarding the past several months. Quite a large amount of the community took part in incentives that rewarded posts and comments for proof of work and involvement. I can only hope to see large stakeholders in the future continue to help reward smaller more individual efforts on these fronts. Along with more community members making an effort to play however a small role they can.
From an accounting standpoint, it would have been nice to have seen a more detailed breakdown in estimated and projected future hours, along with what % of the fees that were saved that went into the amount being asked for in total.
As the up to savings of $300k in listing fee alone seems to be quite low with some of the rumor costs out there just to get on some of those exchanges with the trading pairs we did. Which sometimes do hold more value in the rarity they are issued from a speculative standpoint than the actual cost. So I can understand it being more in a range than a defined set number.
I already voted for this yesterday after having a few conversions with less than thrilled individuals. Along with evaluating this a couple of times myself. While the amount might seem quite steep to some. Cryptocurrency is quite a fast and young growing sector where those with leadership, skills, drive, and contacts demand quite a large price these days. This is understandable for how starved this sector is for manpower, talent, and so on. This amount seems like a decent deal if it gets passed as other blockchains would have paid a lot more for a fraction of what was done by your part.
Like who? The exchange team was myself, Netuoso, Gandalf and BT. Out of that group Gandalf did most of the tech work when needed, I did all negotiations and applications, legal aspects as well as all communication with them. The others advised and helped if needed. So I guess I’m confused who all these other people are that individuals feel should be included? This is simply explaining my own contributions and I did not mention any I didn’t have significant work in.
I handled outside comms, Crim handled inside comms. We didn’t overlap that much so making a proposal for her work seems odd to me, but I feel her work should be highlighted and she’s one of a very small group that made it all happen.
As far as the AMA’s... same people there, while some were asked to be the actual person answering. All questions were crowd sourced answered. And a few of those who did help made posts and were well rewarded.
I don’t know who else would be mentioned in the aspects I brought up in the post, as no one else was involved in what I brought up. We’re more people helping in different aspects? Absolutely... but that doesn’t have anything to do with my proposal.
So while I truly understand the concerns being brought up, I feel people have a real disconnect of what work was done by whom and how many were actually involved. Which is understandable as we sort of ensure it was seen as a “community” effort. This becomes hard then when there is an assumption of what work was done by whom and how many aspects were put into place due to extensive planning, even the twitter response.
I’m not trying to take away from anyone’s efforts and therefore on even mentioned there aspects I took the lead on or managed the majority of work on. There are aspects I was involved with with a “team” that essentially worked as project managers overseeing a launch of project and large group of unorganized individuals.. that’s not mentioned anywhere as that was a team effort.
This proposal is only focused on those contributions that I personally played a major role it, and documenting the time spent.. as well as not posting about it along the way.
I believe stakeholders will continue to reward those in the community who contribute in many ways through the rewards pool, I see no reason that will stop. But also there are some doing more intense work that can’t be rewarded in posting, so we need to find a balance.
That is the name I was looking for.
She seems to be quite undervalued these days for her involvement in things.
I completely agree with that statement and would have somehow liked to showcase it more. But it’s not my place to do so. Some do not want their contributions known. I mentioned Gandalf and I was including an aspect I worked with him on.
While Crim and I work great together and most definitely worked on that group effort I spoke of, we sort of took our separate areas and ran with it. It’s why I make no mention of the internal posts anywhere here, as I had nearly nothing to do with them. I had nothing to do with discord or doing the airdrops whole thing or any of it, so there is no mention. If I were to included something we did together in some way here I would have done so. Only thing is the AMAs which I noted I helped on and not responsible for etc.
I clearly could have improved the way I represented all of it, but through this whole time it’s sort of been said “if people want others to know what they are doing they will say so”.. so I’ve been a bit careful about just being like “this is what everyone is doing”.. even though I want to as I think many aren’t getting credit and some are getting to much.
Decentralization is amazing and difficult all at the same time.
We're encouraging @crimsonclad to write her own proposal.
IMHO (in my humble opinion)
(given that the blockchain-based soical media usually promote the freedom of speech):
"...and I would just like to say – I have no idea what I am doing..."
to be fair, sounds suspicious/strange
It would be more rational/productive to create such a proposal in the first place
(explaining how much it (the person's work) is gonna cost (at least approximately)),
and then
(if community think that this is what it needs and this is the right person to achieve this)
do the job, potentially even getting useful feedback from the community on how to prioritize (or even distribute) the tasks.
what's more,
Seems like this DHF / Hivedao proposal system is focused on just 1 aspect - offer/proposal/proposition;
But there's always the opposite side (2) -> demand/request;
So, if a community project needs exposure, exchange listing etc., it would make sense
to create a post in the context of DHF system asking the whole community/all users
for talents/people with the corresponding connections etc.
to suggest their offers (so that it is a wide range of people dealing with what you've done/describe in your post).
This would help
to make the process more decentralized,
new people to shine/discover new talents,
to reward more people
and, potentially, to be more productive.
I meant making of a proposal, as I had not made one before. Not sure what is suspicious of that?
And sure proposals of work to be done in the future concerning exchange listings and PR/marketing etc most definitely can be done and as the community to assist.
This is a new chain and was put together quite quickly.. not much time to go through a 6mth process of trying to get the community involved and then of course for them to see who is qualified etc. I did that before, and there was no time for it.
As far as others doing the work rather than one, I agree. Many were actually asked to help with different aspects, and not many did. There was a small team carrying out many of the aspects for launch under an intense timeline as well as need to ensure it didn’t launch as an unknown project. This needed to be done quickly and accurately.
In the future I would agree that what you described would be beneficial.. but will also take someone to organize it etc.
This is simply for things achieved and future work (short term) as well as helping to organize the aspects you mentioned to help the community take these tasks over.
thanks for your polite response
"I meant making of a proposal, as I had not made one before.
Not sure what is suspicious of that?"
Seems like "suspicious/strange" were the wrong words (I'm not native English speaker).
I meant it was just a little surprising/confusing for me to read that.
anyway, I guess it's not relevant, let's move on.
I think you are one of the few content creators that i really like. I mean that i drink all your words.
Thanks for your work!
Hope i made the vote good on this proposal. I think this is the first time i voted 😊
We value everything you do on hive @justineh , thank you! Supported of course.
We really need to keep the incentive's going out to those who step into the gaps. Because as a decentralized project there's going to be plenty of those to go around. We need to reward those willing to invest themselves in the work.
It seems that some here are still used to how things worked at Steem(It). Steem(It) was a system of scarcity because (for one) SteemIt continued to sell (going short) and ended up bottoming out the price of Steem. They basically cannibalized the project.
I believe that we can do better here on the Hive Blockchain. Together we are building a system of surplus!
This community is full of smart, brilliant, hardworking, and committed people! That means this is a place of infinite potential and I don't think it's right to quibble over chump change like chumps especially when valuable work is being done. We are better than that and Hive is bigger than this level of thinking.
Let's always remember that the minds that created the problems are not the minds that can fix those problems... We need to think about things differently than we did before if we want to move on to bigger and better things! Small thinking isn't going to get us there... We can't afford that if we want a future worth the work.
Let's keep the innovation going and always remember that Hive is based on ground breaking revolutionary concepts. This project and community is worth going the distance for! As long as we continue to do that... investments and intelligent minds will continue to pour in.
It's why I continue to invest in Hive both in money, my time, and my attention. I believe in this project. I believe in this community.
Considering all that you have been doing to move this Blockchain forward I think this is s reasonable compensation.
Thank you @justineh! I will vote for your proposal. Keep doing what you do! 🙌
Edit: Just voted for this proposal with this account (and the @AdventureReady & @BeachReady accounts).
The above statement may indicate a flaw in the thinking of the majority of whales and therefore witnesses.
If you are interested in an alternative perspective i would be delighted to share.
I don’t actually think it’s a flaw from those trying to support me due to my work, rather the set up of the site and how rewards on that sort of content “overshadow” “creative” content. Feel free to share, but don’t think we can blame the whales for this one. Need a better UI and content display/discovery imo.
No nether do I.
I was referring specifically to the phrase ''over rewarded''
That thinking was very prevalent on Steem and now on Hive. I believe that thinking to be seriously flawed.
We are very very impressed... and thankful to you!
i'm voting yes to this.

Vote Done :(
Yes, yes, hell yes. This is exactly the type of proposal and positions we need. Development is great but if no one knows about it or uses it, what is the point? It is great to know your behind the scenes role in all this. Thank you.
We really appreciate those listings, the other ones if we could achieve it, it will be huge!Thank you very much @justineh!
My plan is to continue helping with these aspects of Hive until we have the proper structure to hand them off to the community. I am already working with some individuals to start turning over some aspects, as the tasks being taken on by many would be better in the future imo.
Main focuses will be listings on the major exchanges listed above and helping with communication, until I am no longer needed
(extract from your post)
You will always be needed. You started the course,
if God wants you stay on course.
I am hoping you receive all the votes required
on your work and thanks for detailing everything so clear.
The community needs everyone
to help it move forward. Great job! I am pretty sure you have more work under your sleeve for #hive.
Keep listing, keep supporting, keep hiving!
Thank you for all the substantial efforts you've put in here, no doubt it must have been really testing and required a lot of patience judging by your summary (and what a summary)! I happily voted for the proposal and hope the community will also step in and vote too.
Fantastic work, Justine! Thank you for all your toil. I'm 100% in support of this.
A good communication job waiting for positive results for the community
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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:
Vote for us as a witness to get one more badge and upvotes from us with more power!
Hive soon gained good strength. I believe it will be even better.
I recently got hive on the Binance exchange. It was 2 days ago.
But I will try other exchanges
Working on ' content discovery issue ' seems like a great project as well.
You've got my backing!
Thank you J! for all the time and effort you've put into this community. I know how much it means to you! I hope this does get funded and we all push forward making Hive a true winner in the crypto space. Voted!
This proposal actually gives me hope about the success of our platform!!! Finally we are understanding that core development isn't the only action needed to make this place the huge success it can be... That being said, what I love the most about this proposal is that it is about already achieved results!!!
You should not be thinking so soon about a time when you are not needed anymore tho, save that for when we have already surpassed Facebook... This huge is the size of the potential of this place.
Kind regards
Everything looks pretty good on this. I know my upvote doesn't count for all that much but just a little bit to help you and continue the growth of Hive.
good stuff! im supporting this
You're a kickass and I'll support this 100%!
Thanks for all your work Justine. ✅💜
Voting with all of my bits :0)
Wow, this is an enormous amount of work, we have voted for your proposal, and support your work 100%. Hive is lucky to have you. You deserve payment for all the work you did.
Thank you for yours support and kind words ❤️
This was a fascinating, and easily digestable, overview of HIVE's journey as a result of the hostile takeover, and your role in it all. I appreciate the very personal and grassroots perspective of this post, since I had only read about the split from broadly reported articles from the web.
Like I said before @justineh for ceo, or Hive chief evangelist or something like that anyways! Thanks for all your hard work!