LINKHello everyone! I would like to sincerely apologize to everyone for my plagiarism on my other account @joseph230.
I have never been perfect and I make mistakes like everyone else.I know it was unfair to you and I lost my trust. Plagiarism is bad and I don't support doing something like that. I am very sorry for what I did and I would not want my content to be flagged by @spaminator. It is a shame not only for my work but also for your precious time to read my blog. I hope that I will regain your trust and you will start visiting here.
I want to go down the right path and also support good content. I want to share my passion with you and help you. For me it is a lesson of humility. I hope that you will let me continue to write for you. (Of course in the right way). Thanks!
Ban usuniety.
Jak chcesz swoj gameplay uploadowac na tym innym koncie to nie ma problemu, ale tak jak mowilem, musialbys dodac co najmniej 300 slow jakiegos nowego komentarza za kazdym razem, zeby to nie wygladalo na farmowanie.
Dzieki! Postaram sie udoskonalic swoje gameplaye! 👊
You acknowledged your error, time to move on :)