
I don't know. I want the ability to disincentivize bad behavior to remain because it's an essential part of curation. But it is also undeniable that there are downvote abusers.


What if we create a Community built around reposting unfairly-targeted posts? I think we could vet people we trust to vet downvotes and only authorize them to post in the Community.

@joshsigurdson @jacobtothe

Please stop spreading false information about the innocence of "gringalicious/sincerelytori".
The user cannot be more fitting for the blacklist (which was put on the account 18 months ago).

The user was recycling posts despite being asked to stop several times.
The responses were aggressive and rude every time.
The user was asked to stop not just by Hivewatchers but many Hiveians.
They got the same aggressive responses full of self-entitlement and no feeling of any sense of wrongdoing. The user continued to recycled despite being blacklisted.


She did recycle content. I do not dispute that. She may indeed have been rude. However, I cannot support your blanket policy of lifetime blacklisting. Her new account should be treated as an olive branch, an effort to turn over a new leaf. Give her an opportunity to demonstrate reformation.

You have the bigger account. Be the bigger person, too. All I ask is time to see what really happens. As your self-appointed Hive Pope, I offer this moral advice because I am concerned that your power is corrupting your organization. Don't turn into a bully or a censor.

Better to let one thousand spammers rampage on The blockchain than crush one potential content creator willing to reform.

"Better to let one thousand spammers rampage on The blockchain than crush one potential content creator willing to reform."

This user has been earning substantial profit through her pages. All this user does is crossposting content from her pages. There is no content created solely for Hive. It is just one big milking. Recycling is even worse.
Also, the user has never made any substantial effort to promote Hive anywhere.

The user was blacklisted once and appealed. Was removed from the blacklist but went back to the same scamming of Hive through mass recycling. The user has farmed thousands of HBD through farming.

The second blacklist means permanent blacklist. The vast majority of the community is very happy about this blacklist.

We will not change our rules because someone tries to do a proxy appeal through a "damsel in distress" campaign.