VOTE FOR HIVE on BitShills as The Best Decentralized Social Media Platform

in #hive3 years ago


VOTE FOR HIVE on BitShills as The Best Decentralized Social Media Platform

Hive is currently ranked number 12 with 7 votes. With just 10 more votes, we can put HIVE in first place above LBRY as the #1 ranked Decentralized Social Media Platform in the world. Voting takes just a few seconds!



9th vote.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't understand the rankings. Hive now has more than 17 votes and is 12th. Publish0x isn't decentralized. Trybe has rebranded to Loop Markets. Who's behind this?

no idea, i found it thru a google search, hopefully the leaderboard will update with the new HIVE votes

Thanks for the heads up. I just voted. Looks like we are about to pass LBRY and claim that #1 spot.

Nice to see u coming to Amsterdam. LFG!!!!!


voted.. looks like i might have pushed hive into #1.. COOL!! 😎💪🤙

Done bro!

Just voted, 19th votes so far