There is so much we don't know. The are curation trails right now with formerly well respected members of the community who haven't commented since the hard fork. They just autovote and power down. It so weird to see, because these are people I looked up to when I joined. And I would love to hear from them why. But I never was in the 'in-crowd', as far as I know, they either don't or know who I am and they'd never respond to a tag even if the post I wrote was actually inspired by or about one of them. And I don't even blame them, they probably never even say the notification.
At a certain point, I decided to just do what I love and not get involved with any drama, because without them speaking up on what's going on, you're just left in the dust guessing.
I left both @netuoso and @justineh a message on Twitter, because I don't like talking about stuff from just one perspective. As far as I know, they are both well respected members of the community. I don't know to what extend Justine was involved in all the Hive listings, because there have been a lot. It's just good faith that I assumes she had a stake in that. Same for Andrew and development. If someone now points out the basically that isn't the case, then it would be nice to know what is the truth.
Because @lordbutterfly, both @theycallmedan and @blocktrades still have @netuoso as a witness. So...