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RE: Important Announcement | Anti-Phishing

in #hive4 years ago

I would say you are trying to force censorship by telling deathwing and others they may not offer their services. Your position is authoritarian and demands that people only run the code you permit them to run

Wow, I never heard of this utter nonsense until now. You turned something completely upside-down before my wide-opened eyes and pretend that I didn't see your simple trick. Suggesting someone to abide and live by the rules of decentralization is considered authoritarian but censoring random innocent accounts is not. What a beautiful world we have become


It is censorship - but it isn't Hive, and it isn't an account being censored on Hive. It's accounts being censored on deathwing's api node that he offers to the public for free

If witnesses were modifying hived to censor accounts, I would join your chorus, but that isn't anything like what is happening here

Hive is far more censorship resistant than any public api node
Any given public api node may be more or less censorship resistant than deathwing's public api node

This is where we fundamentally disagree, I think - I want Hive to be decentralized. The services that run on Hive are then free to do as they please. Say I want to send someone 5 HIVE - that is my decision to make. 100% centralized on me. Perfectly ok for that to be centralized. If I want to build a browser extension that reads a list of users from a post and hides any posts from that user on, that is censorship and very centralized. Also totally fine. Why should someone have the authority to tell me I am not allowed to do that? Why should someone be allowed to tell me I am not allowed to offer that to my friends? Decentralization is that freedom. Take away that freedom, and you take away decentralization

So of course people are free to offered censorship heavy dapps, api nodes, front-ends, browser extensions, or anything else that run on Hive. Hive is decentralized and strongly censorship resistant. They can run those services for the same reason that others can run services that avoid censorship

I don't really understand how Murhpy's law applies here. You saying since it exists, someone will abuse it? Like if humans are allowed to use the internet, they might all use it wrong, so we need the government to go through and take it away from them all? It's just the logical path

Hive is the decentralized and censorship-resistant platform. Services built on Hive may not be

In your example of open/closed source software, this would be like running closed-source software on a Linux based operating system. It works perfectly fine and people have done it every day for decades. It doesn't cause any problems

So your complaint is that deathwing is allowing people to use his api? If he only used his api in his community, and told everyone else they were not allowed to use it, then you would think that is better?

How about you set up your private node? There's no one stopping anyone. You say. True. But how is that any different than spinning up your own server and centrally host everything on your terms?

Hive is a decentralized, public, immutable databse. Having your own node does not mean having your own blockchain. It just means having your own access point to the peer-to-peer network instead of relying on someone to give you a free one. Distributing your own hosted solution across hundreds of your own computers around the world and cryptographically ensuring that nobody has edited anything on any of those copies would be a far greater task than running your own node on Hive.

The more you speak, the more I realize you may have some fundamental misunderstandings of what Hive is and how it works. That may be leading to some miscommunications here. None of the communities stuff is part of Hive. That is a dapp that runs on top of Hive. Splinterlands is another example of a dapp that runs on top of Hive. I name that one since it's one of the more well known, but there are many dapps on Hive. It isn't just a blogging communities platform

Totally agree that more frictionless is more better. However, I don't expect that everyone running any Hive service should somehow be obligated to providing the ideal experience. They should have the freedom to create what they think the market demands.

What we're talking about here is not some core function. It's one of the things people can select to use on certain websites. If someone wanted a "free speech #1" free blogging platform, Hive is very well suited to accommodate that. Any existing tribe is in a great position to make their own api node and support that mission. Very easy compared to what they've already accomplished

Treating Hive as some monolithic, central service that requires everything built on it to follow this kind of guideline removes market competition and pushes unnecessary regulation onto any business that wants to build. It's just old world centralization from people that think they know what is best for everyone. Freedom is better. Keep hived working toward freedom, let markets and preferences decide for everything built on top of that