Request for a public apology from HiveWatchers & SteemCleaners

in #hive5 years ago

Dear @steemcleaners, @hivewatchers, @anyx

First of all, I am making this post in English, which is not my mother tongue, not for you to whom I don't recognize any right to dictate my behavior but for all those who can't do.

In your 2 comments on my last post you made serious accusations of plagiarism and ask me to come and complain to your court of justice located on your Discord server.

Screenshot from 20200407 034149.png

However, I thank you in your generosity and clemency for not having downvoted my post.

I have no intention of wasting my time to complain to your court of justice because I do not recognize any right to force me to go to Discord, to create a Discord account, to have to learn how to use Discord to finally defend my case which moreover has no need of it.

Note: my last sentence takes place in the context of a creator who knows nothing about Discord, which is not my case.

I hereby request a public apology for your mistake due to the errors listed below that your decision chain has made, whether automated or manual (which is an aggravating fact).

  • The fact that you can't read French or Thai is not an excuse.
  • The fact that you don't know that @baiboua's account is my wife's is not an excuse.

Even if the cause of wanting to penalize plagiarism is just, it cannot suffer any mistakes, any collateral damage and he has to respect everyone equally.

I suggest that you upgrade your code to add, among other things, the case of the family account and the case of one account per language (good luck) so that your decision chain stops making these types of errors.

I can play God complex, too.

As I tell my developers:

Open your eyes and see the diversity of the world
because you don't develop applications for you
but for them who will be the users!


So, everything is okay now?!

Can baiboua post as usual again?!

Perhaps she’s fed up!

Hi @kaminchan, I hope you're okay. Here we can't move between districts/sub-districts for 10 more days, the airport is closed as well as the bridge and the port. As for @baiboua, we just moved before the confinement to another estate and so she spends all her days doing the new garden and doesn't have too much time to post 😂

Thank you for your reply!
I don’t like bring under house arrest more than one month! It’s getting too long!

Oh! Baiboua has become an professional gardener! I would love to see some photos of the new plants and garden. We miss her Colourful photos!!

Have a nice day!

Why did you remove me from the Francophonie Community ?