I love Weekend ♥️♥️♥️ Im at HOME!

in #hive3 years ago

Every weekend is always meaningful and exciting for me. It's the only time I can breath from long work-week and spend my day off in my province with my families and my loved one.

I work in the City and I don't mind traveling every weekend back to our province for as long as Im at home and be comfortable as I can be. THERE IS NO OTHER PLACE LIKE HOME!
While I'm chillin' at home on weekends I love doing what I enjoy which is trading crypto currency. It has been a good hobby for me and at the same time I can earn extra cash for myself. I am very much contented with this life for now. Hopefully no more tears till this year ends.
After spending my day off at home, I go back to the City again. It has been a routine for almost 2yrs now - I go home every weekend and go back to City every Monday afternoon. Just like that and I am satisfied with this life.

This is how weekend means to me and why I love it so much.., aside from being comfortably at home, I can drink my flavored beer that gives a very peaceful goodnight sleep. hehe

Cheeerrrss! 🥂🍻