Name of business: Królestwo Bez Kresu (The Kingdom Without Limit)
Type of business: Culture center
Address of business: Biskupia 18, Kraków, Poland
HBD, HIVE or both: HBD
Website of business: @krolestwo
Actually @krolestwo is more like non-profit meeting place, than business but we accept HBD and you can get for this token all stuff from the list:
Stuff | HBD |
two mini-bars of Cartel Chocolate | 0,5 HBD |
cup of tea | 1 HBD |
cup of coffee | 1 HBD |
glass of juice | 1 HBD |
kvass (non-alcoholic beverage) | 1,5 HBD |
Bris Cola | 1,5 HBD |
Mio Mio Mate | 2 HBD |
Hive Handbag | 2 HBD |
15 minutes with the VR set | 2,5 HBD |
ice coffee | 3 HBD |
bar of Cartel Chocolate | 3,5 HBD |
Ciepły oddech (music CD) | 5 HBD |
T-shirt | 10 HBD |
one-hour rental of a room | 10 HBD |
one-hour rental of the entire Kingdom (minimum 3h) | 50 HBD |