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RE: The Hivewatchers & Spaminator Operational Proposal

in #hive4 years ago

The role is a Hivewatchers team member who normally deals with plagiarism, investigations, normal type of thing in scope such as verifications and ID theft. The only deviation in activity is the phishing-specific work that I do. You'll see our HW accounts in Discord marked in green, same as always.



@Logic should not be interacting with people and stick to his investigation role. And that’s just an example of your understaffed operation.

Your proposal doesn’t address any of the recurring problems within your minuscule ranks.

I can't force more people to want to do a very thankless job with high risk, high burnout, and long hours.

Thankless job that you’ve been paid for since the @adm voting days.

If you took no pay for those times, then that’s your problem.

I don't know what's going on with you today but let's talk another time.

I’m speaking what everyone else is thinking, “Mr. Overextended and get nothing done correctly.”

The 3rd member's Discord handle is "Nuttin".
This HW member's role is to perform specific investigations that I assigned.

Still a garbage set up as long as you are chatting to people in appeals.