Hey developers,
Perhaps you already know, but I thought to mention javascript libraries are out and working.
With efforts made by petertag, mahdiyari, therealwolf and many others, we have now published versions of dsteem
and steem-js
on npmjs.com.
These packages will be renamed to dhive
and hivejs
when we all have bit more time on our hands. For now, changes are minimal and just to make libraries work on Hive, so migration could be smooth for developers without much need for change their existing codebase.
dsteem devs
Install and start developing
npm i @hivechain/dhive
npm i @hiveio/dhive
Check latest updates: https://esteem.app/hive/@good-karma/dhive-updates
steem-js devs
Install and start developing
npm i @hivechain/hivejs
npm i @hiveio/hive-js
Check latest updates: https://esteem.app/hive-139531/@mahdiyari/hive-js-and-hive-tx-migration-to-hive-breaking-changes-for-browsers
If you find any issues, let me know. Devportal to learn more about API and detailed documentation of Hive chain: https://developers.hive.io/
Tell me, what you are building or planning to build on Hive.
Hi there! I can speak JS. What can I do with the JS libraries? Can you please point me to some resources or tell me how I can contribute?
Come to https://discord.gg/FDU8yMK #dev-chat room please.
I tried to join, it says "You do not have permission to send messages in this channel"
I currently learning advanced lesson in python while in quarantine.
That's very smart and best investment right now! 💪
Wow thank you...
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BDvoter Team
wow dsteem is back!!! YEAYYYYYYYY
Good evening @ good-karma, I have certain scripts that use the DSTEEM library https://unpkg.com/dsteem@^0.8.0/dist/dsteem.js directly from the URL, which link should I use to access the same methods at Hive,
Buenas noches @good-karma, tengo ciertos script que utilizan la librer[ia DSTEEM https://unpkg.com/dsteem@^0.8.0/dist/dsteem.js directamente de la URL, que link debo usar para acceder a los mismos metodos en Hive
this should work.https://hive.blog/investor/@friendlystranger/19-days-ago-i-was-asked-to-remove-my-votes-from-justin-s-sockpuppets-accounts-which-i-did-17-days-later-you-removed-me-from-hive
off topic , is steemit offline ?
i understand and can anyone tell me when the wallet on hive will be active?
It's already active. Use peakd.com.
All the JS docs at Devportal that I tried throw Access Denied
Hmm some redirection issue I suppose. Noted, will notify couple others as well.
Awesome news!!!
this is great new the community continues to grow