
Read and reflect! My rath is now focused upon you 🌪⛈💨🌪

To make a defamation claim in California, you must prove four things:

That someone made a false statement of purported “fact” about you:
That the statement was made (“published”) to a third party;
That the person who made the statement did so negligently, recklessly or intentionally; and,
That as a result of the statement, your reputation was damaged.
California law recognizes two types of defamation: libel and slander. The main difference is whether a defamatory statement was made verbally (constituting slander) or in writing (constituting libel).

You have 13 hours left to correct your libelous ways. ⏰

@gank Time to get to know each other better. Since we will be meeting in a court room soon; you will eventually know all about me. Here is your first lesson:

Since I am a California resident; the case will be tried in California. More to come!

PS: Did you happen to read about my heads up?

In general, a plaintiff may be awarded three types of damages. These include:

General damages, which are damages for the plaintiff’s loss of reputation, shame, mortification, and hurt feelings;
Special damages, which are damages to the plaintiff’s property, trade, profession or occupation; or,
Punitive damages, which are damages awarded in the discretion of the superior court or the jury, to be recovered in addition to general and special damages, and to be awarded for the sake of example and by way of punishing a defendant.

My retainer is already paid; you are going down my washed up poker player 👍