I think HIVE has yet much to do before it reached it’s full potential. There are good ideas but execution is still deficient. I have a lot of faith in what this will become but no rush as it probably still needs some time to become ripe.
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Hey, @fenngen.
Yeah, I agree, there's still plenty to be done. And yet, I can't believe that all of these other tokens don't have their own issues and deficiencies.
I also agree there are plenty of good ideas. Burning some ninja-mined stake, decreasing practical inflation, doing some marketing, making it easier to onboard and use HIVE—I'm sure there's more ideas than that but any or all of those would be nice to try.
I still have hope for HIVE, but I don't have faith in where the rest of the world is and what they're capable of. Time is running out. I don't think we have 10 years to ripen. We might be fortunate if we have five.
Well if we don’t have time the we’re already fucked haha, things do move at incredible speed these days though.