What's Up With The Update Icon On PEAKD.com?

in #hivelast year

Mohamed_Hassan is the creator of this image/Source:  Pixabay

Has anybody here on the PEAKD.com writing platform or the other Hive-related writing platforms noticed that whenever you click the UPDATE icon, instead of the post updating, the UPDATE icon buffers indefinitely? If I click open a new window, the post will show as having been updated in spite of the irregular behavior of the UPDATE icon in the original window featuring the post.

It's not a tragedy, but it is somewhat of a nuisance. I've tested my upload and download speeds on my computer to make sure that it is not a problem coming from my end, and there is nothing wrong with both speeds. Therefore, I know that this problem has to be coming from PEADK.com's end.

If anybody has inside information about this problem, I'd greatly appreciate it if they would share it with me in my comments section below. I have seldom ever encountered this same problem on this writing platform.

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I've been getting that, too.
I'd be surprised if it didn't fix itself before long.

This problem initially occurred when I was first trying to upload my previous article. I was concerned that I had lost the entire article. Luckily, after I opened a new window, I found that the entire article had uploaded without any problem. Meanwhile, in the original window I had left open, the PUBLISH icon (which also appears as the UPDATE icon whenever modifying an existing article) was still buffering indefinitely.

Yes, that is what happened to me, too.
I figured I'd check to see if it posted in another tab, and it had, so it is functioning, just not in the expected way.