So I've been on the Hive network for 12 days now, and I'm finally starting to get a feel for the place... kind of. I'm still learning about new projects every day - like, I just learned that dlux also has a whole VR thing.
Proposal #152, which would allocate funds to develop a DAO that controls a wallet for the dlux DEX. (To know why that's helpful, well, go read disregardfiat's posts!)Oh - first: @disregardfiat has been building a strong case against some of the fundamentals of how Hive works, as a market. For those of you interested in the long term economy of Hive, I'd suggest reading their posts. And I'd encourage folk to join me in voting for
Above is a screenshot of my engagement with Hive so far. It's very erratic. I'd love to get more consistent about that going forward: I think pursuing developing equity within Hive is worthwhile. And, the
Turtle Island News and I'm going to try and be consistent about posting once or twice in there each day.I've set up one community, @hive-136941,
I'm also going to start posting to my blog, here, more often. There's no reason not to clutter it up with short posts - anyone who doesn't want to see them can just follow the communities my more meaningful posts go into! (I really like Hive's community stuff, and I'm curious to see more about how different dapps handle them. I'm looking at all this looking for some sort of solution for helping facilitate discussions and decisions within a local community garden.)
Welcome on board, I am also new here but it has been a real awakening on how rewarding a community can be! A lot of helpful members, great content (I am a photographer so I have a lot to see here), a lot of fun! You should come play splinterlands and also the rising star game! I am also impressed by how much effort goes into the economy of this network. Have fun go forth and post!