EXODE deploys new currencies!

in #hivelast year (edited)

Hello pilots!

As cryptocurrency warms up for a new stage,
now is the right time for new opportunities!

Last week we revealed a new gameplay demonstration, and detailed some Factions features in another article today. EXODE is gearing up for its P2E launch!

But there is more!

Now is the time we are also modernizing EXODE currencies with new currency and options. This is another big step for EXODE intellectual property!

With Factions around the corner you should also prepare for a lot of valuation over time. 2024 is going to be an immense year!

Welcome to this article about currencies, with treasures of information that we hope you will enjoy. Take your time... there is a lot to cover!

But also please make sure you do not miss anything about it!



Before we give you more details you have to know that a demonstration of EXODE Factions, our new gameplay mode, was released a week ago on February 10th.

We have written another article to detail some of its concepts and interactions.

One of the mission selection screens. Many mission areas will be available in Factions.

We will also share a lot more information in current article about it!
Read and find out!

But we will also discuss currencies.

EXODE Factions allows you to use your collection to its full advantage.
It is powered by a currency called EXODE Credits to activate your cards for this mode.

And EXODE Credits are being deployed to the shop and market!

It begins now

The currency is now made available for purchase with a limited quantity of currency and a limited number of early packs added to the shop.

A very limited number of currency packs have been added. And some also give a unique card!


Credits SupplySourceDescriptionLimit
1 600 Creditsexode.io (84.90 USD)EXODE Credits CacheSame as currency at 20% discount on average. Only 100 packs issued.
4 400 Creditsexode.io (199.90 USD)EXODE Credits ReserveSame as currency at 40% discount on average. Only 30 packs issued. Also gives a Cocktail Specialist epic promotion card.
25 500 Creditsexode.io (990.00 USD)EXODE Credits SuperstoreSame as currency at 60% discount on average. Only 4 packs issued. Also gives a Cocktail Specialist elite epic promotion card.
100 000 (monthly)Hive Engine (0.2 HIVE)Limited monthly supply.Price higher than shop packs and will increase every month. Once supply runs out, players should access offers by other players.

Thanks to the table above you should understand that players who takes a currency pack will "become the bosses of the currency" for some time, able to undercut our shop considering the discount.

Note: currency price comparison estimated at 0.2 HIVE and current HIVE to USD rate at time of writing (February 17th), before publication! We know Hive is increasing, and so if your purchase capacity when you will read this!

The number of packs are limited: this is done so that our current alpha and beta players can benefit from it without hurting the longterm sales aspect.

And if you would prefer to take your time, you can play the demo until it switches to real rewards, so taking any pack or currency is not mandatory. However, early players will get a currency advantage and be able to activate many more cards thanks to all these credits!

Bonus in Player rewards for EXODE players:

To reward early investment there will be an increase of rewards for players who already have starters, boosters and contracts purchased: the quantity purchased will determine a "bonus reward pool" on which you will draw with each mission.

This increase of recoverable rewards will occur during Phase 2 (see below) but also be tested during the demonstration time.

This also means that the more Agents you add and the more stars they have... the faster you will get all this bonus in rewards!

This is the Way!

Something critical to understand is that the entire gameplay of Factions, which is staking-related, unlocks a direct access to P2E without having to survive an Evacuation or to understand a lot about EXODE!

In our current plans, this is a new era for EXODE: allowing player scaling with "ease of play". Being finally compatible to the other P2E crowds in the world!

But also, we have to take into account that our work on colonization has been longer than planned. And players need to play something meanwhile. This is a part where EXODE needs to show it's more solid. And hey, that's just normal to speak about these things.

The Evacuation experience is immensely immersive but also "very engaged" and not quite easy for players used to piece-of-cake-ponzi-P2E.

Yet we don't want to turn Evacuation into anything piece-of-cake. Clearer, yes, but not easy.

EXODE Evacuation has a new tutorial, but has always been an intense experience!

Yet we have a responsibility to our players to place features and gameplay forward, easier to be played, compatible with some player scaling and to make the galaxy fully alive with players.

In addition, to protect valuation of the assets of players, thanks to player coming in and adding some well deserved liquidity.

Factions is exactly what will use all combination of assets sitting in collections, make them used, make them traded, and make players compete with each other and exchange every week with mission results.

Colonization was never meant for a single player to have 100 planets at the same time, but Factions can handle several agent teams with ease.

And then, of course, once this is settled, players will be able to bring on their "A team" to colonization with colonization rewards too, and get further and deeper into EXODE. We have a mission to give them something to play, and something good and in the world of 2325!

Pack Supply

Back to the shop and the new packs:
The symbol of the new cryptocurrency is EXOCREDITS.

Our packs are limited to:
100 packs of 1600 credits,
30 packs of 4400 credits
and 4 packs of 25.5K,
for a total of 394 000 credits deployed.

(out of the 10 million total supply)

If new packs come later - and that's unconfirmed that we will make them - they will be more expensive.

Hive Engine Supply

On Hive Engine we will release 100 000 coins every month at 0.2 Hive, for a total of 4 million coins supply in 40 months (little more than 3 years time).

Price will increase by 0.005 HIVE every month (a monthly 2.5% increase compared to initial price), ending at 0.45 HIVE in three years.

This means that by taking EXODE Credits early, you can associate ourself to a strong value plan.

But you should read below to find out the spending options for the currency ; this is extremely important too, as every currency needs utility.

We wanted to tell you as much information as possible even if some numbers may change later. Sorry for the length of this article. More information is always good to make a decision!

Total supply

The total supply of EXODE Credits is only 10 million coins, with 4 million deployed to hive engine in 40 monthly bits of 100k and the other millions reserved for player rewards and special offers.

This is not much considering the following numbers:

Every single card model can eat up to 1600 credits just for unlocking its full stars (and we may add more star levels too, at more cost). More spending options will also come for credits, and we have more than 400 card models already in nearly 700 000 cards in existence ; with more than 1200 players having them. This means a high count of stars and card models.

Let's make some calculation:

Reducing the number of models to 200+ (because of elite, and to be nice) and players to 1200, this means that the usage cap of credits with current player count is already of 200 models * 1600 credits per model * 1200 players = 384 million coins, which is far above our planned supply .

Many of our current players will be inactive, but some of that may change once P2E is on; and moreover, many new players will be more active too! So the supply will be "under heavy stress".

And we'll increase the number of players.
And we'll increase the number of card models and spending options.

Yet for now, we can be certain that access to the currency should be rather easy because many of the 1200 players will not "wake up and jump on it". It's all the better for the ones already on it, until the rest of the player population wakes up!

Players will have a lot of ground to cover!

Let's remember this is P2E:
there will be a lot of pressure on the supply to "purchase more stars" and "activate more cards".

But fortunately for players a little of the frustration of not having credits will also be addressed with ingame activity and player rewards!

Most player rewards earned in missions should be redirected voluntarily by players into gaming and making your cards progress ; as happens in a real game! Where you want to improve your results and achieve success against your opponents!

This is also why we will unlock so many mission areas and collection features to unlock them, as you will read below. This gives a lot of valuation to your cards but also "a lot of ground to cover" before you gain access to everything.

And this is only how we begin!
We'll have more ideas later!

The demonstration (and your feedback) will be essential in determining if the planned earning rate is adapted. (more about that in later demonstration updates)

Regarding supply we think we are very solid here and that early currency investors have a good opportunity.

We expect a lot of price pressure to come to the supply once we come to Phase 2 (with real rewards and start of P2E), and then Phase 3 (mobile release), but things to be a lot easier before.


There are two main steps to notice here.

- Phase 1 -
We push EXODE Factions demonstration and testing.

We will add features, adjust values and content a lot of times (meaning anything you see may still change).

During that time, features will be free to test with your real collection and free demonstration credits.

So you can't lose anything and can try out setups.
But there is more:

Players who have currencies will also see that many more demonstration credits available for testing, as a reward for their commitment. So suppose testers have 1000 demonstration credits, and you have 4400 real credits, then you'll have 5400 credits to test things instead of 1000.

This will allow credits owners to test spending here or there and see more results as demonstration adds more features. They will be more prepared, and it's good for them, because they will have more decisions available and we want their feedback on them too!

If it works, we wll follow the exact same method for EXOFUEL later on colonization. So it is always a good thing to have the currency earlier, as you have more demonstration power to test setups.

- Phase 2 -
We consider Factions feature-complete and will then work on its mobile port.

At that time, the browser version will become "real" and allow you to gain assets and tradable rewards.

- Phase 3 -
The mobile port is complete and there is a F2P offer on EXODE bringing us players continuously.

At that point, the next P2E to become feature-complete will be colonization, and the next currency to take a lot of value will be EXOFUEL.

EXODE Credits

EXODE Credits is the new main currency for Factions. This also protects EXOFUEL value from the P2E earnings of Factions.

Let's now take a deeper look at usage planned for Credits!

EXODE Credits are used to:

  • activate cards from your collection (this activates the card as an Agent at its first star level)
  • upgrade them for EXODE Factions (this activates more stars and power)
  • purchase equipment items in a new feature called the Factions Shop.
  • ... and will have more usage to come!

Several options are available for free:

Points spentActionDescription
FreeUnlockUnlock mission areas thanks to your Origins cards, Faction cards and Contracts.
FreeDemoPlay EXODE Factions demo. Needs to have at least a starter opened.
FreeF2PPlay EXODE Factions free-to-play (when it becomes available on mobile).
F2P version will allow progression but rewards cannot be traded for money.

We believe the F2P version will also convert some new players to the full EXODE experience (evacuation and colonization), in respectable numbers (any number being good). And it always shares more of the EXODE love!

Several options are available by using EXODE Credits:
(with free credits during demonstration time)

2024-02-17 16_52_10-EXODE Game.jpg

Points spentActionDescription
100 CreditsActivateActivate a new Agent. It can then be used in missions
100 CreditsStar Level 2Awaken the second star of an Agent.
100 CreditsStar Level 3Awaken the third star of an Agent.
400 CreditsStar Level 4Awaken the fourth star of an Agent.
900 CreditsStar Level 5Awaken the fifth star of an Agent.
[ Shop Price ][ Purchase items ]Purchase items from Factions shop.

Current demo has a 100 credits per star cost but there will be more credits to use in the coming updates of our demonstration.

Agents, Contracts and other Cards

Some strategy players have been handpicking some assets on market, and they are right to do so!

Missions will give many available setups and traits to be used.

You already know Origins will unlock mission areas.

2024-02-17 16_53_29-EXODE Game.jpg

Mission SectionMission AreaUnlocked By
SimulatorsColony MissionTotal number of "Origin" cards.
SimulatorsShip MissionTotal number of "Starship" cards.
SimulatorsSquad ArenaSuccesses when playing Squads. (grinding victories)

2024-02-17 16_53_20-EXODE Game.jpg

Mission SectionMission AreaUnlocked By
Space AcademyMilitary WingOrigins with a Military Trait.
Space AcademyScientific WingOrigins with a Scientific Trait.
Space AcademyCivilian WingOrigins with a Civilian Trait.
Space AcademyIntelligence WingOrigins with a Stealth Trait.

2024-02-17 16_53_07-EXODE Game.jpg

Contract cards are used too:

VIP AreaUnlocked By
Syndicate Underground FortressNumber of "Kumicho" cards.
Syndicate SquadsSyndicate Marks and cards with the 'Syndicate' trait.
Scarlet OrderEmber Marks and cards with the 'Inquisition' trait.
Council of FifteenInquisitor Sigils and cards with the 'Inquisition' trait.
Secret CellRebel General, 'Rebel' cards, Intelligence Files, Encrypted Datacubes.
Rekatron Self-Expression Area (S.E.A.)All 'Rekatron' cards, Rekatron 'SEA pass' (permanent access), 'Rekatron tickets' (consumable, one-time access).
Rekatron Shoot'o'maticAll 'Rekatron' cards, 'Rekatron tickets' (consumable, one-time access).
Tom Care CenterAll 'Tom Settler' cards, Tom 'VIP Pass' (permanent access), 'Tom Service tickets' (consumable, one-time access).

Unlocking with player rewards, and more options

In italic are Trophies:
they are rewards you can acquire during ingame missions.

You will notice that new drops, the SEA pass and the VIP pass, will come to the Rekatron and Tom Settler contracts, respectively. It is possible that we will also add Tickets to the drops too!

This means you will gain new cards to trade, if you are lucky enough to own the contracts; and as the contract model has proven, players without the contracts will be able to purchase it cheap from contract owners, with time. It's a win-win!

Beta contracts are not left out:
In fact, they will have a strong influence on all Factions options you will have.

  • Starbase shops and Street franchise will give you access to new ways to spend and earn Credits.

  • An Achean mission area is planned for the Achean Gangs exclusively.

  • Esdrovian Armor Docks will give you an option to improve armor slots for Factions. (you'll gain access to one additional slot, for instance)

  • Vogan Shipyards will give you an option to improve starships for Factions. (you'll gain access to additional module slots, for instance)

We are still balancing this out.

We want to make sure we avoid making it P2W of course, while still giving a lot more gameplay options and tradable rewards if you have more investment.

The "room to grow", if you allow us to use that expression, is actually extremely wide, considering the number of mission areas and the progression to have.

This is not a game where players only look for an empty button to make money.


A second currency called EXOSPRESSO has also been deployed.
Considering the length of the current article, we will have to detail its usage later.

Just as a summary:

  • EXOSPRESSO is an optional currency used for comfort of gameplay; a bit like a premium currency.
  • Some EXOSPRESSO will be given to testers for free, as a thank you.
  • Some EXOSPRESSO will also be earned as mission rewards, for free.
  • Some EXOSPRESSO will also be distributed to players who take the currency packs already in Shop! As a bonus and a thank you!

Rest assured:
You will be able to discover a lot more information about during later demonstrations, and that is the reason why we do not deploy the supply of this currency just yet.

Just know that it is something additional to also earn during missions!


EXOFUEL is to receive a distribution plan too!
And this is one to be exactly similar to EXODE Credits as well.

Recently we burned 500 million EXOFUEL, reducing supply to 100 Million, and we may as well reduce it further. EXOFUEL will have a solid plan and usage and we will detail it too in another article.

EXOFUEL is to become the main currency for colonization market and for the transport of goods.

The Cocktail Specialist!

cocktail designer elite_700_enlarged.png

With all this information we did not even release enough intel on our new unique card, the Cocktail Specialist!

The new card is a civilian epic card (QL 7) with Charisma, Empathy and is an Extravert.
It has one special ability: it unlocks drink design by adding a component slot to your drink designs.

Drink design is a colonization feature to come, with one component slot available to attempt to create a drink from almost anything.

Once with some research you can add +1 slot to it, and have two slots and then can work out some combination; such as adding a Happy Soda (from a Foodie Moodie), or Soup & Cook to an existing alien fruit and start designing some new drink to deploy to the colony market.

If you have a Cocktail Designer on your colony, you can add +1 slots to that total! This means 2 slots without research, and 3 slots with research.

How about cobining the unique fruit of your planet with BOTH a happy soda and a soup & cook ? Or even MORE, combining it with new drinks you invented, or drinks you took from other players? The possibilities are endless!

We can't wait to add that system to colonization. Please note that our TODO has a lot of items, as we are also working on pack opening (the ones being late as we focused on Factions demo) and continuing on our Talent+ releases.

Oh, another information about Cocktail Specialist. That card will be super rare as only 40 will be in existence, with 30 of them to come here with the currency pack.

In addition, there will be 4 Elite Epic Cocktail designers ; they add +2 slots instead of +1, so they can make drinks that other players can't. I have a feeling this card is going to trade for a lot of value...

!! Important Note !!

!! Currency packs are already added to shop !!

Pack opening is coming soon for these packs: it's almost done on our side, we just would like to test the render of the Cocktail special a bit more. And we did write a lot of information this weekend!

Pack opening will be made available on Friday 23rd!!
So you will be able to trade your cocktail specialists right away at this date!

That's all pilots!

We are extremely sorry for the quantity of information we did deploy here! Two big articles! Crammed to the brink with important data!

And yet so much has not yet been discussed!

It's just that things are moving up fast, two months ago we deployed Talent+ packs and a lot of new abilities, and now we are deploying an entire new way to use all your collection!

Remember some values will still be adjusted from feedback.
This moves fast! And that's the way to do it!

Happy 2325 to you all, and thank you again for your support!

EXODE is a science fiction game played on HIVE.
You can test it for free and play it with just a 10 USD starter

Feel free to try it here or to join our Discord if you have any question!