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RE: is hive worth accumulating?

in #hive3 months ago

hivewatchers already cancelled him, in violation of their dao proposal, for criticizing them and calling out their lies, abuse, and the destruction of the network-so there is nothing left of his for you to meaningfully downvote. So his ghost will remain in the form of a bot dedicated to making hive great again by downvoting profitable posts of authors who supported the hivewatchers proposal.

{"id":177243,"proposal":{"creator":"hivewatchers","daily_pay":"95.000 HBD","end_date":"2026-07-31T00:00:00","id":293,"permlink":"the-hivewatchers-and-spaminator-operational-proposal-for-the-period-2024-2026","proposal_id":293,"receiver":"hivewatchers","start_date":"2024-02-01T00:00:00","status":"active","subject":"The Hivewatchers & Spaminator Operational Proposal for the Period 2024-2026","total_votes":"69140046024037113"},"voter":"thehive"}

You hold the keys to your own jail cell.


Damn, you are braindead and delulu haha xD