Great post and nice prompt to discover more amazing features of Hive. There are so many layers and different ways to use hive that is still never ceases to amaze me.. The potential is almost limitless really. Our imagination and ability to create new ideas is limitless..
For example, just last week i discovered and started using listnerds. THis is a whole other world in itself.. seemingly hidden and yet interfaced with Hive-engine, tokens, and the hive platform itself. Not only does it seem to generate a whole other layer of abundance, but it also seems to bring in a great and welcomed number of new people to my blogs and in particular my comments!
So if i had to add one more thing that is Hive, i would say.. it's a kind of family.. we have this bond that unites us just because we are here..
i can't even imagine what will be going on here in 5 more years! :) even now i can barely keep up!