
I heard orange peels works as a tea too. You could probably try regular dosing with herbal tea containing citrus peel.

I felt something coming on yesterday. Took quercetin over two days and now I am right as rain.

Yeah I tried some quercetin as well. It's hard to tell exactly what worked, but when something was coming on it got fixed up really quickly. Coulda been delta variant for all I know, or just a common virus, but it's gone now. I wish I had known about vitamin C, D, Zinc, quercetin, oregano oil, colloidal silver, and a few other natural remedies years ago.

I have used zinc and C for ages but yeah quercetin is a game changer; that a low carb diet.

Oh yeah? Been a few years since I did low carb. Nowadays I stay fairly fit being vegan and gluten-free, so haven't had to be low carb. I should definitely try a week or two, though, see if that makes any noticeable difference. Another thing I was thinking about is either intermittent fasting, or an elimination diet to look for allergies/sensitivities.

Haha ... I am pretty much carnivore other than a little berries, coffee, and mushrooms. A little bit of squash here and there. I pretty much eat the opposite of what corporations tell me to. I did my vegan days decades ago in university when I was studying dietetics. I did not find it delivered on much. Lots of brain fog, though. It really did not deliver anything resembling the heath and fitness I enjoy now.

Yes, intermittent fasting is good. But absolutely, the insulin response must be controlled for optimal health to control inflammation and glycation.

I notice some pretty massive corporations pushing meat consumption, as well as the almighty coffee bean, so you're not exactly the opposite of a corporate diet :P
I think it's my insulin response that needs taming (to control inflammation), yes. I'm not overweight, and very low triglycerides, but possibly doing some damage with insulin spikes from rice, potatoes, pancakes, pasta. My hba1c was a little elevated in the past, but hasn't been checked recently. I don't trust mainstream medicine anymore, unfortunately. Caught it lying to me too many times.

You have a point about coffee but beef is generally raised by ranchers in Canada. I do wish had better access to farm fresh but one must do the best they can with the resources available to here.

You will find Gates is rather pro-vegan and the mono-cropping it needs to feed large amount of people this way. First and foremost grains are grown for human consumption and the by-products then funnelled into factory farms. The irony is that without grain/legume mono-cropping, factory farming wouldn't even be possible. Deforested Amazon land is first used to grow soy for soybean and human products; the meal is then fed to pigs in factory farms, and then after the land has become marginal the cows are brought in. The problem is vested interested just tell us about the cows and the pigs and not the soy production for humans. They do very nefarious things like count rain as water usage. The rain would still fall even without the cow in the field; compare international stats for meat with domestic stats for grain production; basically play the same stat nonsense as they do with the pandemic and neglect to tell us that pastured animals, because natural grasses can establish deeper roots, net-sequester carbon and create top soil. That the rice industry actually produces more methane but less actual nutrient per calories and that crop deaths far outweigh the number of deaths of the animals we eat. Mussels just hanging out in the ocean also produce far more methane.

I don't trust mainstream media either or WHO/governmental guidelines for eating. Or the vested interests groups. They use non-significant epidemiological findings to base recommendation upon and compare everything to the SAD diet and not healthy omnivore.

Again it appears to be about control and profit