Steemit or Hive? Where do I belong? I've been gone too long and I need advice..

in #hive5 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone. I used to post often on Steemit. I was unfortunately gone for almost a year and I am coming back and trying to make sense of this new landscape. I was able to log into here using my old Steemit keys, so I won that battle..

I am just wondering.. where do I belong? Where are all my friends now. I joined Steemit long ago and I really enjoyed the community and the block chain that ran it all..

From the little that I've read Dan the man organized the rebellion and I've always really liked that guy. I watched his videos on YouTube all the time before he came to the Steemit block chain. I was on ONG social because of him. I also bet on fantasy sports using a coin he was involved in. I have just always like the guy.

I seem acidyo posting here, and stellabelle and those are 2 people I used to know and see around on Steemit. Who else is here? Who stayed on Steemit?

Personally I am on team theycallmedan over team Tron.. I just don't know all of what happened and I would appreciate if someone would fill me in.. do I sell my steem and buy more hive? Or do I sell my hive and buy steem? Do I keep both and post to both? Is that what everyone else is doing?

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for reading. I hope I can find a place here and return to somewhat normal posting like I used to.

I miss all my Steemit friends and I hope that life has been good!



For what it's worth... IMHO...

You're much more welcomed and better off here on HIVE. Many of us have converted old STEEM holdings into HIVE and ONLY post on HIVE for the betterment of this chain. @theycallmedan has appeared to Step Up to the plate and engage on HIVE betther than the ENTIRE SteemIt INC. team did in 4 years on Steem, so we consider him the de facto CEO of a MUCH BETTER crypto project. We prefer to get more ol' SteemIams on board over here before drawing in gaggles of Noobs who shitpost spam and lose their keys after a week so YOU are MOST WELCOMED BACK! Hope this helped... HIVE.ON Bruv!

HIVE In Vertical Energy @barge.jpeg

PS: Life is Good!

Hey thanks for commenting. Glad some of my fellow conspiracy friends are still here. I have always liked theycallmedan since long before he was involved in Steemit, he seems like a solid dude. And if I was only having to pick which leader is better out of him and Justin Sun of Tron.. Dan is the easy choice.

But I miss all my block chain friends too and they are a big part of where I will end up I'm sure. That is if they are even around anymore. Maybe I just need to start over making new friends basically, it has been so long since I posted I'm sure they unfollowed me since I was an inactive ghost account for a while lol..

But anyways, thanks for commenting. I'm glad at least one person did. I spent a lot of time and energy on the steem block chain. It's nice to have at least one person kind of remember me lol!

I will be posting more often again so I'm sure I will see you around..

Hive for sure. No doubt. Steem is dead to me.

Aye, it took me less than 3 hours to come to that same conclusion. I don't believe I knew you from Steem, but it's nice to meet you.

I remember seein' ya over there, don't think we corresponded more than once or twice, but all good :) Just happy to have OG's using Hive.

Everyone who is anyone is here on HIVE now. I'm even getting the HIVE logo tattooed directly on top of the STEEM tats I got couple years back.

I've been super surprised to see how many of the OGs are still active on the new chain, and have run into tons of old friends since my comeback just a month or two ago.

Nice. Well I'm glad you're back at least. I will be around. I'm sure some people were lost in the transition lol, I myself got lost too.

If it actually matters to you, what's right and what's wrong, you should be in Hive.

What's right and what's wrong does matter. I started powering down my Steem a couple days ago. I found out enough to see which was the right one pretty quick.. thanks for the words though

Hey! Hi @drpuffnstuff!

I remember you pretty well mate. Welcome back buddy. :)

I just don't know all of what happened and I would appreciate if someone would fill me in..

Well, just to make the story kinda short but pretty illustrative, you may want to click Here to get sorts of a quick update heads up. As for selling your Steem or Hive or buying more of any of these tokens. And as for keep both accounts and post to both platforms....

...I would say keep both and post on both for a while. At least until you could find most of your old lost pals around. And obviously, if you also feel you have the time available to start all that soulmate's search grinding one more time again. Hahahaha


Thanks for the info brotha! Your are appreciated!

You ghosted, so I unfollowed. You are back, so I followed again.


Hive is where most of the english speakers went.
They blocked FBA, but didn't steal more than what they could get downvoting.
I've kept some there on the chance of a moonshot, but I have drastically reduced my steem holdings. will let you convert them back and forth.

Their hbd wallet was down on binance, and they got me my refund relatively quickly.
So, I'd call that reputable, for now. will let you exchange to other currencies.

You got to do what you do.
I'm still holding a little waiting for the rocket to fuel up, but I have stopped daily content there.

Ahh that sucks. Glad they didn't do worse to you though. I'm just going to power down and dump my bag now. I will always have fond memories of Steem though. I traded my and for Steem on the platform and moved it out and sold it. I just started my power down so it's going to take a bit before I can get it all off of over there..

Meh, nothing says that JS doesn't pull a billion out of his change pocket and buy up the rest at a premium.
I'm gonna hold some for just that reason, and if it goes to zero, I still made what I got out for 4 years of daily bloviation.

Yeah, you're right. At some point all crypto is going to go up again though I'm sure. I think I would rather just dump it and out it into a coin I can get behind.

I'm sure I made a good amount for my 3k+ posts I made, not that I was ever a high paid author, but I made enough regardless. I first bought Steem on a whim around 85 cents and it went down to 80 right after so I found out what it actually was, moved my coins over and powered them up. I figured they are more safe powered up and locked on the block chain..

Yes, hive is the future for most of this community.
That seems to be the consensus, except among those that were abusing the rules.

Ya, the vote bots bid vote bots. Haejin and Bernie Sanders war. Once I was spending half my power downvoting people I realized I just should be around for a while lol. It seems much more calm here now, although somewhat empty at the moment.

Folks have quieted down, and the koreans have their own chain, now.

I hate that it had to end this way, but the handwriting was on the wall.
Now, if we can keep making blocks, we should slowly climb out of the hole ned's kneecappening dug for us.