
I don't see how what you're doing falls under the scope outlined in this very post. Keep doing what you're doing. @hivewatcher / @spaminator you've got better places to use downvote power than stuff like this, don't you?

Recycling the same post in one of the other 6500 languages is considered farming and spam. This type of abuse is particularly getting on the nerves of the community. We have dealt with it for a few years.
It's not a problem if a recycled post has rewards declined.

There's got to be a better way...

It just seems really unjust that a person who has taken the time to manually translate their post into another language for their readers is forbidden from receiving rewards because the content is written in another language already, by that same author

There's a couple of implications that don't sit well with me...

A Hiver must create separate sets of monetized content for each language? If your audience or readership is international and speaks more than one language, you can't tell them the same thing at the same time, and get fairly rewarded for both? The Internet is a global network! Hive is about inclusion! Right? Multilingual people may not feel all that welcome. If a book you've written is translated into another language, you don't just give away the translated copies...

I understand this is likely an unfathomably large and more general problem, with plagiarists ripping off content, running it through
machine translation and then posting it as their own all the time

And it's a thankless job that you do, I'm certain

But this person is saying they translate manually

That's far from 'recycling'

Create both language versions in one post or decline payouts, please.

There is no way to verify if the content has been machine translated or manually translated.
Machine translations are excellent now and usually the final result only requires slight corrections to the content.

Fair enough!



I hope you don't mind me commenting on this. I found your arguments further up reasonable.

In your exchange with hivewatchers it's said

Create both language versions in one post or decline payouts, please.

There is no way to verify if the content has been machine translated or manually translated.
Machine translations are excellent now and usually the final result only requires slight corrections to the content.

I would argue, still (and confirm what you said earlier):
Anyone who has no way of checking whether something has been machine or manually translated is acting in uncertainty and should therefore not act at all.

To act on the basis of assumptions is itself not only disingenuous, it is also presumptuous. Anyone who is not fluent in both languages used in an article is not in a position to make a judgment. Even very good translation programs require post-correction and semantic checking of the translation, thus require an input of energy. About which it is not appropriate to pass judgment.

This policy would not stand up in normal business life and would in turn be subject to warnings, unless abuse can be proven with absolute certainty.

However, to insinuate that an author who publishes his own work in several languages separately from one another has used a machine translation and should therefore forego possible profits would be similar to amazon preventing a Kindle book author from selling because he has put more work and energy into one language version than into the other.

It seems to me that there are incompetents at work here who act at their own discretion and are not very familiar with legal aspects.

Telling someone to nuke their translated text or to publish it in a single post with the original language is, in my view, an overstep of competence and ignoble in any case.

basically, do what we say, or get downvoted until you beg for mercy