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RE: Hive is Listed On Coinbase?

in #hive8 months ago

I hear that. I came from there (Rouses Point) and my family is all there. It's such a beautiful place, but so dangerous legally. I carry a gun everywhere I go openly and freely here and that would get me in huge trouble there. That's only one problem...

I've used the exchanges and I have had trouble getting my Hive out of them lots of times and I'm at a stake now that I felt I just wouldn't bother any more, but I would love to double down on that if I could.

Oh well, I guess.


I took a course for concealed carry, but even then, you can hardly take your pistol anywhere, inside or out, in this state. Unless there's a sign that says you can, or you have verbal permission. What's the point of having the permit? I could take it with me while walking my dog on state land, or while driving around in my car, and that's about it. And there are still calls for even more regulation! People have no idea what they are talking about here.

They need to wall off the city and the rest of the state should split off. Vermont and New Hampshire are the opposite and they are similar demographics to the majority of the upper state of New York.

I lived in or near NYC for 42 years, but fled to my hillbilly hometown upstate in 2021, when I began to fear I would find my tires slashed by one of the members of the party of fear and hate, for refusing to submit to a lethal injection.

Vermont is quite lefty. The governor, however, is reasonable, for a Democrat. I considered moving to both of those states. Also Tennessee and Iowa. But I love upstate NY, and have many ties here, so back to my hillbilly roots I have returned. Folks are more sensible here. Per capita gun ownership is eight. Crime is nearly non-existent.