"Deeming the creation of multiple targeted accounts problematic is a scaling issue for Hive..................."
I still wouldn't say I like multiple accounts even though people have demonstrated legitimate reasons for it. I kind of see it like doing the lottery. The more tickets you have, the more chances you have of winning, so I can't get the idea of "Fleecing the system" out of my head. Given there's not a never-ending supply of Hive (for the minute?), that's another factor in my dislike of the practice.
"Another issue is potential for abuse of power given the centralization of it. It opens up the door for extortion, retaliation, heavy shorting, PR nightmares, and other issues that may come from this centralization of power. One person acts poorly, maybe they ask for a sexually compromising image of a female Hive user from a country that has far less opportunity in exchange for removal from a blacklist. That female Hive user needs the HIVE to survive and resorted to begging in appeals on Discord with this self-appointed authority and this is a possible penance. You don't think that something like this won't happen? You think someone won't whistleblow? Do you want to prevent something like this from happening? I know I do."
You have me nodding like a demented loon! And the best of it is, it seems to me that some of the individuals are self-appointed. Nobody voted them in or said, "Of course you can walk through the Blockchain streets and accuse whoever you like without any redress while your victim, of course, only has one course of action, and that's appealing to you!" Nice work if you can get it.
I've never understood this "Begging on Discord"? If I had an overactive imagination, I would say there was a reason for it: The accusation was made on Public Domain, Hive, where pretty much everyone can see, make a comment and follow the 'incident' to a conclusion. I would argue 95% of the Hive community do not use Discord, wouldn't have a clue how to get on there or what to do if they did manage to get as far as the court of the Crimson King. And what is this court of appeal? I'd argue it's a channel populated by friends and supporters of the channel owner where I should think there's little chance of leaving without losing an eye and supporting a broken arm. Talk about being thrown into the bear pit! But of course, that's just my overactive imagination. 😉