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RE: Important Announcement | Anti-Phishing

in #hive4 years ago

Decentralisation lies at the heart of the blockchain. There are several other nodes to use that are not utilizing my "localized censorship" feature. If anyone does not like this feature (and would likely be at risk of typoing something themselves in the future) they are more than welcome to use other nodes.

More nodes are always better for the ecosystem. (and usually makes decentralization even better) As a long-time node operator, I decided to implement this after witnessing people complaining about how they lost their funds. Not to mention that I disdain people who deliberately and knowingly created these commonly misspelt accounts in the first place so that they can "earn" from someone else's mistake.


There are quite a few private nodes. And if anyone thinks that we do not have enough public nodes, we encourage, not to mention even help people setting their own API nodes up.

I've always advocated for more API nodes.

I use a private node for broadcasting. Its relatively low cost to set one up.