
I've been writing and talking about it for years. Attempting to show folks how fuse crypto with the entertainment industry using what we already have in place has been difficult to say the least. So much potential over the years has been squandered. Folks just want to keep moving the goal posts, wanting to turn the place into just another dime a dozen crypto project.

There's a savings account feature sitting idle. Use that for something investors would be interested in. Give them a higher interest rate for holding tokens there. It already has a three day waiting period in place. There's no need to take away from content creators and destroy the potential of a consumer driven business model just to cater to a tiny percentage of humanity who'd actually be interested investing while the whole world is falling apart and looking for something to entertain themselves with. Combine all these things and provide as many options as possible to appeal to as many people as possible. That's how you do this... LOL!

There are minds who can think. There are doers who can do. Dreamers who will dream. A thing called teamwork. And no damn boss to tell us what we can and can't do.

I never really understood the wallet savings feature and I still don't know how you say it takes advantage of it.
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The wallet savings feature right now works as an added layer of security. It takes three days to remove the funds you place in the savings account. At this time I don't believe one receives any benefits for holding them there.