RUG Report #0008

in #hivelast month

Yes now, welcome to this week's RUG report!


See RUG's launch post for full details

Week 0008

This week has been slow in the markets with not much action, most things are down a few percent. Some of our LPs have fallen out of range and are not earning anything but this is all part of the dance. When something falls out of range, I will leave it for a few days as sometimes it can correct itself. It costs a fair whack in fees to exit and re enter a position and in most cases, they will fall back into range if we expect the 1 crypto to outperform the other. In our case, we're waiting for PEPE and SOL to increase against BNB which both should do.

Anyways, below are the LP's we're involved with and below that is how much of each crypto we currently hold.



The price of the RUG token has pretty much gone sideways dropping 1 cent from last week. Sadly the hardest hit during the recent market dump are our biggest holdings but we can hope when the market turns and starts to pump again, our bags will increase faster.


Not as good as last week but RUG still earned $132 which converted into 740 HIVE. 185 HIVE goes directly to @dailydab and the remaining 555 has been used to issue 555 DBOND tokens to RUG holders. This week's rewards are equal to an APY of 58% so we're killing it.

To date in 8 weeks. RUG has shipped over 1150 HIVE to @dailydab and shipped 3500 DBOND to RUG holders. Numbers are going up so in a few more months, these will be kiddy numbers.

WeekCirc RUGWallet $Harvest $HIVE to @rugemHIVE to @dailydabsDBOND MintedRUG APY

Anyways, the public sale is now over and RUG will be relisted at its market value. I still have plans to distribute RUG directly through your HIVE wallet but im having some problems with updating the price and it'll take a few weeks to sort out. Until then, you can buy RUG here

RUG Rewards have been shipped already! See ya'll plebs next week.



See RUG's launch post for full details