RUG Report #0006

in #hive2 months ago

Yes now, welcome to this week's RUG report!


See RUG's launch post for full details

Week 0006

We got a nice boost this week from issuing over 2000 RUG tokens to a single investor, a group investor I mean. We've got fund investors now, Berkshire will come knocking soon, I can feel it in my bones. The only way is up from here, Lambos and Pateks for all soon!!

But on the real, we took a hit this week as the market dipped there over the past few days. We're all good because we make money from trading volumes and big dumps normally mean more trading volume and bigger rewards (worth less). I told you our tech was special bro, the more we lose the more we make. It's big brain sheet.

Check out this week's LP holdings and what crypto we hold by weight. We do concentrated LPing so our LPs are not split 50/50. You can see above we are heavy on PEPE, this is the result of PEPE falling harder than BNB which is paired off with.



You might be thinking why so heavily invested in PEPE? We're not, we're invested in an LP that makes over 100% APY, it's a dollar number to me, the actual crypto we use is just not important. As long as it's in the top 100, I dont care which cryptos we use to produce earnings. There is thought into allocations, it's not all just all in on the highest-yielding LP. It's just mostly that.

The RUG token dropped this week to $0.44 but this is the be expected as the past few days have been crappy. The RUG price should mirror what's happening in the markets and for the past few months, it's been flat. Remember, we take 100% of earnings back to HIVE each week and we are not reinvesting any earnings. When the market goes up, our price will increase, when the market goes down, our price will decrease. We're all about keeping paid, now!


WeekCirc RUGWallet $Harvest $HIVE to @rugemHIVE to @dailydabsDBOND MintedRUG APY

We have had a solid week, pulling in $114 from rewards. I look forward to next week because these rewards are based on having $7k invested for 4 days and $9k invested for 3 days. Next week could be better.

We bought 548 HIVE this week, 137 were shipped directly to @dailydab to increase its daily HIVE drip and 411 have been used to back and issue 411 DBOND to RUG token holders, equal to a 49% APY. No idea what our average APY has been to date but it's way up there and probally higher than anything else your invested in I'd guess. (on HIVE)

Anyways, the public sale is now over and RUG will be relisted at its market value. I still have plans to distribute RUG directly through your HIVE wallet but im having some problems with updating the price and it'll take a few weeks to sort out. Until then, you can buy RUG here

RUG Rewards have been shipped already! See ya'll plebs next week.



See RUG's launch post for full details