Urmm.. hello hive? Am I like in Hive Blockchain?

in #hive5 years ago

So the feeling is like am switching from Facebook and instagram and twitter and wherever platform I prefer I want to get valuable information from. For now, Twitter is one of the best to gather and filter out information and do your own research after that. To preserve your research data, you need someplace to engrave the data, where no one can delete it, transparent and immutable platform, where no one can hide the data with their downvote or censorship. Steem blockchain and the front end around it have the ability to censor/hide/discourage your data from being on the surface of the platform with mechanism of downvote/blacklist/negative reputation crush down to negative so your account become invisible to the platform, and require some technical skills to find/dig the info down to the ledger/core of the blockchain. For average non-techy user, they won't find that data easily.. My need for now is where I can preserve data that I deem important and need to be engrave somewhere without them data being destroy/change by outside force. Also that depend on how convenient and effortlessly I can do that. And security features of it just in case I want to keep my token also a bonus. So far peakd doing a great job as my pleasant experience with steempeak previously. I hope the best for Hive Blockchain team, you got yourself solid developers team behind you, now solid Marketing team to complement them and see you prosper!


Upload it to the collective consciousness ;-)

that's is for sure hehee,, easier, just tune in to the right frequencies then downloading right straight to your consciousness, but until everyone on earth remember, humans still need to engrave it somewhere for them truth seekers to rediscover something that has long been hidden from them.. you know, the frustration of casting pearls before swine

Everythiiiiiiiiiiiing in its riiiight plaaaaaaace

totally agree, brain cannot do what the feet do best and vice versa.

Yes @cryptokannon you sure are in the hive block chain :)

oh hi @robertandrew nice to see you here on hive blockchain. I have our collaboration post ready in the draft and I always forgot to ask @clixmoney when he is free (as we are little different in timezone) if he can support with upvote the post; he mentioned to me that we need to inform him first before posting, so he can get ready with his upvote from tipu that need 5minutes timeframe for optimum rewards.

For sure. Just tag me in the post and I will support it. You don't have to inform me before posting in hive, because in hive @tipu isn't working. So, I can upvote with @dcooperation anytime.

Welcome to Hive, yes the posts act as a database to store your content in the public domain, really handy. Will you be involved in marketing Hive as well?