My Journey To Crypto Part 3

in #hive3 years ago


Ok, I have come to learn that setting goals may be a good thing... or so my wife says. :)
Let me start by saying I am no good at making plans. I try and try but very rarely have any of my plans or goals ever worked out. I’m not quite sure why. My wife says I give up too quickly and that I need to stick to my goals no matter what. I am getting better because of her. I promised and I will.

Why do I write my goals here on this blog?
So I have you, dear reader, to hold me accountable. Just as simple as that.

Searching the internet about goal setting I found this Image and It really stuck with me.


Smart is the one I am using to keep me accountable.** S.M.A.R.T** for me is the way to go.

Goles For the week:
Create a #ctptalk blog post every day for seven days.
Try to create a video
Comment at least five times on blog posts I read.

Goals for the month of may
Learn as much as I can about Hive and the blockchain.
Keep going with the everyday posts.
Create an email campaign

Goals for the year 2021
This one is a little harder to come up with I'm not normally something I do. Plain for the whole year that is. I mostly go with the flow sort of speak. But I will give it a try.
In truth, I don't know
I guess my goals for the year is:
To be the best I can be at what I do.
And learn everyday.