Guidance, Support, Encouragement! A Needed Combo for Success on Hive!

in #hive2 years ago


I took this picture of my niece quite a few years back when we visited a petting farm. I still remember that day as if it happened just this year.

It was the first time feeding the baby goats for our kids. As we approached the gate they became more anxious about getting to the other side to be closer to them. The excitement of feeding them with a baby bottle overtook them and they headed straight in with the crowd.

While we were trying to get situated and hand out the bottles the crying had already begun. I was carrying my youngest while the others braved the field to explore the goats. They quickly found out those little energetic babies were interested in eating more so than playing.

The nibbling of the goats was just too much for some of the kiddos and they ran towards the opening of the gate before we could give them their bottles for feeding.

Breathe, start over and let’s try this again.

We guided the children to slowly walk back in and focus on one goat they wanted to feed. We explained that waving the bottle around or switching back and forth from goats entices them and causes the aggressive behavior of fighting for attention. Feeding one at a time takes the pressure off the feeder and allows them to enjoy the experience better.

We supported them by blocking the other baby goats to discourage the nibbling while they were feeding the goat of their choice. They were much more relaxed and back to being enthused about taking care of an animal.

We encouraged them to try it again with another goat once they finished with their first one on one. We stayed in sight very close as they roamed around looking for the next hungry goat to feed.

As time went on the nibbling wasn’t so bad. The kids were able to laugh about it instead of being afraid. They dealt with it in order to stay in there and keep feeding. Once they experienced how fun it was watching the goats suck on those bottles, it was totally worth it to them in order to keep that fun going.

Before long we saw them taking more control and gently moving the goats out of their way and saying “no, it’s not your turn yet.” They listened to our guidance and enjoyed their time inside the gate.

The reason for my telling of this story is because it reminds me of Hive beginnings.

There’s a huge learning curve here and if someone doesn’t have these three things, they can easily run outside the gate to get away from all of the confusion and pressure and never really find their place here. They may find a way to enjoy Hive a little bit by reading a few articles and commenting ever so often but they are still only partially involved due to fear of those nibbles.


They wish to be fully involved but really don’t know how to properly start their journey.

A few years back it was hard to find guidance, support and encouragement right from the start but thankfully that has changed. One can now find these three valuable things at the very beginning of their stay.

We now have curator programs seeking out newbies daily to support and encourage. People are consistently making helpful collections of posts for newcomers to view and learn and comments are being left on posts to help guide and inform. I see this quite often now and I love it.

The way things are being setup now are being put in place for better retention and to keep people inside the gate. They may feel little nibbles of people giving them heads up on certain behaviors or warnings of what not to do but it’s all to help them succeed and not fail. Those who accept this guidance and take heed to the warnings usually end up gaining support they need due to showing effort. This then leads to the encouragement they needed to continue on finding their place here on Hive and making it a home.

These are just some thoughts I had after onboarding my kiddos @duel-master and @legomaster this week. Thanks to everyone for your visits and comments.

I seen some of the very people I once helped or guided when they were new, step in to support and encourage my kids. I was in awe and appreciation of what I witnessed.

I was just talking to @daltono about the feeling of obligation and sense of duty that I have to share what I have learned to others joining here.

Back then we didn’t have all of these available resources to help us figure out our next steps. We had to figure out on our own that connecting with others and supporting their work was an important part of making people aware of us. We had to figure out that quality was way more valuable than quantity and so forth.

You don’t have to be here for plus years in order to help guide someone. Once you have an understanding of how things work here you can began helping others find their way. Instead of being irritated by what someone does, take the time to leave suggestions and tips. Don’t assume someone is intentionally doing something…most times they are just not informed or misinformed.

I want to thank @joydukeson, @emeka4, @merit.ahama, and @nkemakonam89 for taking the time to leave nice and encouraging comments on my kid’s intro posts. You are the ones I was speaking about above that stepped in to continue the cycle of being supportive and encouraging just like I know you have received from others throughout your journey here.

These types of gestures are what’s needed for one to feel confident and capable of doing well here and feeling as they belong.

I’ve noticed the comments you leave on other’s posts as well and I appreciate the thoughtfulness in your responses. You may not realize how far this goes but believe me it does go a long way.

My kids are so pumped and excited now that they were at their computers yesterday doing their typing program to better their skill for blogging 😆.

Small gestures cause huge impacts!

I encourage everyone to practice sharing these three key components when browsing through Hive because they do go hand in hand. We can all help make someone’s first experience a little less shaky by the guidance, support and encouragement we give. 💓

The Hivers I mentioned above have each been added on as a beneficiary of this post ~

Thank You!


Wow I feel overwhelmed and excited for the mention which I appreciate a lot. I believe your presence in the blockchain have helped a lot of people to step up in improving in themselves with the love and support you share that mostly come from your post which I myself have learnt a lot and with that I appreciate you a lot with the hardwork and effort you deliver.

I believe your kids will make impact as well as your good guidance and support will put them through.

I'm glad you feel that way. I’ve shared this before but I’m big on giving someone flowers while I have the chance and this is what was on my heart to do. 😊

That truly makes me happy to know and confirms the time I put in here is worth my while. I’m just thankful that you have been impacted by my posts, thanks so much for sharing that.

I believe my kids will as well. They love helping and supporting people too and I see that in them daily. I look forward to seeing how they will use their gifts here.

Thanks again ~

It's a pleasure

I remember the first time I came across your post, wow...the post was just made for me. I was reading it and reflecting on my life. After reading the post, it took me minutes to drop a comment, why? Because the post was so helpful to my current situation then. Since that day, I began to look out for your post and you have been a source of support, guidance, and encouragement I needed to succeed here. You may not be aware of this but then, you have made a great impact on my blogging journey through your posts.

I am glad I could support the two masters🤩 in this early beginning in my little way. I hope they get a sense of acceptance and the motivation to thrive here.

Setting us as beneficiaries to the reward of this post was so kind of you🤗🤭🤭. Thanks a bunch ma🥰💞

I remember when you first commented and we had our conversations since then on. 😊🤗

Awww wow! I am so grateful to have been one of the ones you considered impactful. I love getting confirmations (I know we don’t get these all the time but it’s nice when we do) knowing what I write is helpful to someone. I know what it feels like to get support so I try to give it as much as I can. ☺️

Yes, I think they have seen for themselves just how supportive it is here. Your comments will go a long way.

Absolutely! Just a small way to show my appreciation ~ 💗

Awwww, I am elated! Thanks a bunch for everything 🤗


How much reason there is in your words. It is not necessary to have a long experience in HIVE when we want to guide those who are arriving, even those who despite being here for some time still do not know certain processes, rules and operation of the blockchain.

Notice that it was only after reading your post about the introduction to your children's accounts that I found out that children under 18 (between 13-18 years old) can have an account here 😉 with parental supervision.

I was reading among others I already knew, communities that precisely offer these supports of guidance, support and encouragement to newcomers. I show you:
It is excellent that this is happening.

I am happy to know that there is an initiation and welcome program for newcomers. Even your posts are being rewarded.

I loved the introduction of your post. There are many here who have come in with encouragement and enthusiasm, but suddenly got nibbled and left in fear, surrender and despair.

Glad things have changed 🙋🙏🎉👏🤗.

That is certainly true due to the fact we are part of a chain that keeps on evolving so there is always something new to learn. One can learn so much just within the course of a few months that they can pass on to others. 😊

I think it’s under a parent’s discretion when they feel their child is ready to join. We don’t necessarily look at the age of our kids for this but more so their responsibility level and ability to comprehend things.

Yes I am familiar with that initiative.
It’s really great to see all the support for newcomers.

Thank you, I’m glad you liked my intro and were able to connect what I was saying. 😊

The sky is big enough for everyone to succeed. So when you guide people and show them how to do well, doesn't take away your greatness. You have been very supportive to me and I am grateful. I know with your guidance, your kids will do well here. I will continually support them as much as I can.

Thank you also for the mention and setting me as a beneficiary. I didn't see this coming. 💕

That's so true! There is room for everyone to succeed!

It’s been a pleasure supporting your posts and getting to know you better. I always appreciate the comments you leave on mine too.

For sure. Hahaha I knew you probably didn’t see this one coming. 😄😘

Awwww this was so nice reading! You made a very clear point on that one... Guidance, support and encouragement and yeah! They do go hand in hand because I've experienced it countless times since I joined the world of blogging especially Hive 😊

I know that feeling of acceptance one gets when he or she just started a new journey in any form and I love making anyone feel that so I do the little I can... It was an opportunity for me when I saw your post about your kids 😍

I hope they take our guidance, support and encouragement to grow on the blockchain and outside... And also give the combo out to their mates ❤️

Thanks so much for the mention and making me feel even more special for the little I did, you are a gem! 😎

It's so good you want to help people feel accepted, we need more of that here. I’m glad you took that opportunity with my kids. ☺️

The support shown to them already made an impact! 😉

Of course! I tend to go with how I am moved and this was definitely on my heart to do. Keep being you ~ 💟

Thanks ma'am ❤️

I like to go to my relatives' farm to see sheep and goats. Life there is different from us. I also like to feed the herd.

It is good to feed the goats en masse so that there is a good combination. Most animals are sensitive creatures

OMG, the computer typing class will sure be fun to watch.
Truth be told, you have made some important points here, to me they sounded not just about figuring how to find our way on hive alone but in life as well.

Alot of people are out looking for the proper guide in how to live life and its sad that not many gets the support the needs.

The kids are warmly welcome.
Am happy to have children around me anytime anywhere.

Thanks so much Monica!! 💗

Without a doubt
Small gestures cause huge impacts!
This IS a huge true😍

Absolutely so! 😊

Awwwwnn I love these