Social Media Challenge: Thoughts On The New Update
Good Day Splinterfam! Here I am back again for this week's Social Media Challenge to share to you my thoughts and experience about the new update for the rank battles. For those of you who are new here I only own silver level cards some are max some are not.
The new update removes the current level cap on each league meaning you could use a max level cards on bronze league assuming your summoner can summon or allows you to use that level. Also the rating you acquire will be fixed, if you win you gain +20 and if you lose -20, you can gain a +40 if you are on a winning streak.
Pre-update I can reach to 1600-1900 rating in about 3 days Post-update until now I am not even in silver league and currently sitting pretty at bronze 980 rating because I am constantly having to face high level cards some have max levels so it is really a pain in the neck to play splinterlands now. As a casual player with very minimum budget it is really hard, I slowly built my deck from scratch buying every card I need everytime I receive my paycheck and achieve my goal to have a silver deck and play without renting cards. Now I think my deck couldn't keep up with the current update but I know this is only hard at first and an adjustment must be made for me to be able to increase my win rate. One adjustment I thought of is to rent cards again another is to sell some of my cards, even sell the silver level cards on other element I have low win rate on like my Fire and Death Splinter and then buy cards on other element, water is the priority because that is my highest win rate. The good thing about the update is to increase the value of the cards because players tend to increase the level of their cards because there is no level cap on each league meaning higher level cards higher win rate.
This is a sample of my battles with about 50% win rate. This was worse on the first day, I tried to play on the first day after the update I was at 1100 rating and instantly being brought down to 980 rating because I always come up against max level cards LOl!
For now I am still observing the changes hoping that the players with high level cards to progress to high ratings and leave us with silver deck in the silver league.
The new update is good for the value of cards because it increases the value of my cards 25%. But it hurts for us casual players with low budget to win battles and still have a decent amount of earning while playing because of the high level cards we come up against. But on the bright side, it also encourage us to level up our cards invest more in the game we all love. That is why I am writing here not only to share my thoughts and experience but to also use the Reward coming from this blog to buy new cards I need and upgrade my silver deck to gold deck and to hopefully max it someday LOL!
Want to play Splinterlands? Click this link here for the Referral link. That's it for this weeks social media challenge. Thank you everyone for giving your time reading this blog I hope everyone enjoys and would have a winning streak. Again thank you and I'll see you on the next one.
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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice