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RE: Discussion: Why are new users not sticking around?

in #hive5 years ago

The kinds of people you attract to the platform depend on how it's advertised.

Telling people that you can get paid to post is the wrong approach in my opinion. Instead, find the people who stay and ask them why they stayed. You may find that it often has less to do with money, and more to do with ownership of content, shared ownership of the platform through staking, and not worrying about censorship and trolls.

People that come here thinking its all about making money are not the people you want to attract anyways. For them, Hive is little more than a ponzi scheme, first in and first to cash out.

Buying hive and powering up is literally an investment, and everyone who powers up is invested in seeing the platform succeed and grow. In that way, you really want to be attracting investors to Hive, because attracting people who have 15 Hive Power and no intention of investing are probably not going to see the point in the first place. I mean, theres more to it than an investment, there's community and the collective pride of knowing that we're all shaping this platform together, but the foundation of the platform requires people to be invested in some way.