Well I have been in crypto for 11 years and on STEEM / HIVE for 8 years. I have seen the lifecycle of a lot of projects and have seen a lot of people try different strategies here. Some of developed great projects and never got funded so even the premise that someone comes here and builds something amazing or pushes tons of traffic to this ecosystem doesn't mean they will get support.
As an example you might remember the Partiko app.
It was well developed and people used it and it couldn't get funding so they left. There has been a lot of various projects like that.
I don't think it's too much to expect. The HIVE Fund is being under utilized and HIVE needs the shock paddles to get people excited about this ecosystem again. There is other competition and expecting not to advertise or coming up with new advertisement and revenue sources isn't going to work because people are onto the new thing and the newer thing and the newest thing.
Jimmy is pumped up that his $FWOG play considering it is hitting new all-time highs today.
HIVE needs Jimmy more than Jimmy needs HIVE.
I remember partiko, it was a rival to ecency, perhaps they should come back and try again, we did change some of the management in 2020.
Afaiac, the dhf can hang out growing until we decide to burn it.
The hbd stabilizer needs a fund to work with.
There are things it has paid for that are legitimately in the interests of us all.
How efficient that payment has been is debatable, but if the chain needs people to work the chain needs to pay for that work.
Cast.garden is another app that came here, built itself without funds, and now gets the back of the crowds' hands.
Vigilante.tv gets the downvotes.
Not totally undeserved.
Hive is a crab bucket, lots of crabs.
But, if you can make it here, you don't have to make it anywhere else.
If jimmy is doing so well, 1% of hive can be had for less than 1mil usd.
That level of buy in won't even impact the price all that much.
That 4mil hive won't give you a controlling amount of stake, but it will get you into the initiated halls of power.
If you don't like how the hive is managed, buy more hive.™
I agree that HIVE can be a crab bucket.
I have done the math on the various DPoS blogging chains of what it would take to end up with a sizeable amount of power in the system and what that would mean.
I'm #22 on DTube currently. I was in the top 10 a year ago.
That play came with a decent amount of risk for various reasons and that ecosystem is hanging on by a thread right now. One of the issues being that the Proposal system doesn't actually work there. Enough people have disengaged that you just have to self fund any sort of project there at this point.
People questioned why I was buying so much DOGE in 2018 and 2019. I just knew. It made more sense for me to stack a big position there than to stack HIVE. I think a lot of that plays true today. There is a lot of competition out there.
HIVE is the most well built out ecosystem in crypto but the advertisement push just wasn't there and if people didn't get the love they went elsewhere.
At the end of the day a lot of people on HIVE are content with collecting a certain amount of rewards and are riding the fractured pieces of the tail end of a comet.
The other day I legit came up with about 4 of my best ideas I have ever had in crypto. Harvesting revenue streams from living memes and an advanced psyop was just one of them. Jimmy likes crypto.
Another thing I wanted to say about this is it reminds me when we played the Lake Erie Crushers this spring and one of our pitchers went 5 innings and struck out 8 of their guys and looked better than any of their pitchers. Their manager acted like he wasn't interested in signing him and that he should go to the USPBL tryout which was a tryout for a lower league. It was basically insulting.
So saying Partiko should come back and try again is essentially an insult to them. The fact they launched an app that well built for a maybe was miraculous in itself and there is no reason that Ecency and Partiko couldn't have both been funded. They just go elsewhere and don't look back.
I have been here since July 17th of 2016 mainly because I'm stubborn and like to learn from the experiment.
$FWOG passed the market cap of of HIVE today so what are we waiting for and what are we trying to do? You can look back through my posts and I have been talking about $FWOG for a month.
In 2020 we took the field while others were hiding during the scamdemic. People felt the team name was stupid. Then Dogecoin went up 10,000% in 1 year and they all felt like I just might be from the future.
HIVE needs something different to take back it's rightful place in the crypto world.
I guess if they are too good for us then we won't miss them much.
I got here in aug of 16, I'm waiting for the comeuppance, too.
I think in general the whole thing has been a grand experiment for decentralized organizations. I understand why people have left. If they aren't getting the love why keep trying to force it when they could have just said NEXT and moved on?
Ultimately the market is speaking. People are putting their money other places in crypto. To make up any of that doing the same stuff that has been going on isn't likely going to work.
We have to overcome a reputation that was intentionally wrecked.
That won't be easy, nor quick.
Especially, when many of the same folks are still in control.
I think it is past the point of that because of the community fracturing up too many times.
A lot of new things would have to be tried because there is a lot of competition competing over everyone's money and attention.
There is a lot of value in the games. Most are hesitant about the sports betting but that could be another avenue.
Most stuff that has slipped down CoinMarketCap / CoinGecko has a hard time regaining a ton of ground.
One of the only ones to retake a previous high point has really been DOGE. Back in 2014 it was top 3 for a bit and it retook that in 2021. Most of the time when stuff falls away it continues to slide overtime.
Some say that we are right on track.
The base code is ready to scale, and smart contracts are coming.
Seems a little slow for me, but I'm not a coder.
You are right, though.
IF you are looking to 10000x your investment, that probably won't be hive.