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RE: Hive Keychain Development Proposal #2

in #hive4 years ago

Let me say first that I love keychain and use it almost exclusively. I will go from this comment to support the proposal.

That being said I do have a question: Do you have a long term plan for monetizing the app? To take it off the DHF and maybe (gasp) even pay the fund back? Asking for a friend :)


Let me say first that I love keychain and use it almost exclusively. I will go from this comment to support the proposal.

Thanks for your support!

That being said I do have a question: Do you have a long term plan for monetizing the app? To take it off the DHF and maybe (gasp) even pay the fund back? Asking for a friend :)

Yes the plan is to ultimately monetize the mobile APP and I have a plan for this. I won't go into too much details for now, but the plan is to bring outside money in a shared revenue model where part of the revenue would be used to buy HIVE and burn it (rather than sending it back to the DHF).
I hope your friend will like the answer x)

My friend loves the answer! My friend isn't big on details just wanted to know that there was a plan. Truth is, my friend isn't bright enough to know the difference but I like the idea of burning.

Thanks man! Once again: Great product that works!