The struggle of gods, the war of religions by beings. part two

in #hive2 years ago

which by default cannot be understood in one lifetime, as Earth and human evolution continue. It will only be understood when the three creators themselves come in human form. Even they took a long time to understand and required years of effort. This religion, undoubtedly the most advanced and as old as creation itself, holds extensive knowledge and details. They are aware that it would be challenging for them to come in human form, considering the ideologies of current human societies and the influence of the internet and misleading AI and even theselves will stop gods by thier idelogies. It would be unbelievable for one human to claim that they know everything and they are final. They may have some connection or ability ans may even try to manipulate through their understanding of scriptures, but knowing and understanding all the scriptures is literally impossible because 30 to 40% of it is not meant for humans to understand, nor is it relevant to the current age. There are countless unanswered questions that one human brain cannot even fathom due to its limited capacity. However, a group of people may understand more and more over time and generations. Still, one brain cannot process such a vast amount of information, no matter how many ages pass. We will always be seeking answers, some or other information because the variations created even it will be hard for creators to says everything exactly they will know the final output but the variations how it ends will be different according to og script of humanity start to end so no matter to whom we all humans pray the end goal should be for the greater good because every religion teaches that only its jus few human, being groups nd thier idelogies and power over thier communities they fight and create issue for their religion and others its always the few humans idelogy which creates even evil and bring imbalance it does not matter if your praying to devil or god what you pray and what you want defines evil or god good or bad all your prayers will go to the same kind of servers and be processed accordingly, and consequences will be in line with that. This is how the creators' technologies work, so all beings, whether animals, humans, or others created by them, are almost equal. I was foolish to think that there was no human manual in the past, but after discovering these scriptures, I realized that I am nowhere near what has already been documented but decoding it to its reality is needed by some mature, futuristic, spiritualistic honest brains. anyways I was almost 70% decent enough with my understanding about earth and humanity without the knowledge of scriptures now I have like 5% understanding of these scriptures I feel my brain is more evolved than before and hopefully I may understand more I don't want to name my religion to any one community i feel everything good on earth I belong to that religion or community but if someone really forces me to it be say my religion name it will be Sanatan or call it Hindu or any other names related to this kind knowledge and goodness not Only for humanity, but for the entire creation. If, by chance in the future, these creators decide to impart knowledge that my brain can comprehend, it could be something like Brahma revealing that the three creators themselves were created by someone else, a source they discovered. They are all cosmic energies that participate in the creation across the universe, and in their true essence, they are formless. They assume specific forms for the sake of human understanding. They have shared such insights, but to truly grasp them, they may provide simpler explanations. When the stories of Indian scriptures are conveyed in a way that highlights the qualities of avatars movie, people will understand that there are no other superheroes or gods as powerful, knowledgeable, compassionate, loving, and hopeful. There are no stories or technologies they haven't explored or shared, and they have covered every emotion and provided examples that form a comprehensive religion for the future of humanity and the gods. themselves. However, there are numerous human-made rules and regulations that raise doubts about the authenticity of the original knowledge. As we continue to evolve, it is my hope that we will strive to act in the best interest of all humanity and the Earth itself. It is important to note that knowing the scriptures and truly understanding them are two distinct things. To achieve understanding, it may take multiple lifetimes, but simply learning or memorizing them can be accomplished in a single lifetime. Therefore, for those who have made many mistakes, I hope that you will eventually gain understanding and evolve. Regardless of whom you pray to, your prayers will reach the main servers and the outcome will depend on your intentions. In a futuristic scenario, let me attempt to explain this concept. Imagine a future where there is a centralized server for each deity, not only for gods but also for creatures like elephants, whales, and even bacteria. Each server contains comprehensive information about the respective entity. When individuals possess the necessary capabilities, they can connect to these servers and access knowledge about everything related to that particular entity. In this way, we as humans are akin to advanced biological machines, possessing energy within us that can be activated to establish connections with the relevant servers. Whether it is through practices like yoga or utilizing specific sounds, these methods facilitate the creation of particular energies that enable us to establish a connection. Additionally, humans possess the ability to create their own servers, which can be maintained by their followers or believers. For instance, if the main server or source is located millions of light years away, someone else can create their own server that facilitates the connection to the main server. For example, if you wish to connect to Vishnu, you can do so through other human forms of Vishnu, such as Rama or Krishna. Those individuals who have attained a high level of belief and closeness to Krishna would be capable of creating a server that allows for easier connection through them. Starting with such connections can be beneficial as it provides a smoother pathway for accessing the desired source. It's understandable that you draw comparisons between the concept of connecting to a higher source through intermediaries and the workings of data and information exchange in technology. In the realm of technology, data is often transmitted and accessed through servers, which act as intermediaries between users and the information they seek. Similarly, in the context of connecting to a higher source or accessing spiritual knowledge, the idea of using an intermediary source can be seen as a way to establish a connection or bridge between the individual and the higher realm. While the exact appearance or nature of these sources may not be known, the analogy to information exchange through servers provides a relatable framework to understand the concept.
"The one doing cheap-ass experiments, most of your experiments will not work. First, you don't know all forms of love, so thinking and trying to turn someone into a dog does not make sense. It shows how immature, unevolved, and cheap you are. You're attempting to teach me to control anger or keep me in control with false knowledge and stupid ways i even doubt do you all are even qulified to such experimnets, but all it does is demonstrate your lack of understanding."
All you did was put me in a situation and try all kinds of manipulations, attempting to make me do false things. Your belief that manipulation would lead someone to commit sins and be punished according to their religion is childish and foolish. The server I am connected to is not influenced by your experiments or the characters you use nor its so stupid to know what is and who is sinner who is not. Your low-level intellectual discussions highlight the unfortunate state of humanity and the general public. The knowledge, immaturity, and hypocrisy displayed in some of your contents are evident. If you ever manage to develop the courage and intelligence for a sensible and genuine conversation, try speaking to me in a more authentic manner hopefully with some bs like brain, balls if any ones lacks means your not fit even say to directly anything or keep continuing with some low level low funded expriments and act like dumb ass suprior by manipulations."