Act according to your age? and some stimulation theory blabbering

in #hive4 years ago

How do humans act according to their age?
How is age evaluated, is evaluated by biology appearances or mental capacity?
is there a manual for humans to act according to their age without a manual how and who decides who is aged how much they are valid to take any decisions for themselves? what is maturity means?
The one who has a Harvard certificate is 30yrs or the one who is 70yr old, who will be more mature and whose brain will be considered old? according to the biology appearance, the 70yr will obviously look old however there is a chance the 30yr old has a mature brain with more data than the 70yrs old mainly this 7oyr old brain might have done the same thing daily for 60yr some the information the brain will have is limited so mentally the brain will be less mature and less intelligent so who choose to do what whom should respect whom or how someone should be given responsibilities is based on what based on intelligence or age maturity how do even we evaluate such things?
I guess we should evaluate who is mature, old, wise, or intelligent everything will end up to the same kind of evaluation of how much information a brain contains and how it computes it and has the brains produce any better evaluation or ideas than other brains, same difference btw quantum computer and a 4GB ram laptop, it's like 4GB ram is 4 yr old and quantum computer is like the wisest and smartest man alive.
ok, so how it applies to humans how do they use the information data in their brain according to age concept.

my age 38yr or 39yr in btw whatever, age is also just for data's sake I guess ok the thing is I have most of the memory from my childhood and I know how every age feels emotionally and mentally. so when I see a kid boy especially because I was a boy and I know how I played when I was young and the things I enjoyed like and don't like, so based on that I will interact accordingly with the kid if it mine or other kid or some random kids I may not behave same, not only me that's what every human do or any adult does thats automatic they need not become young psychically only mentally they will be kid, which every humans or species capable of to become a kid or become someone adult so most of us are by default baby, kid and adult all same time depending with whom and how your interactions are based on that you will behave more like that, like some mother who is from the village who have never gone to school or work who spent more time amongst kids and grew up got married and become a mother again she spends time only with kids she will have a brain similar to a kid compared to someone who is in the city who is professor or prostitute so that means many time and many humans who are 40 yr old will not be of same age in thier brain so don't expect every 60 year old to behave same or expect them to behave same, I also understood now in detail till I think and type the understanding about something gets better but I wont be able remember everything I write because maximum information goes in some deep level unused files if i dont use it often but i think every single information/data i came across my life time all those information will be in my brain but i will remember only things which i use most or rarely used but if i never use some of infos it will go in place like unused file or deleted automatically from brain I dont only memories gets stored and everything which we have seen heard imagined gets deleted expect the information which becomes memory, I guess not sure.

whenever I play video games, right now the best mobile game is mech arena good game no stupid fuckin rules or nothing crappy unwanted show off just high-level graphical robots fighting shooting game, ok the point is that game makes me feel like a teenager physically (not 24hrs maybe when I am playing i dont think or behave same 24hrs not only that's how humans are 24hrs no one will think about anything no even about sex I guess) but it's not mentally its chargers my energy levels at least give some boost when I am in low on energy and there is an old game like age of empires when I use to play that I use to feel like an old king and I was a teenager that time so what kind of interaction we have with our world also matters a lot on mental age of a person, there are a high number of a chance a teen can be equally intelligent and smart as an adult but some adults and teens are born mature like a boss baby so don't fuck around with such ones.
and the thing about perfecting something it will happen through

As a man who went through being a week teen boy to the decently strong man but I am not that old but mentally I am old as humanity itself( i meant i have information from stone age to digital age, I guess I can talk about boys I feel some boys should be considered as an adult if they are more mature then their parents, not government permissions at least basic human emotions let them explore it won't make much difference one year or 2 years, it's like what makes difference if I die at 59 or 60,
but for girls I will not say the same because it's a dangerous world total unwanted chaotic world and girls are more vulnerable and many times there are chances someone will spoil you and take your innocence away or manipulate you easily and women are the main enemy for women because there are lots of wanna be who will do anything for money survival or manipulate just like all genders do but straight girls and women are bit fragile then other genders in many cases the wrong kind of women will be in the front news speaking about women right or what how women should behave if young girls start to listen to freaks like those then done you will never be happy in life with your man or boyfriend, and when you are straight we have only one option unlike other genders we straight cannot be happy with any one and if we keep fighting with each other others will take advantage. some women should do a proper survey and know what women really like, should interview women from village, cities, all kinds al class, and color and discuss about what they like about men or boys, nowadays it's so much confusion freaking hell it is confusion and delusion is on the roof how will a teen girl know she is getting advice from a lesbian when she has no idea about the feeling and emotions men and women share the reason for humans exist is because of that but the generation of girls especially the middle-class crowd will flip so much they will not even understand how to love a man or they should love men if they take advice from gay women/lesbian, gay women just because you all don't like men don't teach kids or girls to hate men or fight with him, women to hate men. most straight people also should not expect or teach gay people how to be gay stop creating differences or don't force others to expect.

I was a teen 17 to 19 I guess I had my first girl, I had a decent experience it lasted for almost 8yrs i guess and it was normal like teenage lovers, not always good or bad it was immature and I was also with some wired kind surrounding so I was also stupid, 2nd relationship the late 20s, it was 90% was unbelievably good it kind of perfect where you doubt its too good to be true or like a fix but those days I was not so much into girls always one time one girl but a single I have to look for some partner for my personal life, it lasted few years it was good till the last days maybe for a month we broke up I never felted such negative emotions before she literally broke my mind and heart started hating money richness or those kind few rich guys and girls who choose money over love and pride the things happened if I speak I may sound like pussy man complaining but I am saying all this so someone can learn the different relation how women can change the world if she wants, that's why a queen is important for king in chess and the ones who created the game chess understood that long back that's why iam so choosy when it come to girl because i know the difference btw good and bad women, but still I give myself to the bad ones at times its not my control to fall in trap is one of the usual thing happens to me. and to fix me and feel full I need my queen who is good to me but after the breakup, I still had a lot of love in my x was unable to completely hate women because I knew there will so many good women and I did not have trust in them so much and I was also fucked from few groups hustling as the flow goes and met one girl who was also going through bad relationships so I could connect emotionally she was also clear she was not interested in long term relationship so I cool she was also maybe a couple of days we might meet so thorough her I met 2 more girls who again made me to trust in humanity and women one was on the spot fell in love for the first time but she had a different aim in life, so I had to control my emotions because my x girl aunty told me you should a fool to act like so uncivilized in this era we are in 20century and your acting like 17th century guy go find a new leave my girl alone, something like that, not exact words.
I met both at a party and I connected to both but I met them after a year, after meeting for few days one got married or getting married and again I am feeling single ( i might have met her 15 days that's all, so i can't expect much from a person with whom you have spent only a few days and I had badest experience with someone whom i stayed for years so I had let her go my new love and it was mutual also we both were aware we were just having a good time i tried to do things she like but she was cruel also but kind of cruelty is fine i can take she was using me has a driver for her shopping but it's fine I might have been her driver for life if she believed in me which is not easy so I can't blame her, and I was kind of fuck it il will never fall in love and I did it again fell for life like, it was all happening in the same time period and I meet my new girl she comes to a place and iam fucked up its was like vanile sky how and what happens btw tom and cruz, nothing but it's just feelings btw and just romace and when ever i start to to draw or tattooing expect tattooing nothing else i will i can do or think so it was art and romace and the things she spoke and told me i released it whatit meant after a few months she might have thought me gay she wanted to keep simple and direct just grind with benefits but my stupid brains did not understand and did not even have sex so she might have thought i might be gay because i heard girls telling me when i don't care about them or whom iam not sexually attracted to. and she vanished like my first girlfriend so aging I was lost again and found by someone like my 2nd girl Lil more advanced even more cruel first few years it was kind good and intense nothing before again my 3rd love was a continuation of my 2nd were she left me she was taken over it was confusing relationship and we to married after lot of fuck ups and she ran out on the same day we got married, and she made sure i won't trust or respect a girl agin or whatever her reason so my personal life is fuckdup ever since it been 15years i guess my personal is fuckedup all i wanted was one women girl who is good as a life partner but somehow that is not happening and keeping me incomplete i don't understand whats the point or catch feels like a character from adjustment beuro movie or some group is behind me and keeping away from one of the main necessity of a man sex and relationship, even worst these guys want to make me gay by force the chemicals drugs and introducing only gay boys or when iam lin love with women and keeping me away from my opp sex and making to watch porn and harnessting my thoughts when i masturbate the thought process is like in next level its the time my brain emmits strong signals and can tape in to different thoughts, so when ever iam single i will always watch porn it helps me in lot of ways seplcaly my sleeping ritaul, will not change if iam single so shove my porn data il give you till iam single and only for data i should be single i don't mind being the same. so whoever I am not a hypocrite like you so manipulate anything with my sexual data I can say about my sexual preference anywhere because I have nothing weird so I should hide, it will be as normal as any normal single man watching porn data for my data, so enjoy i give a reason knowingly willingly. I am so sorted when it comes to sex the girl needs to should also make the move as a man I can say first how much I like Luv her and sexual attracted try all the word which i feel for her how I am attracted to her saying all romantic and sexual things i can say first but when it comes to sex both should do together with total Luv and lust to experience sex at fullest when it comes to sex men and women can have sex like pornstars there is nothing to be ashamed of sex,
our country I feel like soon they will disobey Kamasutra saying it does not belong to our culture its not in our culture to have sex knowledge and destroy the Kamasutra library/temple also i guess the way sex and men and women all still taboo. ok my porn data, i watch everything which has nice girls/women and my age groups all kinky titles and nice storyline no matter mother, daughter, wife or gf that's how my age women are all of above age group legal to my age group anyone who is beautiful, sounds and look like women. i watch just like any popular search cosplay i like when the thick body indifferent just like any men and the way i talk to my 3rd girl was complete out my character i explored some of my dark sides with her at least verbally and she likes to bring the bad in me more than good a perfect insider from them who does everything against me in life and expect me to be good, the thing we talk is seriously like enemies or two gangsters talking or i feel i talk to a teen boy who wants to be gangster the langue we use also totally explicit, dirty but its a new experience for me but sometimes i lose it, cannot take shit always for no reason. God knows what she has to do to survive in such a way and make me also go through so much emotional drama, hopefully, she gets what wants n be happy.
but how the fuck will gay men will understand that or bisexual men who are dominating in every field and want to change every man like them to get maximum out of the humans, when your bisexual your success rate of achieving things become easy and let be career, love money, sex or everlasting life on earth they will and they will not even use their own brains its a collective effort i understand now how the new world is designed in the name of evolution straight men and women will become an obsolete someday or future salves and criminal, (movie zootopia i guess the wild animals referred to straight men) fuckin hell this matter is really twisted the more i understand I feel like it will take 2000 years to fix humans and their society or extinction is inevitble ) they are tackling population problem in all the possible angles, whoever belongs to the group who are maintaining and doing this new evolution script you guys may be wrong about lot of things about human evolution i am not saying i know everything but i can see lot of solution for population and poverty, over consumption or other threat to humanity or earth. in the name of evolution, don't make straight men and women obsolete, if creators knew they will laugh at your script so many humans will become obsolete for the earth. i get it you guys are doing your best but you guys are breaking everything human ethics and few common sense things to prove your theory or ways are right, i can't even expect anyone to understand who is next to me the way i can they will be same like all either right or left nobody wants to be in btw nobody wants to balance that's the main fuckup with our humans let it be them or public both all are same common public fighting each other and they will happily make everyone else obsolete or slaves or lab rats. so you top bisexual/ gay decision-makers guys I understand why you aren't able to understand the man finding so many faluts and errors, example i live with my mom and sister, and I am already hot head and be angry on them most of the time on them/system so in btw my mom or sister interfere in my personal life or spoil my thought process i get angry and shout in front of them i will look like a beast because they are women however if you compare me with WWF guys ok our rock few rock like personalities if I show my anger in front of them will I look dengarouse or funny, imagine rock, undertaker, and Batista siting my house and I am acting same way i was acting in front of mother will i be still be or look dangerous so it's all about perspective and how it can be manipulated ppl with power and resource can do any illiuons and no one can do anything about it, my mom knows every nerve of me she knows when I am angry so she can easily manipulate my emotions to control me and if she becomes one of them then do they will use her to prove me wonrg in my house also and hate humanity.

the Innocence is something which I don't want to lose that I feel the day I lose that I will the curious kid in me or I may become darker in energy and balance btw the light and dark are almost equal right now I guess and hope and with innocence we may lose of some good emotions also

parents stop being so depending or expecting too much from kids, especially the parents who got some talented kids or celebrity kids don't push them towards nothingness in the name of making them successful or just because you could not become successful you will force your kids to achieve something with the cost of the innocence or playtime, playing having fun is what most of the species do on earth and mammals are clearly enjoyed playing so kids should be allowed to play as much as possible it may not be used to you but it will definitely help kids in long run. let kids choose their passion by themselves don't manipulate them, i think in my life i met the only person who was honest and really as much as possible was my dad rest all whomever I met my friend's girlfriends or family i feel like everyone are hiding something from me or being fake or expecting unrealistic things from me anyways i have nothing nor i have money wealth so i should understand why they behave in such way like i don't own a lot of wealth i hardly have any money every month i borrow, beg from my sisters for monthly expenses which is roughly 80$ 5k Indian rupee and living in a rented house which my sisters take care. few years back borrowed 50k invested in trading but they did not let make me make any profit whichever i bought went down til i sell it, so i sold everything, crypto scammed many times and learnt they will not let me make money and their only aim was to prove me wrong so i sold everything little investment and stopped trading crypto but I have a beautiful ecosystem card game called splinters land that also they have some controls whenever i sell a card like 200$ they put the same card for 100$ so they let me take only like 5 or 3 % profit from my 1400$ (which was less when invested maybe 3 or 400$ invested for 2years it slowly grew 1400$ but i cant sell to start something else) investment or i should sell with less profit or at lose so that's my crypto fuckup and they know i can see the patterns maybe that's why they are scared and use dirty algorithms to prove me wrong. so i don't even have a decent life on earth from 15yrs from the day still living the same kind of low life mentally but part of me thinks I am the richest man on earth iam sure its the brain which thinks like that because of the knowldge and the wisdom i have i guess so iam so much attracted with blings of our socitieys at time i feel i should at least exprenice but not in that extent where i have become slave to some stupid idealogy.

my simulation fuckup.
People thinking why i don't get go out and do something about think.
Firstly i don't know what I am really good at so i should make it a profession and I knew more than few things which i can be decent like writing
or making movies or manage the whole earth and its species, but not to the point where people want me to be hungry for it and where i have to become so desperate and blindly ambitious to do something I am not comfortable with call it whatever I am, lazy, useless or medical words, As an artist point of view i could like to make one or
few movies with the best team as possible make art in biggest canvas, that's all, and expecting something like is stupidity when i have no experience in technical
side and since i was part of some experiments and groups around me was the perfect example I am in same stimulation for few years, because of these experiments
i have lost part of my brain which requires me to be diplomatic, only fighting with some unknown groups and ppl who keep trying to control me with all kinds of manipulations fighting with them to stay sane i have lost trust and diplomatic skills and i was ready to turn off anytime purely suicidal call it depression, psychosis or man fighting again stupidy, so the way i ask some people may be very direct nondiplomatic ways or through online mail or txt and expect them to reply which will not happen according to our societies rules or entertainment industry laws nor I am so talented to get a chance by its own, its just 0ne movie or few movies that are all i have interest in taking, for that i should join a cult without real talent and experience and expect everyone to give me chance is bullshit nor i have the finance to go to a new state and be in a condition where i have only bad options and I have to hustle from bottom in this age and brain for what i dont understand, i can do the same in himalay and live a better peaceful life according my old age do some farmer shit and survive with nature. or find my princess or prostitue who evr can stay with me accepts me iam cool set for life doing some low level jobs and being with the one whom i love peacefully as much as possible till she flips then carry on.
To become Politician i should be politically correct and diplomatic and listen to a lot of stupid rules and regulation its the worst stimulation according to me at At least for our era and the country I am in, I will be stupid to think that they will accept me the way I am so i cant to even try it nor there are civilized ways where i will get a chance like if email or text since its the most civilized and affecting way to communicate since i don't get some of the basic things in life i cant to think to join something which has build on lies and manipulations and teach others to be honest. the same thing happens to everything i do i want to write a book or novel in professional ways but i don't have options i tried 7 8 yrs back i guess don't did go anywhere i never found someone who makes my writing more professional or they things nor i have any decent way to make income to hire a pro for 1000s of dollars nor i write in a professional way to think i will write stories and sell it on amazon and make money i can do amateur works with the tools and resource I have and for kids its fine but to sell to adults i want to do some professional work. i know few will tell if you want you can do it no problem don't think so much just write and publish like less professional work, to do such things my imagination should be limited fortunately i know how grand an artistic a novel can be but i need a team and finance which i am not allowed to do in normal ways nor i know anybody who can give some money to even start. so lite with that also. there so many other small things they keep doing which leads to me acting like retarded and they don't understand any other language.

i know i have reasons and answers for most of the fucks because i analyze myself more than anyone can in real-time in detail view when I do i come up with
answers to how and why I am like this. so i never thought of making a career nor i feel one thing for long like for few months i like to paint or art, for
few months writing, the body maintains for few months, ( the ones who spend most of their time in their head, when you give all the energies to your brain we
ignore the body and body won't suit your brain its like you have a machine that is not matching you need a strong body also to have a strong brain.)
and sometimes i don't like doing anything because no matter what iam doing for few years maybe 10yrs it all went weird and nowhere. so iam lite with life itself and when i went to jail and spent 8mnths i have to unlearn lot of the things which i learned from society like i have be working daily to be alive and become lazy and took life easy after reading a book called the monk who sold his Ferrari and similar books and i got interested in spiritual things and artistic things which led me to some and so many theories and ideas, it took a long time to come out of that black hole and to understand whatever i know now is because i did something which is called crime and went to jail and things got so fucked i needed to figure out entire human societies and ideas and understood many of the stories is lies and manipulation only for financial and power gains, and its easy for me to identify few things or patterns which is not regular and its everywhere even in ent, or mosquitoes there will always be the one who wants to fight back no matter how big the opponent is, so i sometimes i feel like saying what i understood. which may be right or wrong which had to be done since iam also understanding slowly and for many i don't even have valid answer to even discuss it so some R&d about that topic should be done to say I am wrong or right or how much right iam and how much wrong according to the data or evidence if somehow i happen to be 70% right or 50% right it means its not a waste to allow someone who does not have a certificate to talk about something, instead of manipulating to do as told or use me as puppet whatever. if still, someone wants to know how legit I am why the fuck can't we have a civilized conversation lets talk in direct if you think I am useful or faking let's solve and move on instead of getting stuck in the same loop lets break it and stop the confusion simple i can talk to anyone, maybe i will have anxiety for sometime but when iam get adjusted you may get anxiety, with someone anyone of the so-called authorities who got brains and balls to sit in front of me talk and prove me wrong with data or normal conversation facts evidence that I am wrong then it should be cleared in civilized and transparent ways but no one is like that from our authorities who can do that they use someone who has only brains who will only manipulate or the one who have only balls who will only threaten shout without sense and facts, its all because the way our society is it should be like I teach how I am you teach me how you are learn from real people in real-world if possible, internet try to stop spreading false information about each other, underdeveloped places will be more chaotic if we don't develop properly with a lot of lies and miss information humans will be always dumb living without valid purpose.

Knowledge and wisdom should not be done for financial gains only it should be given for free however since countries are based on GDP growth more than humanity so at least give science and nature information for free and as much as possible platforms for studying only then we can understand nature or universe faster, imagine in a country where only 100000 scientists are trying to understand about the universe but in reality, we can make 10% or 20% of the populations trying to solve the problems of understanding of the universe which one will evolve faster 100000 or 20% population but were our system will lockup or critics or mock ppl who are interested in science but without money they should not get the required knowledge. most of the government education system is also so low equipped it will always create low-level employees/slaves, if knowledge at least distributed with discriminations our country might have improved long back the whole world does same the whole world will improve faster the rate of poverty will decrease and inequality will also decrease and guess what else will decrease the scare they have about us will decrease and most of the other difference in humanity will also decrease. there is a problem in everything so we need to fix a lot of things we can expect to solve things with just one word or sentence or idea so try in every sector to solve one issue slowly we may achieve a better living standard for all species. and will be able to give the rich more money so they can give some basic human rights and get nature's purest things which nature made for all humans species equally.
nature might have created humans thinking they will protect and utilize the resources equally and share earth equally but it going nature will destroy us and make dogs the next caretakers of the earth. better be good to dogs or they will make humans as their pets and no tik tok videos also.

I have never seen any other species on earth which connects to nature like dogs, connecting to nature I mean the way dogs and humans get connected to other species on earth we don't speak the same language but somehow we can understand and they also understand the basic emotions of humans and how to manipulate us especially cats which are made by women spine and dogs are like made out of men's spine. Humans getting connected to other species is not special because humans have the brain capacity to understand the universe itself. but dogs have Iq of kids and the way they connect to other species let it be Lion, dolphins even pond fish somehow dogs connect to them and get productive in some or other ways, productive does not mean you should build some build or build new tech, two beings can be productive just by having fun also like dogs manage to have fun with no matter what species they connect with they play till they get bored or tired. the point is how dogs can connect to other species they can't even speak the same language? maybe they connect through feeling emotions and how they communicate emotions? maybe through the same invisible energies. It's like dogs can tape into some kind of higher-level energies.

people who had only been in one for life or 2 will not understand about relationship nor they should even act like they do, in our society I can get divorced 10 times and get remarried 10 times different ones, I will not be called names nor I will have any issues but if I don't spend money to the government to get a divorce and by mutual understanding, if a person breaks up with 3 relationships without getting married stayed for 1yr or 2 and breakup for any reasons, the problem start from the government to few groups and public all go crazy. and if the girls belong to them, do no one will care how the girl was or is, imagine they will punish the man, let's say I was in a relationship with a girl according to me I am thinking she is decent working-class girl but in reality, she is a secret prostitute who goes out saying she is going to work in an office but in reality, she does prostitution and lying whole life to everybody but slowly as time passes the man starts to see some change and starting to understand she is not what she says and she is using the man just to cover her lies, should a man live with a girl like that should they just endup their relationships
or go to court get government approval and if the man does not have enough money or could not able to hire a good lawyer the prostitute will win while sleeping because that's her profession but the man's life is fucked by societies, law, and everything so just based on gender if we keep pushing ppl then there won't anything called justice and just the game to make money so our country GDP increase or decrease. is it important no one gives a shit about justice or whatever they trying to establish? prostitutes are not bad but few prostitutes cheat men by not telling them who and what their real profession is and the government will luv such girls whom they can use to promote or manipulate some or other agents and because of one prostitute thousands of men will be punished and many good girls will also suffer because they will be following some prostitutes idea about how a girl and boy should together and if she gets attention few more groups to promote an idea and in one century whole city will turn to what you all can guess so learn to see in different perspectives and don't listen to someone who makes laws or rules which he or she has no idea. again I am saying it's not all prostitutes who will cruel and cunning do anything to manipulate. it's not a real story I am just saying as a fictional story so don't start a fight with prostitutes since they are weaker gender they should have more privilege and they have a lot, it always will be in most of the time women are enemy of women and men are enemy of men and humans are a threat to humanity.

If the universe is moving forward whichmeaans time space is also should be moving forward which means going to the future should be easier than going back and I guess nothing goes back to where it started in our universe, the solar system galaxies and universe is going forward and the time-space will always be busy because of things coming forward and so going back should be difficult, Imagine space-time as a single highway just one way only things can go forward, one way and the street is jam-packed, so I guess going back should be harder going forward will easier since the universe is moving forward space-time also should move forward it may be filled with traffic/data but it should be moving forward same like moving traffic. or there may be possibilities our data might have not reached the future so we can create a future and come back through the same way which we went that timeline may be free because we did not use it till if that was the case we might be in future and to travel back in space-time instead of using our universe space-time we can use the anti universe time line to go back in time if we find out how to look for anti matter universe we may find anti space time also and should be able to sens thoughts our brain waves to some other civilization or planets. I have no idea scientifically how much sense it makes but for a movie or theory from common knowledge low knowledge brain like me can think off I guess. entertainment industries I giving so many fictional scripts for free like a free guy still some of you acting them and changing the context to showing lots of shity content why can't be positive with positive thoughts and just try to do the right thing you which is for the larger good and longest time possible. Christian entertainment industries stop using religion to spread stupidity and change the context of other country gods as devil just because your religion says so and have some respect to other religions and stop doing bad or stop expecting good results. entertainment and media if they think most of the world crisis will end within a decade, I know and understand the power of the powerful and their reach but when some could make the understand the difference or give them a right reason they will also change for good and most of them are even financial stable and successful they will not mind doing the right things they just don't know most of the time what idea they promoting and against whom they promoting, and the internet is still compared to another medium of entertainment where in India only 50% of the population is still not in a state of mind to understand the basic game of the inequality nor they have internet or basic education to understand some of the basic human rights things which is a global humanity threat if we are stupid 50% pollution will die for nothing and no one can pluck anything. so stop changing the context of the content for pitiful benefits and reasons or il abuse you all in every time lane no matter past or future if you exist i exist to abuse you you got option not to do or stop doing when start just think how i will abuse you which will give you courge not to change the context for wrong reasons however for entertainment and artistic purpose i dont mind i even watch the worst changed context about a ides still if its good artistic i dont mind but only to manipulate the public you all should be ashamed to promote such shity ideas to your follow humans. few of you really desperate for money, attention, to prove your worth, or to make someone jealous or really dumb and stupid (dumb and stupid means you have less knowledge about some topic) don't start another online stupid fight just because your dumb about the topics.

I am sure advanced civilization means they will try to save what is there in nature and try to bring balance to let it be earth or solar system that's why my evolution theory makes solves it, just agree humans my why we evolve will solve most of the problem for important questions. it is one of the universal law

Last info about my ego when i was young i liked a bike and i did not touch the bike or rode it till i bought it my own and its my first bike and my first girl and I feel the same for kids I love kids but i will understand about those little creatures when i will have my own if its a neutral process it's better like i will, we get married and she gets pregnant i learn and adjust to the process and go on with life will behave normally like any other father or husband but since I am single almost my life, I might have had sex, maybe a year or two in 38yrs so i don't know how to react if i meet my first girlfriend and if she says she has 20yrs old girl, and she meets me after 20yrs how the fuck should a man react? i don't know can someone please do research on this topic how a man will react or should react.

Finally, i should be best suited to become a G7 leader so give me that job il work hard and smart, and with the help of them il make my fictional stories into reality, now if don't be a fictional writer they will make me reasons for some disaster and many innocent will also have to suffer and i will not even be able to fight iam already playing blind sports i don't even what and why they are behind me, why so much insecurity i don't know however i can take anything when I am alone not at the cost of others i may have done some small shit when i young and wild but now this age il not give any leverage to anyone to control me without valid reason by force and manipulations that I am used to it so keep continue with twisted shit. but i hope you guys will evolve and make better decisions according to your brain, do the right thing learn what's right just don't go along with the crowd until it makes sense which has longer purpose for the better good for the whole species on earth.

next one conclusion final 3rd part of the game of wars, hopefully


Any particular reason you posted this twice?

i did not post twice i posted in two different platforms, peakd and hive blog, i did not know hive will show it has the same post.

Peakd and are different UI that access the same underlying structure. When you post to Peakd it will also be on hive blog, and vice versa.

It's like you can watch Netflix on the Xbox or on the PS5, or on your computer, but it's still Netflix.

is it every platform on hive are same.

This is a tricky question. If you post using any platform that builds on hive, it posts to the same blockchain layer. However... different platforms may have their own logic on what you can see.

Peakd and let you see everything. So if you post using, or 3speak, or leofinance, you will see it on peakd and, but they can only see each other's content if you use the right tags, and maybe not even then. (Leofinance will let you see posts with finance tags, but might only let you see content that was actually posted/streamed using
And then of course there is actifit, and pob, and dozens of other sites that all use the same blockchain but have their own layering and rules on what will show and what won't.

I mostly use peakd (I never use but sometimes I will use a community platform for specific post types ( for streaming, for example), but then continue to manage all my comments and responses on peakd.

Thank you, felt like I read my own blog, the same feeling. I guess il use only hive or others on the hive.