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RE: A tag that you can't take off!

in #hive5 months ago

Well, again you could not have a dialogue and had to do some public shaming?

Even if it is not the polite way to say, but there is a fact, that India or Bhārat, how it is else know, is one of the leading countries in open defecation. It is known that the government is trying to change that, and it improved by a lot in the past 20 years, but still, it is a major issue in India. So no need to be offended by a fact, and it is not racism. From your comments below, I see you have a more racist problem towards Germans or Europeans. Here is a study by Princeton on the open defecation issue:

Germany is by far not a 3rd world country, it is scoring on most relevant points higher than the USA:




By any means, the quality of life for an average person is better in Germany.

Also calling Germans Nazis is racist, and very inappropriate. Where in the USA, you will see marches with swastika flags, in Germany you go straight to jail for it. Also, Nazism is a form of Socialism/Communism, the only ingredient being added is nationalism to this moronic ideology that made so many deaths throughout the history.

I would recommend you, before picking mindlessly on people, to read more, study, and form ideas based on facts. @misterrogers, @bozz, @snowboardpete, @seattlea, @dlmmqb, @urrirru I tag you to read this comment also, as this is based on figures not on manipulation and public shaming. Also, I would like to ask you if you see public shaming like this, to stay out, or do some research before commenting.


Hey hi! Go fuck yourself. Don't tag me in your bullshit again.

well, reading is not your strong point, I see.

Go. Fuck. Yourself. I don't want to see any more alerts from you or your goddamn friends.

@misterrogers, now you will, that is the beauty of the chain. Even if you block/mute, you will get the alerts. Welcome to the club.

Good thing I'm rarely on chain. Enjoy being a victimized racist.

Now can you point out where I made a single racist remark? If you make such accusations, please prove them, @misterrogers.

Just show me a proof of racism in any of my comments and statements, @misterrogers.

@misterrogers, if you make a statement, prove it.

You mean that reading is racist? Or what? @misterrogers.

I've told you multiple times to stop harassing me. Since you're too goddamned stupid to read yourself, let me lay it out for you.

Someone says something racist.
Someone else writes an essay defending that racism.
That's also racist.

Now leave me the fuck alone. I'm so sick of you goddamned people in my own country, and I sure as hell do not have to put up with you in web3.

Ohh, missed me. @misterrogers, with this attitude you will make new besties for life.

I do not know you but reading your posts and what you call a friend surprises me - but all good - friendship is important so we all have different friends. I fight for mine - you do the same maybe. Your story is pretty interesting and admire it kind of.

Agreed. I've also felt the same positivity towards you and was saddened to see you leave Splinterlands. Maybe you will take Dave up on his offer, or return if the ship does right itself.

If you are talking about Uwe or Alex; none of them are leaving Splinterlands. They just say that time to time to stir up sympathy. They will never leave:) Hive is classic that way. So many people have written posts about leaving yet they are all here. It's amazing :)

Good, I hope they buy into the next set 💪

@misterrogers, why not? And by the way, what is bullshit of what I wrote?

Why bother to talk to people that added NOTHING to Hive, NOTHING to SPL apart from exploiting both systems? @alexvan - you should focus on interesting things not spend your time with filthy stuff - this guy is useless, and he feels bad as we get more and more people to finally realize he has never added any value here.

but YOU have a lfe, a great family - enjoy that - we should simply ignore him after we completed project AZ1 - hope soon1