in #hive3 years ago

Ask your self “why do I smoke” and answer the question yourself
Majority of people doesn’t know why they smoke, some smoke just because they want to be someone else, which is impossible, you can never be someone else, you can only be yourself. Trying to be something you’re not will do all but jeopardize your stay on earth.
Some people smoke due to peer pressure ignoring the danger attached to smoking.
Some are even addicted to smoking to the extent that quitting has become a problem to them then they decided to consider vaping.
No doubt vaping is less toxic compare to smoking but take it or leave it both ways are very bad. Vaping affects two major part in your body system, these parts are: the heart and lung.
Smoking expose you to various kind of disease which can lead to untimely death.


So the best thing to do is quit completely and live a healthy life.

Thank you