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RE: First Week of Rewarding Comments

in #hive6 months ago

They cross-posted here for years with no attempt or intention to promote their existence even with the advantages it gave and still gives their following. Pakman was the only one who did a couple videos with Steemit regarding the platform but they weren't even shared on web2.

We need influencers who understand why promoting this place is good for them and their following longterm, not influencers who just cross-post their content for extra "free" rewards and never attempt to bring anyone here, I'd rather support non influencers putting in more effort here in that case.


They cross-posted here

Which is exactly how anyone anywhere found out about this platform.

Cross-posting is Hive's marketing department. Flagging them eradicated the market for Hive, and today we live the result. DV's are taxes, and suppress economic activity by the same mechanism taxes do. They are exactly the same as Trump's recent threat to John Deere to levy a 200% on their products sold in the US if they move manufacturing to Mexico.

If you don't support someone, don't upvote them. Taxation is theft.

How does them cross posting here, getting almost always 0 engagement while raking in thousands upon thousands of rewards while none of their web2 followers ever found out they were posting here help our platform? Can we not go over the same stories over and over again? If influencers don't do anything over time to promote the network in any way then what is the point of taxing the chain with free rewards towards them who already make a lot elsewhere.

"How does them cross posting..."

It's not really in your wheelhouse, this social media thingy, but that's how it happens.

You've demonstrated what your tax policies do to social media for seven years. Perhaps you should examine the results and rethink things.

I like to think Hive can be for everyone as long as they contribute somehow, if you find an influencer who after a while values Hive and what it can do for not only themselves but their following too and attempts to promote it in any way feel free to hit me up and I'll throw all of my voting power towards them. Until then, no I'm not going to let them forever get autovotes and leech the network for minimal effort, no SEO, etc. I'd rather those rewards go to people like you who clearly care about this place and are still active.

"...I'm not going to let them get autovotes and leech the network..."

They're not leeching the network. They're being rewarded by society for their content. Every vote you counter is someone else's curation, their subjective evaluation of content as worthy of their upvote, exactly what Hive promises to enable creators to achieve that cannot be achieved on Web2 platforms.

What business could survive in an environment in which anyone could tax that business to the limit of their financial power? Could Toyota produce Tundras if Ford could tax them 100% of the sales price of their trucks? It is this taxation free for all that has eliminated Hive's userbase, rudely ejected ~1M people that ventured the learning curve since 2016 to post on Hive and were subjected to taxation of every satoshi of rewards other users voted them.

Everyone on Hive has this same ability to tax any creator, and when herds of followers fund taxers like you, no creator can sustain economic viability. Their rewards are not your money. You are not a god of truth, determining what speech can and cannot be allowed. Don't like something I say? Don't upvote it. Like my passion for free speech? Vote it up. Disagree with me? Say so. Those are your just options regarding my, or anyone else's, content. Flags are for spam, scams, and plagiarism. Not having proper SEO, or not making pitches to their audience you want them to, isn't a just reason to tax them off the platform.

It's none of your business what other people upvote. Taxation is theft. Don't steal from others what they have earned from their peers. You are the ilk that has destroyed Hive by misusing tools necessary to prevent spam, scams, and plagiarism to discourage voices you don't want to hear by taxing their content until they go away. You're misusing tools necessary to handle criminals to punish content creators you don't like, or don't agree with, or for no other reason than you don't want them to prosper.

Stop destroying Hive.


"Germany is already showing the way, with ... the documents already in place for “the future of the Internet,” the existing administration has a stated aim to close the Internet to free speech and install censors at all levels."