She had my support for a long time, I even noticed she hadn't posted in a while after I ran into the interview with ADA creator and checked what's up:
it's mostly about content creators who come in here, drop their stuff, fill it with links that literally makes it difficult for manual curators to even get to the upvote button and over time prove that it's all about the rewards, not about community, engagement or anything. Hey if she never engaged on Twitter either and just pushed her main tweets out I'd think it's normal for her to do the same everywhere, but looking at her account you can quickly tell this is just a linkdrop place and mentioning Hive here and there should make up for it. I admit she does more than what those conspiracy "influencers" do but trying to twist things into her favor here with how "newcomers will never join hive if this is how you act" is just ignorant and unnecessary.
Never is an exaggeration ofc but she is not wrong. As i said, we need an UI change that will reflect what downvotes actually are. She is acting on instinct and reacting to a feeling of "losing something".
Thats really nor here, nor there. Ill try something else, might work.
@xeldal, @blocktrades, @theycallmedan. Could you please heal some of the downvotes received on @cryptofinally blog. I understand that many might feel that her engagement isnt high here, or she is simply link dropping or that she doesnt understand downvotes BUT her value was never in her content it was in her twitter reach and the promotion she provided for HIVE as is seen most recently in the Cardano interview. Having the Hive name mentioned by prominent crypto figures is never a bad thing. I say its 100 fold worth (from the investment stand point) then what a good artist, musician, writer might create on Hive.
It is good to have people like her on our side and i think we should consider all these things when judging the value of someones contribution.
Contribution can reach far beyond the actual blockchain.
So please consider healing some of these downvotes.