I think we need to consider what is a new user?
Is a new user simply a new account?
Surely someone who is hitting the reset button because they got busted cheating is not a new user.
Some people are just creating alt. accounts hoping to use it later.
Others create them for their ideas that never take off.
Still, some just sign up with little to no intention to ever use Hive. I don't know how many websites I've subscribed to.
Finally, we have the biggest portion of new users, the quick buck crowd.
How many people from countries where they have large disposable incomes (ie. subscriptions to stuff they don't need to survive like Netflix, Spotify, paying to buy in-app items for mobile games, etc.), invest in crypto (not just airdrops) actually sign up? I'm talking about the people who can bring money in...not just take money out.
I generally consume content produced by already rich, very unique, highly-skilled, talented people for the most part. This doesn't describe the average Hive content creator who is for the most part just producing average social media content. I'm not saying I don't enjoy it...but am I, are hive people not super niche?
Hive will also never do well as long as it basically a ticket for poor people to make some money...or for niche people to produce and consume content. 5~10 bucks per day (not so hard if you post decent stuff once or twice a day) is less than an hour of the minimum wage for those of us in rich countries (ie. the lowest level/skilled quality of labour legally permissible), but an entire day's labour for others in poor countries (8-10 hours).
So that said, you have people from rich places saying meh...why would I put 3 hours in to write a decent post to maybe get 5-10 dollars when I can stay an hour extra at work for 60 dollars? And then you have people thinking I can spend 8 hours a day here, produce 8 okay posts on 6 different accounts and earn a decent living.