Sell your grain every second you can before it gets lower

grain/dec went up another staggering 20 plus and the real number is also 188 not the 140s number displayed as it does not account for the difference in the spread it automatically assumes you will get that price but in reality you get less dec than the exchange rate shows on the interface and its inflating fast so sell all you can unless you think land will be ready soon but i doubt its even close so i would extract as much as you can from land and plow it into things that do not have to do with spl so that they do not correlate and the cash flow is much steadier than if it was left in spl. I like to have my passive income funding source in safe stable coin protocols and blue chip assets like btc and eth and that combination has out performed splinterlands by a ton since i pulled the money out to start it in a separate account and it did much better than my splinterlands account as it was like 3x so far and splinterlands has only gone down really so banking those returns on my other portfolio to support my spl account helped out a lot and it i had left it in spl i would have been 10 cents on the dollar instead of almost 3x more than when i took it out when it downsized my account. Now i can use some of the gains to fund specific purchases if i want like cards that rent well or runi to rent out if i can get them chaeap bc they rent out well and everyone wants one so they always get a good amount of dec a day and for long terms bc there for land contracts most of the time. I get 30000 dec a month for half my runi and the other half work on my land getting grain and sps to sell the grain immediately or it loses value so sell it in to dec and then add to the lp with sps to get better returns than staking in many cases. I try to stay away from to many cards these days as the market just cant absorb large sales quickly anymore there are only so many large buyers that it becomes a liquidity risk to have a six figure collection and you need to down size so that you can always be small enough to be able to actually exit the position bc if you are holding so much your stuck or if you sell it will cause a shit storm bc that will cascade into additional selling from others etc so the large players really don't have the liquidity to really even close there positions without moving the markets significantly or draining them all together and then we would be stuck in the token if everyone wanted to sell no on wanted to buy and we also are not listed on any markets that matter and that would help ups get some liquidity if it could spike the price people could sell into huge gains and use that money to buy packs and other things. I bet we see 300 grain per dec sooner than you think bc people will be net sellers of grain and we have no buyers so it will keep making the number higher and higher until its unaffordable. We really need something else to come out in land that grain can be spent on so it can have a sink so the markets can stabilize. If the ratio goes up more and more land becomes less and less valuable.


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