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RE: To Exhibit or Not to Exhibit

in #hive-engine10 months ago

You are good at what you do. That should be enough. The world of art is complex, in reality any business is. The problem is being a good artist but not a good salesman. I hope you find a better way to give way to your works, unless it makes you more satisfied with the balance between your effort and the benefit you receive in return. Your paintings are beautiful and you have your own style.


Thank you for the kind words. Enthusiasm is fuel.
I agree. I am a horrible business person.
A Bob Dylan quote from the song “Poor Boy”:

“Hey how much you want for that
I’m going to the store
Man says three dollars
All right, I’ll give you four”

Making a living from art is nearly impossible. But that doesn’t mean I have stopped trying to help pay the bills. It’s a privilege to make art-making a full time endeavor. With that comes a lot of guilt to spouse and family, and a whole host of mental and physical adjustments necessary to “justify” a path nobody wants you to take. Meaning, not only did I write and paint, but I took over raising daughters, homeschooling them, cooking all meals, cleaning house, organizing schedules, pet care, lawn care, laundry work... Just so I could write books and paint pictures. I have been an artist for 30 years, but also a “house husband” (euphemism for maid and butler). And we know how much that job gets paid! So it’s like a double dose of occupations that don’t reward with honor or enough income to pay one’s share of the rent.
I understand that a dishwasher’s salary is a long shot with any art practice. It’s a reality for a million like-mined and acting people out there. It’s a never-ending guilt trip, when once in a while, I make a brief stop at the pity party to complain.
But then back on the path of the creative life. It’s truly wonderful!
Most days are very good. I am a very lucky, very stubborn man.

Whoa, I just noticed the curation. Thank you!

I am a very lucky, very stubborn man.

That’s the key, for both sides. 😁 Now I’m in your shoes with all the home stuff and trying to live the life I want to live. I understand your point very well. (And I’m very stubborn woman!) 🤗