"We have been living in country that doesn't permit "homeschooling","
I'm now thinking about how I should say it, in principle it's of course correct, but also not entirely. As is the case in Germany, there are obligations from which you can free yourself, for example from compulsory schooling. I don't want to recommend this at all, but I would just like to mention: Although you basically have to go to school, you don't have the right to go to school - so what do you have to do and that's not theoretical, there are definitely cases: quite simply: You "just" have to behave so badly at school that the school excludes you from attending school. In the first case, this will probably only happen for a few days, maximum 2 weeks, but if you repeat this a few times you will be excluded from attending school and this means that compulsory schooling ends.
By the way, this option used to also be available for conscription: you simply had to join the NPD and of course mention this when you were enlisted and you would not be accepted by the Bundeswehr, meaning that you would no longer have to do military service!
This is Germany life!!! Anyone who behaves badly enough is released from the duties to which those who do not behave badly enough are subject.
… wenn es nur „so einfach“ gewesen wäre. Im Anschluss den Verfassungsschutz 3 Jahrzehnte im Rücken und jede Möglichkeit zur aktiven Teilnahme am öffentlichen Leben mit Hürden bestückt. Da offenbarten sich intelligentere Wege. Ein Studium in Berlin oder Straßburg reichte aus.
Mit dem Verweis von einer öffentlichen Lehranstalt entziehst du dein Kind nicht von der Schulpflicht.
Du hast lediglich das Jugendamt an der Backe kleben.
Bzgl. NPD: ich weiß nicht, ob der Verfassungsschutz wirklich jedem NPD-Mitglied, insbesondere wenn es wieder ausgetreten ist weiter im Nacken sitzt oder ob sich das nicht eher auf die Funktionäre bezieht, aber klar: Ich habe nur eine Möglichkeit aufgezeigt und habe nicht gesagt, dass jeder diese nutzen soll.
Wir müssen in unserem Land aber m.E. wirklich aufpassen wo wir hinsteuern, nachdem sich nun auch Manfred Söder und damit die CSU offiziell der Forderung der AFD nach Wiedereinführung der Wehrpflicht angeschlossen hat bin ich wirklich sprachlos wie es in unserem Land weiter geht.
Obwohl Söder sonst immer gesagt hat: "Leben & Leben lassen" plädiert er plötzlich für eine Wiedereinführung der Wehrpflicht.
Also ich kann Dir ganz ehrlich sagen, dass ich bei der nächsten Wahl (wieder) ein großes Problem haben werde, weil eigentlich kannst Du von den im Bundestag vertretenen Parteien gar keine (mehr) wählen, eine Schlimmer als die Andere - ich bin da ratlos aktuell.
Also ich kenne Fälle wo die Schule ein Kind vom Unterricht ausgeschlossen hat und es dann einfach zu Hause war.
Bzgl. Jugendamt kannst Du mal davon ausgehen, dass die am Ende auch weder Zeit noch Lust haben sich um Fälle zu kümmern bei denen es nicht um Kindeswohlgefährdung geht.
Gerade in der heutigen Zeit wo die personellen Ressourcen überall sehr ausgedünnt sind (jedenfalls von Allem was ich weiß) können die das gar nicht leisten Eltern "hinterherzustiefeln" nur weil sich deren Kind in der Schule nicht benommen hat, da muss schon mehr vorliegen.
But honestly, I don't want to end up shooting my own foot by doing that method either 😅.
Little J is a very sweet child, she can be a handfull sometimes, but she is by nature a very loveable personality.
She would even give compliments to basically everyone she meet, as long as they seem to have friendly look.
That's actually something that makes me feel more proud compared to her cognitive skills.
Although I sometimes worry that she might annoy people with her niceties.
We know that Germans tend to keep a proper distance to strangers 😁.
Neverthless... I would never ever do something that would cause a risk for her to lose that loveable personality that she has.
Why should she act to behave horribly just to skip school then, that's not the point of all this.
What I'm wishing for her is to have a proper education that suits her better, but not at the risk of losing her good traits.
Und es gibt noch dazu: Eine unendliche Streit mit dem Jugendamt.I know what you meant @udow. Die Schule kann im Prinzip auch ein Hausverbot erstellen :-D.
Yes you are absolutely right, I think you understand that I wanted just tell you the possibility and not recommend you to force things in that way.
But one thing I want write something:
"We know that Germans tend to keep a proper distance to strangers"
Just cause I really don't like to generalisize I should tell you that in this way you write I disagree - I am also a german and I don't think that I tend to keep a propoer distance to strangers, for me it doesn't matter where somebody come from or what colour have his skin and so on, just what matter is the behaviour and this can be good or bad by strangers as it can be good or bad by germans.
I surely agree that we shouldn't generalize people, I'm my self not typical indonesian mainstream ( I don't always mingle much in a group and prefer to have more privacy for example :-D ).
Neverthless, at some point there are definitely something which can be said as common /typical characteristic of people from particular country because it also has something to do with the upbringing style, the culture and how the society there works.
Generalization is sometimes necessary and has to be done in some particular aspect/for some certain needs.
But anyway in this case I think you misunderstood my point a little bit.
Regarding this sentence:
I didn't actually mean it in a negative way :). I was merely talking about the difference between German and people in Asia or even Spain when it comes to a "safe distance" between persons in order to keep each of them feel comfortable,
especially towards those who are still considered just acquaintance..let alone towards strangers.
Well... at least when the circumstance and place allow them to keep that "safe distance".
The safe distance among German who barely know each others is definitely further than Asians.
So it's more about physical distance.
I'm talking about how you wouldn't expect germans being touchy feely with others who isn't in dating relationship. It's just weird :-D.
But it's rather different in Asia 😉.
Well, I've already been to a few Asian countries and I know that there are differences there. Of course, I can say the most about the Philippines and there I don't have the impression that the relationship towards strangers is very different from my relationship towards strangers. What is very different is the relationship within a family and family is defined very broadly in the Philippines, that is not only the immediate family in the direct line, but also aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces, etc. But here too I have to say that I personally think that I am very open, but yes, I have found that this is not always the case. For example, I used to visit my brother often, even lived in his hourse for while (long time ago), but since I was always the one who visit him and I always invited him to come to me every time, but he don't came, I didn't want it to be just one-sided that only I visit him and he doesn't visit me and I have reduced it significantly or haven't been with him for a few years now.
Individuen sind Individuen, was jedoch nichts an statistisch signifikanten Unterschieden zwischen den verschiedenen Ländern ändert.
Nicht umsonst schneidet Deutschland bei Expat-Umfragen in aller Regel sehr schlecht ab - siehe z. B. auch:
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