[ESP / ENGL] The key to learning ... and teaching

in Home Edders4 years ago (edited)

Por si se han preguntado cuál es la clave máxima del aprendizaje y también de la enseñanza.
In case you have wondered what is the ultimate key to learning and also to teaching.


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash


La construcción del aprendizaje es algo complejo y variable. No todos aprendemos de la misma forma, ni al mismo ritmo; para unos es más sencillo leer, observar; para otros oír, escuchar; mientras que a otras personas les es más práctico ejecutar algo para poder comprender un contenido o un concepto. En todo caso, lo importante es conocernos a nosotros mismos y saber exactamente cuál es la mejor forma de aprender, y más importante aún, identificar cuál es la manera en que aprenden nuestros hijos, nuestros nietos, los niños de nuestra familia para ayudarles en su crecimiento y educación.

En mi caso personal, actualmente ya no tengo niños pequeños conmigo. Mi hija ya es grande, de hecho, formó su propia familia; pero al leer este desafío, hice memoria de cómo yo aprendía y de cómo yo pensaba aprendía mi hija, y en consecuencia, trataba de enseñarle muchas cosas; y este ejercicio de remembranza considero es útil porque me permite puntualizar y compartir con todos ustedes ciertos aspectos que considero valiosos para entender el aprendizaje en sí mismo.

En primer lugar debemos comprender algo básico, ¿qué es el aprendizaje?. Existen múltiples definiciones que van cambiando de acuerdo al enfoque psicológico y pedagógico que se le dé a la definición, como también a través de las décadas; pero para efectos prácticos puedo decir que el aprendizaje significa capturar e incorporar conocimientos a nosotros mismos. Estos conocimientos pueden ser conceptos, procedimientos, valores, principios, conductas; en todo caso, el efecto final del aprendizaje será una modificación de quien aprende; ya sea enriqueciendo su intelecto y bagaje educativo y cultural, mejorando su conducta; o afectando negativamente su persona, su psique, como cuando ocurren aprendizajes traumáticos, especialmente los de tipo conductual.

Previamente señalé que existen distintas formas de aprender y resalté la importancia de que conozcamos nuestro estilo de aprendizaje como el de nuestros niños. En términos generales podemos categorizar estos estilos del modo siguiente:

  • Aprendizaje activo: Es un aprendizaje vivencial que se vincula con acciones, con ejecución, con experiencia; como cuando aprendemos conceptos vinculados a la naturaleza mediante un paseo, una excursión u otra actividad similar.

  • Aprendizaje reflexivo: Implica analizar para de allí derivar el conocimiento que se aprende, por ejemplo, cuando hacemos una investigación en diversos libros y luego generamos un análisis propio.

  • Aprendizaje teórico: Es el proceso subyacente a aprender intelectualmente, como cuando resolvemos ecuaciones, buscamos palabras en el diccionario, aprendemos las conjugaciones verbales o conceptos a través de la lectura, entre otros.

  • Aprendizaje pragmático: Se relaciona fundamentalmente con procedimientos, ejemplo, cuando hacemos una receta de cocina, la elaboración de un proyecto manual, un experimento de Química, Física, Biología, etc.


Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Unsplash

Cabe señalar que estos estilos no son mutuamente excluyentes, sólo que de acuerdo a las características de la persona, a la situación de aprendizaje, a los contenidos, convendrá aplicar específicamente alguno de estos o la combinación de varios; sin embargo, siempre nos será más sencillo aprender con uno de estos estilos y esto es valioso saberlo.

Ahora bien, existen muchas otras clasificaciones de las formas o estilos de aprender, como las que ofrece la Programación Neurolingüística (PNL), que se vinculan con los sentidos que permiten captar mejor los contenidos que queremos aprender, como son:

  • Aprendizaje auditivo: Los contenidos son más fáciles de adquirir cuando los oímos, tal cual ocurre cuando asistimos a una clase magistral, una conferencia, colocamos un audiolibro o nos dan una explicación oral. Las personas que son auditivas reproducen en su mente el sonido o la “grabación” de lo que aprendieron; y es un estilo que por lo general aplican los que aprenden “al caletre”, es decir, de forma exacta, siendo que si se les olvida un pedacito de lo que aprendieron pierden toda la secuencia y confunden lo aprendido o lo olvidan todo. No obstante puede optimizarse combinándolo con los otros estilos de aprendizaje.
  • Aprendizaje visual: En este estilo es más sencillo adquirir la información mediante imágenes, proyecciones, mapas mentales, mapas conceptuales; y esto se debe fundamentalmente a que la persona piensa visualmente, en imágenes; lo que le permite formar esquemas en su mente, establecer interrelaciones entre los elementos.

  • Aprendizaje kinestésico: Se basa en obtener información, contenido, a través de las sensaciones de nuestro cuerpo. Se asocia principalmente a aprendizajes vinculados a los movimientos corporales; por ejemplo, cuando el niño está desarrollando su motricidad fina, la coordinación óculo-manual, óculo-podal, el equilibrio. O como cuando estamos aprendiendo a utilizar los cubiertos para comer; también cuando aprendemos a andar en bicicleta, a patinar, a bailar o a practicar algún deporte, se hace manifiesto este estilo de aprendizaje, que a la larga convierte lo aprendido en algo automático.

No quiero extenderme más en consideraciones teóricas, sólo quería exponer estos conceptos antes de hablar de mi experiencia personal como aprendiz y como mamá que enseñó a su hija, (hace tiempo ya), para entonces darle respuesta la pregunta de esta iniciativa ¿Cómo aprendemos?. Hablaré primero de mí. Como pueden deducir de mi nombre de usuario @Tarot911, dedico parte de mi tiempo a la espiritualidad; y siendo una persona con una fuerte creencia espiritual, (aunque fui criada como atea), estoy firmemente convencida de la complejidad del ser humano, específicamente a lo que he llamado la multidimensionalidad de la anatomía humana, es decir, la existencia de varios cuerpos, además del físico. Considero que todo ser humano almado está conformado por el ya nombrado cuerpo físico, cuerpo energético, cuerpo mental y cuerpo espiritual o alma. A mi entender, cada uno tiene su rol en esto que conocemos como vida, y cada uno es muy importante en cada proceso y experiencia que tenemos como seres humanos, y el aprender no es la excepción; no obstante, aquí no entraré en un discurso filosófico, sino que simplemente diré que es fundamental que todos estos cuerpos coincidan o estén atentos durante el aprendizaje, para que éste sea realmente eficaz y significativo.

Las experiencias de aprendizaje más hermosas que recuerdo provienen de mis padres. Ambos son profesionales, intelectuales, lo cual para mí fue una ventaja sustancial. Mi padre me enseñó a amar a la ciencia y mi madre me enseñó a amar la lectura y el arte. Fue fenomenal contar con ambos.

Una de las experiencias más bonitas al lado de mi padre, era cuando yo tendría unos 5 años, y entonces tomaba un frijol con sus enormes manos, lo partía, y me enseñaba las partes de las semillas; o cuando juntos hacíamos un semillero y lo íbamos observando a lo largo de una semana, y poco a poco él me iba mostrando todo el proceso germinativo y las partes de la planta, qué fuerzas intervenían para que ese milagro ocurriese. También la vez, que teniendo yo 6 años, nos fuimos al jardín de la casa y construyó un cohete de papel, salimos a la calle y lo voló conmigo varias veces, y me fue hablando de la aerodinámica y cómo el aire fluye a lo largo de las superficies que le oponen poca resistencia por sus formas… y así cientos de otros momentos similares en los que mi padre me enseñó a amar la ciencia, el conocimiento; a admirar a Einstein, Planck, Pasteur, Copérnico…


Photo by Francesco Gallarotti on Unsplash

Respecto a mi madre, no puedo olvidar su particular forma de enseñarme a leer, muy pequeña, de 3 años de edad, con unos cubos de madera que tenían unas grandes letras grabadas y pintadas. Todo era un juego, una manera de construir y divertirme mientras aprendía. O cuando me enseñaba los diversos estados de la materia, mientras hacía un caramelo para un quesillo y lo estiraba para formar un frágil hilo tornasol y me hablaba del cambio físico producido gracias al calor. O cuando me mostraba libros de todo tipo y leíamos juntas, para luego ella hacerme preguntas de lo que había entendido. También cuando me hablaba de las historias de los héroes patrios, como si se tratase de un cuento infantil, de todas las travesías de Bolívar mientras recorría Suramérica libertando un montón de países. Me enseñó a amar la lectura, a admirar a Tolstoi, Poe, Cervantes, y tantos otros escritores y poetas que escapan de mi memoria. También me enseñó a amar la música, aunque ella no tocase ningún instrumento ni cantase, siempre me hablaba del Orfeón Universitario y hacía sonar sus grabaciones, o me hablaba de música clásica y colocaba discos para que los oyese…pero a mí siempre me gustaban los Beatles, y de toda su colección de discos iba y le sacaba era esos para que los pusiera. Estas fueron vivencias valiosísimas que jamás olvidaré.


Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

Cada enseñanza de mis padres variaba. Quizás ellos no sabían lo de los estilos de aprendizaje tal como se conciben hoy día, pero sí los intuían e intentaban de recurrir a diversas vías para enseñarme. En todo caso yo me sentía muy cómoda aprendiendo de todas las formas, excepto a la que plantea la PNL como estilo auditivo, realmente aunque entendía, no retenía mucho de lo que me explicaban; aunque los otros estilos (visual y kinestésico), sí eran compatibles conmigo.

Claro que había contenidos específicos que se adaptaban más a las tipologías de aprendizaje que expuse en primer término, como son las activa, reflexiva, teórica y pragmática; pero ellos sabían combinarlos, adaptarlos de acuerdo a lo que me querían enseñar y eran muy eficaces. Y debo decir que posteriormente, a lo largo de mis estudios tuve buenos maestros y profesores (en su gran mayoría), que también fueron muy asertivos al enseñarme.

Y como punto común de estas experiencias de aprendizaje quiero resaltar, que en todas había un componente fundamental y este es el AMOR, porque en el caso de mis padres sé bien que lo hicieron con cariño y amor, tratando de darme lo mejor de ellos para que aprendiese; y fue esto lo que traté de replicar con mi única hija. Quizás no lo hice tan bien como mis padres, ya que las ocupaciones laborales me impidieron estar con ella todo el tiempo que hubiese querido, pero traté de darle un pedacito de lo que ellos me enseñaron a mí, y fue esa, la enseñanza a través del amor, porque así considero que el aprendizaje se potencia, se optimiza, ya que EL AMOR es el hilo que conecta todos los componentes de nuestra vida, todos nuestros cuerpos, propósito y tiempos, haciéndola cobrar significado y valor.


Photo by Elias Maurer on Unsplash

En el caso de ella, de mi hija, no tenía que esforzarme mucho, siempre fue y es muy inteligente, por lo que era sencillo explicarle y que ella entendiese lo que yo trataba de enseñarle; incluso aún hoy día me comenta que no olvida cuando le explicaba las cosas haciendo símiles, eso resultó muy acertado en su caso.


Photo by Lacie Slezak on Unsplash

Quiero finalizar diciendo, que en todo momento, y más aún ahora, en pandemia, en tiempo de educar desde casa, lo que enseñen a sus niños o a quien sea, traten que sea a través del AMOR, y entréguense a la vivencia de enseñar, así sea breve, en un 100%, pues de esa forma lo que enseñen jamás será olvidado, pues será indeleble y siempre será recordado con cariño; y podrá superar, en parte, las carencias de recursos didácticos o tecnológicos que puedan presentárseles.

Gracias por leer. Saludos y bendiciones.


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Para consultas privadas, puede escribir al correo: tarot911consultas@gmail.com o dirigirse a mi canal de Discord Tarot911#8370

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Ven a conocer el multiverso en el que vivimos, todos los jueves, a las 5:00 p.m. hora Venezuela en: DIMENSIÓN CUÁNTICA. Un programa en el que haremos un recorrido por temas vinculados a la magia, lo paranormal, la astrología y la espiritualidad. Podrás encontrar tips astrológicos, tu horóscopo semanal y consultas exprés. Presentado por @Tarot911, y sólo lo puedes disfrutar en el Discord de LaRadio.

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Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The construction of learning is complex and variable. Not all of us learn in the same way, or at the same rate; for some it is easier to read, observe; for others hear, listen; while other people find it more practical to execute something in order to understand a content or a concept. In any case, the important thing is to know ourselves and know exactly what is the best way to learn, and more importantly, to identify the way in which our children, our grandchildren, the children of our family learn to help them in their increase and education.

In my personal case, I no longer have young children with me. My daughter is grown up, in fact, she started her own family; But when reading this challenge, I remembered how I learned and how I thought my daughter learned, and consequently, I tried to teach her many things; and this exercise of remembrance I consider is useful because it allows me to point out and share with all of you certain aspects that I consider valuable to understand the learning itself.

First of all, we must understand something basic, what is learning? . There are multiple definitions that change according to the psychological and pedagogical approach that is given to the definition, as well as through the decades; but for practical purposes I can say that learning means capturing and incorporating knowledge into ourselves. These knowledge can be concepts, procedures, values, principles, behaviors; In any case, the final effect of learning will be a modification of the learner; either enriching their intellect and educational and cultural baggage, improving their behavior; or negatively affecting his person, his psyche, as when traumatic learning occurs, especially those of a behavioral type.

I previously pointed out that there are different ways of learning and I stressed the importance of knowing our learning style as that of our children. In general terms we can categorize these styles as follows:

  • Active learning: It is an experiential learning that is linked with actions, with execution, with experience; as when we learn concepts related to nature through a walk, an excursion or another similar activity.

  • Reflective learning: It involves analyzing to derive the knowledge that is learned from there, for example, when we do research in various books and then generate our own analysis.

  • Theoretical learning: It is the underlying process to learn intellectually, such as when we solve equations, look up words in the dictionary, learn verb conjugations or concepts through reading, among others.

  • Pragmatic learning: It is mainly related to procedures, for example, when we make a cooking recipe, the elaboration of a manual project, an experiment in Chemistry, Physics, Biology, etc.


Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Unsplash

It should be noted that these styles are not mutually exclusive , only that according to the characteristics of the person, the learning situation, the content, it will be convenient to specifically apply one of these or a combination of several; however, it will always be easier for us to learn with one of these styles and this is valuable to know.

Now, there are many other classifications of the ways or styles of learning, such as those offered by Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), which are linked to the senses that allow us to better capture the content we want to learn, such as:

  • Auditory learning: The contents are easier to acquire when we listen to them, just as it happens when we attend a master class, a conference, place an audiobook or they give us an oral explanation. Hearing people reproduce the sound or "recording" of what they learned in their minds; and it is a style that is generally applied by those who learn literally, exactly, that is to say, exactly, being that if they forget a bit of what they learned they lose the whole sequence and they confuse what they have learned or forget everything. However, it can be optimized by combining it with the other learning styles.

  • Visual learning: In this style it is easier to acquire information through images, projections, mind maps, concept maps; and this is mainly due to the fact that the person thinks visually, in images; which allows you to form patterns in your mind, establish interrelationships between the elements.

  • Kinesthetic learning: It is based on obtaining information, content, through the sensations of our body. It is mainly associated with learning related to body movements; for example, when the child is developing fine motor skills, eye-hand, eye-foot coordination, balance. Or like when we are learning to use cutlery to eat; also when we learn to ride a bicycle, to skate, to dance or to practice some sport, this learning style becomes manifest, which in the long run turns what we have learned into something automatic.

I don't want to dwell on theoretical considerations any further, I just wanted to expose these concepts before talking about my personal experience as an apprentice and as a mother who taught her daughter, (a long time ago), to then answer the question of this initiative ¿ How do we learn? . I'll talk about myself first. As you can deduce from my username @Tarot911, I dedicate part of my time to spirituality; and being a person with a strong spiritual belief, (although I was raised as an atheist), I am firmly convinced of the complexity of the human being, specifically what I have called the multidimensionality of human anatomy , that is , the existence of several bodies, in addition to the physical one. I consider that every human being is made up of the already named physical body, energy body, mental body and spiritual body or soul. In my understanding, each one has their role in what we know as life, and each one is very important in every process and experience that we have as human beings, and learning is no exception; However, here I will not enter into a philosophical discourse, but will simply say that it is essential that all these bodies coincide or are attentive during learning, for it to be truly effective and meaningful.

The most beautiful learning experiences I can remember come from my parents. They are both professionals, intellectuals, which for me was a substantial advantage. My father taught me to love science and my mother taught me to love reading and art. It was great to have both of them.

One of the most beautiful experiences with my father, was when I was about 5 years old, and then he would take a bean with his huge hands, split it, and show me the parts of the seeds; or when together we made a seedbed and we were observing it throughout a week, and little by little he was showing me the whole germination process and the parts of the plant, what forces intervened so that this miracle happened. Also the time, when I was 6 years old, we went to the garden of the house and he built a paper rocket, we went out to the street and he flew it with me several times, and he was talking to me about aerodynamics and how the air flows along of the surfaces that offer little resistance due to their shapes ... and so on hundreds of other similar moments in which my father taught me to love science, knowledge; to admire Einstein, Planck, Pasteur, Copernicus...


Photo by Francesco Gallarotti on Unsplash

Regarding my mother, I cannot forget her particular way of teaching me to read, very young, 3 years old, with some wooden cubes that had large engraved and painted letters. It was all a game, a way to build and have fun while learning. Or when he taught me the various states of matter, while he made a caramel for a pundin and stretched it to form a fragile litmus thread and spoke to me of the physical change produced thanks to the heat. Or when she showed me books of all kinds and we read together, and then she asked me questions about what I had understood. Also when he spoke to me about the stories of the national heroes, as if it were a children's story, of all the journeys of Bolívar as he traveled through South America liberating a lot of countries. He taught me to love reading, to admire Tolstoy, Poe, Cervantes, and so many other writers and poets that escape my memory. She also taught me to love music, although she did not play any instrument or sing, she always spoke to me about the University Choir and played her recordings, or she spoke to me about classical music and placed records for me to hear ... but I always liked the Beatles, and from his entire record collection he would go and take out those for me to put on. These were invaluable experiences that I will never forget.


Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

Each teaching of my parents varied. Perhaps they did not know about learning styles as they are conceived today, but they did intuit them and tried to resort to different ways to teach me. In any case, I felt very comfortable learning in all the ways, except the one posed by NLP as an auditory style, although I really understood, I didn't retain much of what they explained to me; although the other styles (visual and kinesthetic), they were compatible with me.

Of course, there were specific contents that were more adapted to the types of learning that I exposed in the first place, such as active, reflective, theoretical and pragmatic; but they knew how to combine them, adapt them according to what they wanted to teach me and they were very effective. And I must say that later, throughout my studies I had good teachers and professors (for the most part), who were also very assertive in teaching me.

And as a common point of these learning experiences I want to emphasize that there was a fundamental component in all of them and this is LOVE, because in the case of my parents I know well that they did it with affection and love, trying to give me the best of them to to learn; and this is what I tried to replicate with my only daughter. Maybe I did not do as well as my parents, since work occupations prevented me from being with her for as long as I wanted, but I tried to give her a bit of what they taught me, and that was the teaching through of love, because in this way I consider that learning is enhanced, optimized, since LOVE is the thread that connects all the components of our life, all our bodies, purpose and times, making it acquire meaning and value.


Photo by Elias Maurer on Unsplash

In the case of her, of my daughter, I didn't have to make a lot of effort, she was always and is very intelligent, so it was easy to explain to her and for her to understand what I was trying to teach her. Even today she tells me that he does not forget when I explained things to her by doing similes, that was very successful in her case.


Photo by Lacie Slezak on Unsplash

I want to end by saying, that at all times, and even more so now, in a pandemic, in time to educate from home, what you teach your children or whoever it is, try to do it through LOVE, and surrender to the experience of teaching, Even if it is brief, 100%, because that way what they teach will never be forgotten, it will be indelible and will always be remembered with affection; and it will be able to overcome, in part, the lack of didactic or technological resources that may be presented to them.

Thank you for reading. Greetings and blessings.

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The wording of this publication is 100% ORIGINAL.

This post is my authorship and property, which is why in the event that its content is referred to in another publication, it is ESSENTIAL to cite the source (Tarot911) and the corresponding link. Thank you.

For private inquiries, you can write to the mail: tarot911consultas@gmail.com or contact the Discord: Tarot911#8370

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Come discover the multiverse in which we live, every Thursday at 5:00 p.m. Venezuela time in: QUANTUM DIMENSION. A program in which we will take a tour of topics related to magic, the paranormal, astrology and spirituality. You can find astrological tips, your weekly horoscope and express consultations. Presented by @ Tarot911, and you can only enjoy it on LaRadio's Discord.

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Wow @tarot911 !! this was such a great read, I didn't want it to end and I can feel the love of teaching from every aspect and style mentioned! My husband @edprivat and I have been trying to teach our kids in very much the same way because when we started this journey we had very few resources to build a full curriculum for them that matched that of school and would be best suited for them individually, But we learned very fast that what we did have and still have is our passion to best empower them and pass on what we know and have and with a lot of love. Sometimes we are hard on them because excellence on any level requires effort, persistence, and the spirit to never give up regardless of how challenging something might seem but our love is that Rocker fuels so to speak that has driven everything and the way in which we teach them. Patience, tenderness, smiles, laughter, and love taught them to begin reading and writing from the young ages of 3 and 4 and to this day drives all their other developing skills more than any other methods tried.

I've learned so much from reading your post and feel very enlightened for it! and I look forward to exploring many of the other aspects mentioned here. Thank you again for such an incredible piece!

Ohhh, what a beautiful comment! I am very happy that you read my post and it was useful. Teaching is not easy, it is a complex task involving many internal factors (such as ways and styles of learning) and external factors (time available, didactic resources, teaching techniques and strategies, etc.); What I have understood over the years and work is that a willingness to teach and learn, as well as creating a pleasant and meaningful experience when teaching, will be a thousand times more effective than having a lot of resources and not put love to the process. I congratulate you @lionmom and your husband @edprivat for doing their best to educate their children. And it is true, if there is not a high enough level of demand and standards of excellence, it is difficult for children to express their full intellectual and creative potential, so that is fine, but always with love and patience, and paying close attention. to how they respond to the different educational strategies that you use in this process. The idea is to educate with love. Greetings and blessings.

¡Ohhh, que hermoso comentario!Me alegra mucho que hayas leído mi post y te haya sido útil. Enseñar no es sencillo, es una tarea compleja en la que intervienen muchos factores internos (como las formas y estilos de aprender) y externos (tiempo disponible, recursos didácticos, técnicas y estrategias de enseñanza, etc.); lo que sí he entendido con los años y el trabajo, es que una buena disposición a enseñar y a aprender, así como el crear una experiencia grata y significativa al momento de enseñar, serán mil veces más efectivas que contar con un montón de recursos y no ponerle amor al proceso. Te felicito a tí @lionmom y a tu esposo @edprivat por esmerarse en la educación de sus hijos. Y cierto es, si no hay un nivel de exigencia y unos estándares de excelencia lo suficientemente altos, difícilmente los niños podrán expresar todo su potencial intelectual y creativo, así que eso está muy bien, pero siempre con amor y paciencia, y prestando mucha atención a cómo ellos responden a las distintas estrategias educativas que ustedes utilicen en su educación. La idea es educar con amor. Saludos y bendiciones.

Great comment and great post, I am very interested in NLP and everything else that you have described, you seem to have had or have some cool parents, I just wish we could provide our kids with a similar education!! I am not as patient as my wife with education and a little bit more rough on the edges, she has more of a loving attitude toward it and I give tough love. Water and fire in some ways. But we are learning a lot about ourselves through teaching, I of course expect a lot from them, learning to let it go is probably my life lesson.

Cheers ^^, look forward to read more posts from you!

What a beautiful comment! I feel happy. Yes, I certainly had good parents, and as you can see decades have passed and I have not forgotten what they taught me. Not all people are the same, hence the differences between you and your wife when it comes to teaching, but you must always try to give them a lot of love, so that they do not feel fear or boredom when it comes to learning. On the other hand, being parents is very difficult, because it really is a profession that is not studied, but always try to add feeling, meaning, and emotion to the educational experience and you will have excellent results. I hope to continue publishing, because I know that educational challenges worldwide are diverse and complex, and the experience and analysis of human nature has allowed me to glimpse some keys to it. Thanks for the acceptance. Greetings and blessings.

¡Que hermoso comentario! Me siento halagada. Sí, ciertamente tuve unos buenos padres, y como pueden ver han pasado décadas y no he olvidado lo que me enseñaron. No todas las personas somos iguales, de allí las diferencias entre tú y tu esposa a la hora de enseñar, pero sí hay que tratar siempre de darles mucho amor, de que no sientan temor o hastío a la hora de aprender. Por otra parte, ser padres es muy difícil, pues realmente es un oficio que no se estudia, pero siempre traten de aportar sentimiento, significado, emotividad a la experiencia educativa y tendrán excelentes resultados. Espero seguir publicando, pues sé que los retos educativos a nivel mundial son diversos y complejos, y la experiencia y el análisis de la naturaleza humana, me ha permitido vislumbrar algunas claves del mismo. Gracias por la aceptación. Saludos y bendiciones.

Beautiful words of encouragement, thank you!!!

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Thanks mister!


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What a wonderful entry here! It’s amazing all of the different realms you cover and that’s indeed what goes on with learning and teaching, both to kids as well ourselves!

I think that we touch upon and get into each style and learning format throughout the day. Some are auditory, some kinesthetic, others are mixes.

It sounds like your parents did the best they could and it shows! That’s what we can do as parents, do the best we can for the little ones and try to make the impressions that we want to last and it builds upon itself. Sounds like your parents taught you to have an open mind, with tarot and multi spirituality and realms, that’s great because many think that’s bogus from a position of rejection of being open minded.

Ohh, thank you very much for your comment, I am honored that you think it is a wonderful entry. Yes, every day and according to the learning situation and what we are going to learn, one or another style and form of learning is activated; and this, among many other things, I learned over the years and when reading about Developmental Psychology and Learning Psychology, since I was interested in knowing more about the human psyche and its functioning, since this gives me more data to make my interpretations . Yes, I had wonderful parents, who taught me to love knowledge, science and art; hence, I always inquire into the why of things and try to understand them fully. The learning experiences I had in my childhood are invaluable and I tried to pass them on to my daughter. The common people believe that spirituality, the Tarot and other oracles are simple superstitions, but there is much more in this world, it is not charlatanism, there is a lot of truth in it. Greetings and blessings.

Yeah I don’t have a lot of knowledge in the area but I’m definitely more apt to listen to things about spirituality and multi dimensional stuff after the past two years. I started to listen to all kinds of different podcasts and stuff and it’s opened my eyes and mind to a lot of the different things that go on we don’t have much understanding of or science truly has no explanation for so they just call it fake. Lots of times that’s the best stuff, lately!

With Quantum Physics, many phenomena that before had no logical explanation, now have it. As Max Planck said “Between God and Science we never find a contradiction. They are not mutually exclusive, as some think today, they complement and condition each other. " There is still a long way to go, many things to discover, but the undeniable cannot be denied, for the simple comfort of not accepting what our physical body cannot perceive. I don't know if you understand Spanish, I hope you do, because in my program Dimensión Quantica, which airs every Thursday at 5:00 p.m. Venezuela time for the LaRadio Discord, I will be addressing issues of this nature. You are invited if one day you want to attend. Thank you for this pleasant conversation.

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Hola, me parece excelente esta publicación. Por lo general se piensa que hay una única forma de aprender, pero existen distintos canales de aprendizajes como tu bien lo mencionas. Es indispensable que identifiquemos cual es aquel que se ajusta a nosotros y cual es aquel con el que se identifican más los niños pequeños. De esa forma los resultados al aprender algo serán mayores y permanentes. Es importante dar a conocer esta información, me gusto mucho. ¡Saludos!

Hola @marlutch, gracias por tus palabras, me alegra mucho que te parezca excelente. Traté de ofrecer mi punto de vista sobre el aprendizaje y esto lo hago desde mi propia experiencia personal, pues veo que muchas veces los padres o educadores se ofuscan porque el niño o aprendiz no entiende o no aprende los contenidos, y todo es buscar la mejor vía, el modo idóneo, tomando en cuenta las características y diferencias individuales de cada personas; y también generar experiencias de aprendizaje emotivas, en donde la emoción, el amor, el afecto estén presentes. Siendo el amor la fuerza más poderosa de este multiverso, sin duda alguna optimizará este proceso. Esa es la clave. Saludos y bendiciones.


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I think your parents did a pretty good job teaching you and sharing skills with you. It seems you've done a pretty good job of paying it forward too. In our house we certainly try to vary teaching styles and learning methods as much as possible, but I am definitely a bit partial to experiential education.

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

Thanks for your comment @justinparke. Yes, my parents took great pains in my education, they tried to give me everything they both knew. And it is good that you vary the teaching methods, since that allows a very useful dynamism that eliminates any boredom. I also think you are doing a good job as I have just come from reading your daughters post and was impressed by how comprehensive it is. Good job as parents you and your wife are doing. Greetings and blessings.


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Interesting topic, learning.
Our brain is a powerful organ in our body. Humans learn everyday by different means. i love practical learning, maybe because of my field. But most important learning develop we humans in our reasoning, how we react and how to adapt.

Excellent work Bro.

Thank you very much for your comment; yes, it's true, the learning process never stops, sometimes we even do it automatically. As I indicated in the post, I like visual and kinesthetic learning; And regarding the first classification, it depends on the type of content that you are going to acquire, so I will adopt the respective style.
By the way, I am a woman, my name is Fedora. Pleasure.

Oh pardon me on that😔, its nice meeting you Fedora and you have a lovely name.💞

Hahaha, calm down, you had no way of knowing my name. Thank you, your comment is beautiful. Greetings.

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Gracias, por tomar en consideración este post para la curación. Todo un honor. Saludos y bendiciones.

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Ohh, it's a honor that my publication has been voted for you. Thanks.