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RE: Homschool Rookie - A Call for Insight on Language and Phonics

in Home Edders2 years ago (edited)

I don't really have advices on how to work things with letters and reading with your little one because for us it went miraculosusly...but I will think about it!

I have a 3 years old. This is our reading and letters journey so far.

1..He knows letters from the age of 1 (we had some wooden letters and I didnt noticed he started to memorize them). All Letters from A-Z and backwards.

  1. At 1yr and 3 he already could arrange letters of his name: CALEB. Plus other words like mama, tata.
  2. At 1 and 8 mo he started to write letters. By the age of 2 he was already writting all letters (and numbers up to 100-150)
  3. Now, at the age of 3 he can read short words and sometimes longer words. He writes many words from his memory, he can easily say which word begins with which letter and so on. His reading skills are great for his age. But it was normal for us. It was natural.

So I'm only saying this because I didnt struggle with letters, reading or words. I guess every child is different and his interest was always letters and a bit later numbers. They still are in the present.
If you let your daughter watch educational shows, you can try Alphablocks. Take a look when you have time. They are amazing.

other than this, I don't know what to say at the moment, why your daugther doesnt have the interest for words yet. I know a lot of kids who dont either. Maybe its not her time yet. But she's so good at pretend play, from what I've read! That is actually super great! Imagination and creativity are very important for their little brains as well. See?? My kid isnt quite creative. He's more into logical things and activities. So yeah, children are definetely unique and have different interests and abilities.

On the other hand, I wanted to say a big Welcome to you in this community and hive blockchain! I've just read all your posts, I wish you all the best in Mexico!

Greetings from Romania


Hi @missdeli. Thank you for your response and insight. She actually does know all her letters and sounds and a couple of words like cat and dog, so I probably shouldn’t be that concerned. It’s just that she has no further interest to learn anything more right now. I guess it’s all in due time. She showed a big interest in anatomy, math, astronomy and other stuff the last 2 years and knows all her organs and planets. Her mind is just busy with other stuff instead of learning to read. I believe if I can Find the right approach where she can relate to it in her interests she’ll excel in due time.

yes, I totally agree! Hopefully you'll find some answers around here. My son also is interested in anatomy, math and astronomy the most. He's a little mister mind when it comes to math and planets.

You should definetely give it a go to Alphablocks. Maybe it works for you. They have many good reviews and apparently they helped many kids with reading and phonics.

I'm sorry I can't help you with an advice but if an idea comes to my mind I'll come back to you. I know what you're searchign for. Actually I feel I can relate to you because myself I try to arouse my child's interest in nature and environment but I can't say I succeeded. We did many activities on the topics and reading, spending time outside and so many more but still, somehow I dont feel he's into it. I guess its not the time or simply he doesnt like it so much as he likes numbers.

Each child is definitely unique and definitely have their own timeline. I will look into alpha locks. Thanks for the suggestion. Appreciate it.

No problem! my pleasure!